It didn't take me long, first I had entered the ongoing storm that was effecting this continent and then went to the command ship, landing down, I waited and held myself at bay… I wanted to just unleash myself and destroy everything… Everyone I could get my hands on, but I had to be patient…
"Hahaa, I am a fucking idiot, I should have just finished that FUCKING FIGHT!!!" fucking hell, the anger, the emotions I could feel, I was barely holding onto myself and the ground cracked underneath me when I had yelled. I was over nearby to the command ship on a hill obscured by the raining and fog. Waiting here, glaring down onto the ship… I would take this ship; I needed to fix-
"Ah, so they have arrived then"-"Hrrrghahah"- growling out through clenched teeth, I begun to laugh manically as ten grunts landed onto the ground and looked to be waiting for their commander. A commander who will never come. Afterimage after afterimage, I appeared within the group startling them. Grabbing the closest one in a blink of speed quicker than their ability to perceive me, my hand around his windpipe snapped down and imploded it, bone bursting through skin but not penetrating my hand. Kicking the next one, a savage kick that had impacted the aliens head, he was dead.
"W-Wait Arrrgh!!-" three of them were caught in that blast and the remaining five begun to run. I raised my hands and begun to lob Ki-blasts at those remaining, the blasts were able to hone in on those running and were no contest for my ability to manipulate Ki. I went to sense for them to check if there were anyone else…
"Now, time to deal with the rest on that ship, then... haha… I will take it and head back through the wormhole… I need to, need to… FUCK!!!" I felt myself losing control again and I almost unleashed A Ki-blast towards the ship, my Ki exploded from withing and surged outward, engufling myself in an explosion the rocked the environment, sending rubble and debris, dust and rainwater in the opposite direction where I stood. Grabbing my head, I walked towards one of the attack balls and whacked my head onto the chrome plating, to try and knock myself out. Blood gashed from my nose, and I clenched my teeth, the attack ball was becoming flatter after every hit-
Darkness overtook me…
(Winter Schnee-POV)
She gazed out of the window, communications were still down, the same broadcast was shown, but instead of that fight, these cameras just filmed the same thing. Landscape and rain and blood. She and many of her crew had glimpsed Kron, who had survived somehow as he killed ten of the alien soldiers in the most… gruesome of ways, then he, in some maddened state, had the foresight to knock himself out.
That was twelve hours ago, her armada of three warships and a sizable army were on their way to the same location Kron was in. She had originally had five ships but she acted on her own orders and sent two ships to relieve their base near Argus in the kingdom Of Mistral. She also sent the other specialist with her, Vine Zeki, to command the two warships and help the kingdom of Mistral with their contingent of ships.
He accepted readily enough and as she waited for the flight to be over, she contemplated what she knew. Musing inside her head, she was interrupted when one of her soldiers had approached her and begun to speak.
"Ma'am, we've just reached land, we should be in position to land soon."
"Excellent, how is the morale, are we ready. Encase we have to fight those… alien's." she asked, the Sargent who gulped nervously but put on a strong front.
"...The troops are in excellent form, physically… we are ready to fight to the death-" the man said, she however heard what he didn't say, they were worried but would fight for their kingdom, even if it came to their deaths.
"We should be alright, Kron seems to have dealt with the remaining enemy combatants." she explained to the man, he quickly replied.
"...This… Kron, are you sure we can trust such an… alien? He looks to be… uh, unstable from what I had gathered." he tense when she looked his way more seriously than before. She then sighed and answered.
"I trust him, and more than that, my sister trusts him. Don't worry about him, seeing as he used to work for… or with these guys, he just might make our job easier." she said. The Sargent nodded and saluted her, she returned it as he walked off.
The airships were in a triangle formation as they touched down nearby the massive alien spacecraft. Its dome shape was practical in looks but otherwise it was an eye sore. The technology alone would jump-start Remnant's people into space, where dust had failed, whatever technology these ships are made of will propel her people forward. Winter immediately left the bridge and headed down the hall, flanked by soldiers every-time she went pass a hallway as she stalked forward. More soldiers begun to follow after her as she went down the railing.
