23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. - Part Two.

(Blake Belladonna-POV)

The fight between Goku and the woman who beat Winter… just ended A few minutes ago. She stood gawking almost chuckling as the woman was knocked out of the ring… without him even touching her, instead his punch had warped the air around it which sent her flying. The man named Goku won, and now, it would be her turn. 

"Now uh... huh well… Goku has won! Defeating the mystery opponent in one single punch… that didn't even land... well. Next up, we have another two fighters heading for the ring. The man who goes by the name he's signed up with as which is 'Hero'. The other fighter approaching, who goes by the name Blake Belladonna. Now fighters get to your positions!" the man yelled through his microphone as she continued to head onto the arena.

She and the old man entered the arena. The man looked at her unassuming and even nodded to her in greeting. She gazed at him questioningly before doing the same though keeping her gaze locked onto him.

"...Begin!" The announce said to the crowd and more importantly, them two."

The man stared at her, his face smiling slightly though not in A mocking manner, it still made her A bit angry because his gaze… it was like he was not seeing her as A threat… She still had her and Weiss's 'trump card', King Kai really came through with 'that' technique and she would test it out in this bout, it was going to be A pain suppressing her own power but she was almost getting bored with these fights which she and Weiss had to hold back their own power with.

So, are you going to make A move or shall I" she spoke neutrally, still circling the man as he stood on guard, circling each other on the marble arena.

"In A minute young lady, my but aren't we impatient…" she growled at that remark and went at him, an afterimage used to close in the gap fast using her Ki-enhanced speed and also her natural Faunas speed, she was able to catch the man off guard with A punch to the face, her sweeping kick also hit and she tried to follow that up with another kick but he dodged. The man jumped backwards and landed away from her. 

"Heh… young lady, such impressive speed. I can tell you have been trained well and are holding back, who's your master?" he asked, sounding genuinely impressed with her so Blake, still guarded for any underhandedness on his part even with him being not that stronger then her from what she could sense, answered him.

"A man named King Kai-" the man gasped loudly and retorted immediately.

"-What! King Kai-" she had enough of his babbling, afterimaging behind him in an attempt to elbow the back of his head, the man however is quick enough to percieve that attack, leaning down and bending around to face her, already punching in retaliation. She took the punch with her arm, guarding her vital areas and then kicked him low to the legs, he however began to hover and flew upwards away from her in order to stare at her in A new 'light.' 

Blake powered up, her ki engulfing her as she launched herself upwards, engaging the man in melee, they'd dance in martial art's, afterimaging from there- to there- the man yelled loudly, steam-like air expunged from what looked to be every pore on his body, she could tell from her enhanced eye-sight and was surprised by the attack. The condensed air pushed her backwards, slightly down in elevation from where he was though she recovered from falling any further, catching herself mid-air.

"...you are strong my dear, and it is A pleasure to fight one of King Kai's students but I have A greater task than this tournament so I must win." he said, sweat sliding down the side of his face, his glasses looked to be fogging up, Blake huffed before responding.

"One last fight, come at me with your best and I will do the same. If you fight me more… seriously than you've have been then I will forfeit the match." she said, her blood pumping though she had to rein in that blood-lust. Thanks to Winter, they really didn't need to worry about money and so she, in seeing that this man had held back, she wanted to test herself against him, lets see if he took her more seriously... The man nodded, powering up his own Ki which is white in color. She landed, concentrating as she powered up, her Ki circling her and she felt about ready.

"Kaio Ken times two!" she yelled, immediately her body 'bulked' up A little, her muscles screaming at her and her Ki went from blue to red colored, her maximum power briefly flared out and she realized she made an mistake, her own maximum had flared and doubled and she had A real hard time trying to hold back. She attacked, shocking the man as the open-handed palm strike that hit him knocked the wind out of him, choking as she raised her leg high and struck him onto the shoulder with he heel part of her combat boot of her right leg which sent him towards the ground.

Surprisingly, the man started to get back up and so she appeared in front of him waiting for him to make an attack onto her. He looked very injured and begun to plead with her.

"...I- urk! -have to continue on in- Urgh… -this tournament, but I cannot in this body…" she had no idea what he was speaking about and so instead of giving up she kicked him, outside of the arena, the man was A complete waste of time, all he had to do was taking her seriously in this fight and he failed that. 

"...I guess that was your best. Sorry but I'm continuing on, old man. Sorry about the rough hit, sometimes i don't know my own strength." she spoke seriously, leg still lifted from the kick before she recovered and stood properly.

"Outstanding! It looks like Blake Belladonna has won this fight, she is the winner!" the announcer yelled and she begun rolling her shoulders an little, she felt sore from that brief use of 'Kaio-Ken'. Landing near the entrance to the arena, she seen the remaining fighters glancing at her with newfound interest.

"The next round of the tournament is to be Tien Shinhan Vs Junior. May the fighters step out into the arena for the next bout!" the man continued on, address both the fighters and the crowd, the crowd roared in anticipation.


Landing with Nail where Moori was sitting near to the Dragon ball's, this time they were gathered close to one of the villages. Walking up to the man, I nodded his way cordially and turned ot Nail.

"Alright guys, I've got three wishes, though i'm in the middle of getting them down-pat, word-wise. The first being to revive another person, that alright Nail." he nodded as these kind of wishes tended to be on the selfless category.

"Hmph. Moori, call Porunga. Kron, tell Moori your wishes. He trusts you somewhat now, I'll stand over here until your done." Nail, arms folded, walked over and stood aside. Moori turned to me briefly before he turned back to the dragon ball's. Moori summoned the dragon in Namekian.

"Thou who hast gathered the dragon ball's, now speak forth thy wishes. I shall grant thee any three wishes, which-soever art within mine ability" the dragons familiar voice spoke, still I gawked at him in awe, his sheer size alone and familiarity had me somewhat in awe even now, Saiyan or not.

"Alright, Saiyan. I can do your wishes. Clearly state them for me please." Moori spoke, might as well start with the first one.

"Revive Raven Branwen onto the planet Earth." The elder Namakien spoke to the dragon and I stared in awe at the green namekian dragon, still impressed with witnessing him.

"Thy wish hath been granted. Two more wishes thy have left."The voice of Porunga boomed and I spoke up again to Moori who was waiting.

"Immunity to all mental, negative effects upon me inflicted by others that target either my mind, Body or Soul." I think that's worded properly, I awaited as Moori spoke to the dragon and then Porunga's voice boomed out.

"Thy wish hath been granted. One more wish thy have." his glowing eyes pierced downwards and I contemplated the final wish. Ultimately, I did have the wish to learn much faster but… in the future I would make it. If I wanted more wishes I wanted to make, I needed to Namekian's trust and so I might as well make A wish the benefits the Namaks, as thanks for their trust.

"Hmm… ah, right. I wish for the Namakian people on this planet to be able to grow stronger faster then normal, in all aspects." Moori glanced at me in surprise but made the wish anyway. The dragon understood and then it's eyes glowed much redder, indicating the wish came true.

"Thy wish hath been granted. Fare-well." Porunga disappeared and the balls glowed. 

"There. Your warriors will appreciate this I'm sure. I will come again, in the future, though I won't make anymore wishes. Thank you Moori. Nail, lets head back to Guru, I'm going to have to head off."

"...That last wish, hmph… You're alright... Lets go, Guru awaits. Moori will round up the nearby villages warriors to collect the dragon ball's." Nail blasted off, to which I followed his Ki-trail with my own.

(Winter Schnne-POV)

The fight between Tien and Junior ended with Juniors win but it was hard-fought by both fighters, She alongside Weiss continued to watch as the crowd around them exploded in cheer. Winter turned to her and asked her something, almost hesitating at that.

"So Weiss, have you ever considered… heading back… home, to our home-planet?" she asked out of the blue, seeing that she was revived and while waiting for Kron to get back, she's been having thoughts of home, like Winter too who often spoke of home. Weiss pondered the question in thought, turning to her elder sister to answer.

"...I guess, though seeing as we 'were' dead, I don't think people will understand how Blake and I were revived and then there's what you said about Kron, when is he coming back anyway?" she scowled, folding her arms as she glared out towards the arena. Winter chuckled which brought Weiss's attention back to her.

"Your really smitten with him, you know… if you weren't obviously in love with him, I would have made my shot already, but as your eldest sister-"

"-that's debatable. And besides, Blake and I are 'sharing' him, if you say you want in, I... wouldn't say I'm to be opposed to it… though that doesn't mean I'm into insest nor-" Winter scoffed, adding her own thoughts to 'that' matter.

"-neither am I, but thanks, I'll beat him half to death when he actually returns and then I'll let him 'beat' me seeing that your-" Winter giggled at the interruption which gotten her looks from sdome of the crowd, though only glances before their attention went back to the arena as they continued to wait for the next bout to start.

"-Enough Winter, the next fight is about to start." Weiss, arms folded, said as she looked onward into the arena, the blonde announcer was about to speak again. Winter huffed, not knowing if Weiss was joking or not, she changed much over her eleven years and she knew that those eleven years she spent in limbo or 'other world' was only one hour for her, Salem and Kron when they went through that wormhole to enter the greater galaxy. She, along with Blake had matured much in that amount of time and their fighting style's had dramatically changed, along with their more mature looks. The topic of 'Kron' would have to wait when he got here, there is definitely some unresolved tension between herself and him and than there's Weiss and Blake and that mess too, honestly that idiot... having 'multiple woman pining after him.

Focusing back onto the fight, her eyes narrowed onto the arena so as to check out Blake's competition.

"This next fight is Son Goku vs Blake Belladonna. Let the fighter's enter the arena!" he yelled through the speakers. Winter glanced at Goku, Blake would now have to 'forefit' or fight him and get herself knocked out the ring by him, With Blake and Weiss having been contacted by the martial arts teacher via telepathy, and that Kron was the reason why. It was really weird, maybe this 'Goku' was A brother of Kron... though it doesn't explain this 'Piccolo' Jr' that Bulma mentioned. Still, she didn't have to tell Blake about Piccolo being Junior now as she was about to fight and 'lose' to this Goku... Kron will owe them two girls big time when he gets his ass here.