"Secure the area, have the AK-130's scout the perimeter for Grimm, the rest of you watch for movement from that ship." She yelled coarsely, soldiers saluted her and went about their duties. She instead looked around at a few of the craters, where those smaller ships were littered around and looked for Kron. Spotting the alien, knocked out, she approached him. Jumping into the crater, she went to tug on Kron and move his head to face hers when he groggily woke up.
"...Weiss, is that you!?" he was in a weird state when he reached for her and before she could get a word out, his lips had covered her own. She would admit, she was jealous of her younger sister, having gotten someone so… handsome, brave and strong and wanted to further the kiss but… she couldn't, this was wrong now. She lightly pushed him away and watched as he realized who she was. He looked stunned and his handsome tanned face went from the happy look to one of sadness in a instant.
"Up you get, we have a job to do. The general want's that ship to stop interfering with the CCT and local communications, you can help me with that-"
"-Winter, I need to talk with you, it's important-"
"-Later, then we can talk. The general would also like to growl at you too but I'm sure you would have guessed that huh." she smiled warmly and Kron's face looked more guilty then before. He sighed, then nodded and pulled her out of the crater, raising himself in the air and landing back onto the ground, putting her down first.
"wait here, I can detect eleven more enemy combatant's onboard, but first…" He begun to growl and the air around him suddenly ran hot, waves of energy circulated around him and rocks and dirt begun to rise nearby, the land also begun to shake. Her soldiers approached but he waved them away as she watched in awe. Finally, the rocks and dirt begun to fall down and Kron breathed out a sigh.
"Wait here… This won't take too long." he disappeared from his position and she glanced around, Winter was somewhat worried for him but had seen what he could do. She checked her scroll and was surprised to have seen herself on it. She glanced around quickly and spotted a… round orb-like camera lying on the ground, walking towards it, she noticed it was cracked on the side but glancing towards her scroll again had told her the thing was still working.
"Let's see, here… oh… people of Remnant, I am Winter Schnee. We have entered the invading aliens positions and are in the process of clearing out the enemy forces. We have…-" she glanced around before continuing. "-Won the war against them, people of Remnant, rejoice in our victory." there, she made her piece, hopefully this will encourage the citizens of all the kingdoms, the damage that green alien had wrought just by destroying the moon alone had cause widespread panic. This message will hopefully bring more positive emotions and therefore temper the ongoing Grimm attacks, if not by much. The Grimm would continue to attack as they themselves were their own negative emotions bearers and the sizable numbers assaulting the kingdoms would be large still. Fifteen minutes later was when Kron returned, not batter nor bruised but covered in blood or what Winter supposed was blood as it was a mixture of blue, purple and even some green colors, splatter randomly around his armor and some blotched onto his face. He noticed her looking and wiped his face a bit.
"It's done, come the ships clear. We really need to talk." Kron said grimly and she nodded at him. She followed along with him and nodded to a few of her soldiers to come along.
"Men, we are entering the command ship, guard the entrance while Kron and I deal with the transmitter that is hijacking the planets signal. You're dismissed." She saluted the few soldiers and they saluted back.
"Yes, Ma'am." The all chorused out.
"This way… mind the bodies, Winter. I'm sorry." he said weirdly as we both strode throughout the narrow circular corridors of the ship. Winter was confused, what in the world was he apologizing for?
"Winter… That one I was fighting, the green commander who blew up the moon… I killed him, but he had already killed two girls, my… they were my… Weiss and Blake were killed by him when he got desperate-" she stared at him in sheer shock. He better not be joking or something, it wasn't funny.
"Kron… tell me your joking, that… t-that can't be right, why would he kill them-"
"They had come out in support of… me, I had just begun to… uh, date both of them-"
"What!!, never mind that, are you sure they aren't… t-they should s-still be alive." Winter was livid, not at Kron… OK, she was livid at him as well, but…
"you're, lets get this done… people's lives are at stake. YOU will explain everything to me AFTER. Come on, you lead the way." She clenched her teeth, she didn't mean to sound harsh but her sister, if what Kron said is true… then, she's lost another member of her family, her beloved sister, someone she loved more then any other. Her hand clenched harder on her rapier and she glared at the back of Kron's head… before sighing, it wasn't his fault, she had seen the fierce fighting on the broadcast, that… monster was stronger than Kron most of the time. It was a wonder that Kron had won at all seeing him almost killed at one point.
He stared at the covered bodies of two of his student's, they were placed in the school's infirmary for now until the Airship arrived and then they would be sent back to their families as casualties form the invasion. Hours ago, Bullhead loaded up teams of student's and sent them to Vale to combat the Grimm assault on the walls.
Yang and Ruby went With Team JNPR, even though they wanted to help Kron fight against that… inhuman monster, that commander but… Kron looked like he would handle it. He sighed, knowing the hardship brought onto one's shoulders by harboring the feelings of loss, he knew all too well, having lost many a soul in his secret war with his former wife and now hated rival. Salem wanted the relic that should have been kept within the academy, but it wasn't.
"Still though… seeing Winter Schnee on the broadcast a few hours ago was a blessing in disguise. Her words would convey the message that Remnant has won, resisted against such overwhelming power and atrocity." His screen on his scroll was still showing the outlying landscape surrounding the biggest battle to ever happen on that continent, occasionally a few Atlas soldiers or Atlesian-Knight 130's roaming around in sweeping perimeter motion's.
His conference-call begun to ring, he accepted the call and answered. James Ironwood was on the other end, displayed on the big screen.
"Ozpin, it seems the communications are back in order. How fares Vale, Atlas and Mantle have been secured from the Grimm."
"I see. Vale fares better now that the general panic has been absolved, Beacon's students were invaluable in this, our huntsmen even more. I have a meeting later on, with the council. The council have a four-way call with the other kingdoms to ascertain the conditions of the other kingdoms." He answered, hands wrapped around his hot chocolate mug as he regarded the general. James nodded and replied, sighing as he sat at his own desk.
"It seems this invasion is over, thanks to-" his eyes narrowed and continued speaking. "…Kron. I have had some… time to think about it, there was no way, none whatsoever that our troops would have fared against such an onslaught, don't get me wrong. I am mad that the young man had kept this a secret, himself a secret… but without his assistance, we would have been led to slaughter by the sheer power those aliens wielded." Ozpin did agree with James, but now he could continue to focus on the bigger picture, Salem has made her move but what thwarted by him. He now had the Autumn and spring Maiden's in his sphere of influence, he will keep them safe.
"Salem made her move while this… ordeal was happening. She sent the spring maiden into Beacon, after the Autumn maiden Amber but-" James was about to speak out in surprise when he raised a hand for him to remain silent so he could better explain. "Myself, Qrow, Amber and teams RWBY and JNPR had it handled, the spring Maiden was killed and the new spring maiden is on of my student's now." He remembered team RWBY… or better yet, the two girls who were murdered by that alien general. James aught to know about the the heiress's death.
"You should know, that Weiss Schnee was one of two girls killed during the invasion-"
"-What!!, no, but… Winter. I need to tell her. I will inform her mother about this, was there no way to save the girls?" James slammed a fist onto the table in anguish that broke through from his normal driven mood and Ozpin felt the familiar emotions cross-by him, the feelings of regret…
"...No, that… alien, wanted Kron to do something for him, possibly kill himself or allow him to escape. The girls Weiss and Blake Belladonna had decided themselves to try and help Kron make the decision their selves, I saw them attack their attacker and they were killed for it." He remembered watching in horror as Kron went to kill himself by the tip of a sword when Blake and Weiss had attacked their kidnapper and consequently had their necks snapped in retaliation.
"Their bodies are being sent to the morgue, to be put on ice while their affairs are arranged. I still need to tell the Belladonna family. Would you, arrange for Weiss-"
"...Winter Schnee currently is at the alien command ship, guarding it for now. I was going to arrange she stay there until arrangements can be made about the salvage but… No, I will be coming to Vale. I guess the Vytal festival is going to be canceled huh…" he said.
Ozpin couldn't smile, so he nodded in acknowledgment.