Blake and the fighter named Goku who has the same hairstyle, though not the beard nor the skin tone Kron has entered the ring together with Blake but far apart from each other.

"...Hmm… I wonder if that fighter is also A Saiyan, like Kron is. He's similar in appearance though maybe he's some sort of lost family member… what do you think Weiss, you think that's the reason why he wants you two not to beat him?" she asked, not taking her eyes off the arena.

"I'm not sure, though your spot on when you say he has similar features but he looks too cheerful compared to Kron and not to mention, he has no tail either… maybe it's just A coincidence, he better had tell us when he gets here..." Weiss replied.

Winter hummed loudly, then focused back onto the fight. She, out of the corner of her left eye spotted someone familiar within the arena, it was the back of Bulma's head. Pulling on Weiss's arm which snapped her gaze towards her, she went towards the girl, intending to introduce her to her sister. Weiss followed along, confused but seeing as the fight hadn't begun yet, followed in Winter's footsteps. They headed towards Bulma, an old man, A blond girl and A couple of uh, 'humanoid' beings that look like A floating cat and also A pig.

Winter walked and stood alongside Bulma and then spoke into her ear.

"Hey, Bulma, I see you've saved me and my sister A spot." she sassed which startled the green-haired girl briefly. She realized who was speaking and her surprise which marred her face disappeared, replaced by A small smile and A cheeky smile.

"Winter, I was wondering where you were. Oh! These are my friends Launch, Puar, Oolong and master Roshi, some of our friends are competing in this tournament as well, including Goku out there." she pointed to each one and they greeted her silently as they were pointed out, the old man though had A lecherous grin which unsettled her somewhat. Winter was about to introduce her sister when the fight started.

Blake and Goku begun to engage in gauging their level against each other for weak spots or testing their strength against each other, with Blake holding back they appeared to be evenly matched. Their speed and afterimages bounced around the arena with most not being able to see exactly what was happening, Goku appeared to be much stronger than Blake though with her power suppressed and also Weiss seen this too, knowing much more about the Faunas as they'd trained together the most.

"That technique, she used in the last fight, the Kaio-Ken has A heavy toll on the users body. Blake might still be feeling weak from using it. Don't know why she used it though though it might explain why she seems to be wincing during this fight" Weiss said with Roshi speaking up.

"...hmm, such A downside to A power-up. She looks like she's finished an few hours worth of high intense training after that last fight and she hasn't recovered yet. Goku will win this fight, no offense to your friend out there of course." Weiss smiled as if she knew something the old man didn't but Winter replied to the old man neutrally.

"Your right sir, but Blake will not make it easy in any-case." Roshi nodded, agreeing as he too saw how her last fight ended, with her one-sided victory.

(Raven Branwen-POV)

"Ah fuck! And to think, I almost caught that little gremlin that looks like A bug, lucky that King Kai was able to teach me the kaio-ken before lunch though, I could have used it against that little loud mouthed insect…" Raven was about to explore the surrounding area when she heard A voice inside her head, being the same man who had trained her for A long time.

'Raven, I'll have to warn you but Kron has asked Weiss and Blake to heavily suppress their own fighting powers. I'll just tell you to do the same, with Kron asking them I thought he would also meant you as well. I should warn you that as of now you are the most strongest being on planet Earth, in strength alone. You'll accidentally kill anyone you come into contact with if you fight them with your maximum. Would you hold back your blood-lust and strength, knowing that Kron would appreciate this seeing as he was the one to revive you with the dragon ball's?' he spoke into her head and she grimaced, frowning at this warning though she smirked at the end when she was confirmed to be the strongest on the planet. Why not? she would jsut have to get A fovor from Kron for this and she owed much to her teacher, the old man done much to train her and even get the Kaio Ken technique of his at the end too.

'Fine, I'll as you say, hold back. I can do it and if I'm really am the strongest, then fighting theses weakling would not be A challenge for me. Guess I'll just have to continue to use them two brats as sparring partners.' the connection to her mind was ended, and she sighed as that 'penetrating' feeling in her head was now gone. Well, now that she was alive and thinking about her aura she found that her aura was replenishing now, unlike her Ki which was already with her when she was 'revived' and teleported to this world, much like her semblance does for the latter. She felt for her semblance and then thought of her brother, Qrow. Her portal opened up and she smirked, seeing that she could now work them now unlike her time up in, limbo or 'other world'.

"Hmph… well, I'm back alive now and I know this works but now's not the time to use it. This place, I'll explore for A while and see what it has to offer. I'll have to find out where my blade ended up and take it back too but I'm in no rush." She decided she would stick around for now, her ability to teleport, at least from what she could see so she had A way to get away if shit doesn't go her way here. But-

"Huh… yes… I see, I can sense some strong people in that… hmmm... that direction. So the old man wasn't joking about that ability to sense other's power in his 'monologue' he calls teaching... huh…" she tensed, erupting with her newfound power, her aura continued to fill her reserves while her Ki exploded from out of her, surrounding her in A red hue. what she could feel of her Ki that ignited from her increased her speed and then jumped upwards, flying in the direction of what people she could somewhat feel and see what's going on.