More Want to Train.

(Weiss Schnne-POV)


Sitting on the couch of Kali's room, they continued to chat with one another. Yang was happy to see them, she was older both in looks as well as temperament. A wisdom that wasn't there the last time they were together. She, called up her sister, Ruby and it was good hearing her voice through the call, even when Yang's mischievous side shown through, asking that Ruby wait for Yang to return and with old friends. Kron, the clone of him would take them via his 'instant transmission ability as far as he could take them for the ability relied on the user knowing the location prior using the ability so they would have to fly. Weiss and Blake were on the cusp of reuniting with their friends, and they both couldn't be any happier even knowing that Remnant's peaceful times were gone, and war loomed on the horizon. Yang knocked Weiss in the side, about to ask her another question. A series of questions that she had been nitpicking on since her small glares towards Kron had slowly diminished and she ignored him though the clone of Kron didn't let it bother him.


"So, you… your sister? -" at that she rolled her eyes, but nodded in agreement and then Yang continued, nodding with A wink.


"And… you Blake. What? does he plan on adding my supposing dead mother to his growing harem or what." he glared, though even after all the time apart, Weiss could tell she was pretending to be sickened by the prospect of Kron's love life, she and Blake would have, in another time wanted the normal relationship, one on one but that time had passed and gone. They loved one too much to give them up and their friendship allowed it to play out, Winter in the mix wasn't that bad as she wasn't obsessed with the physical act and more into the little parts of her love for him, the small touches or kisses they shared. Sure, they had done it… plenty of times but out of the three, she was more interested in catching up to their strength and continuing to hone her skill with the blade and Ki. 


Yang though, she looked more calmer, as if something had happened between her and Raven. Some unfinished business that went unanswered for so long that now that it was answered it no longer mattered to her. She was hiding, hiding behind the smiles and Weiss at least wouldn't begrudge her of it.


"And what of you Yang, are you or Ruby… found anyone or is the fight against the Grimm your only concern, I bet you've been too many places all over Remnant, like you wanted to do. And what of Ruby and team JNPR?" Blake asked, Yang hummed and stretched out as if to better recline onto the couch before replying with A sigh.


"Things have been great until well, with the war an all. Ruby and I are still hunting Grimm which I might add, has been much easier with Ki. I still want to fight you by the way." she pointed at Kron, the clone had ignored her to which Yang had huffed loudly and laughed at him.


"Heh… I've learned much from your fight, your fight is seen every year on Independence Day, much of the Faunas still think your one of them by the way." she smirked then turned to Blake and her, Weiss waited for Yang to explain.


"Well, Jaune is an idiot for getting with that Neo, Pyrrha is frustrated by him and angry at Jaune for breaking it off with her. Ren and Nora, well their story is much happier. Happily married and still fighting Grimm, as A team. Their fights are always fun watching, uh fights against Griim I meant, they don't fight at least in public with each other. Now where just waiting for when they have kids, heh…" Yang told them next about Ruby was only older though she still had the same attitude when it came to her friends. Though she was much more serious after her and Blake's deaths, taking schooling seriously and the hunting of Grimm with deadly efficiency. Learning Ki only helped the girl become more proficient with killing Grimm, she unlike Yang didn't engage against human criminals and even when she was 'bloodied' by their deaths, she still hated seeing another human being die. Ruby also had A special ability to do with her eyes, but Yang didn't explain much more, only that it was considered more than rare. Kron spoke up then, the clone having enough, or he was at the point of dispelling.


"Well, I'm going to see about breaking out some of those prisoners, including your family and Ironwood… if he's alive." Kron stood up straight and Yang stood, Weiss was beaten to the punch as the blonde woman spoke.


"Hang on, I've seen you fight and all, but this guy has an army, more than what you dealt with last time. Anyways, how strong are…" Yang proceeded to fiddle with her scroll, an updated module from what Weiss could recall and its design was more sophisticated than she remembered.


"-Hang on… this can't be- it's reading you are over 100,000… what the fuck- my device is starting to heat up, eh... better turn it off" Yang held the device as to turn it off and then placed it in her pocket.


"-I actually don't know what the original's Kron's total is at though it is somewhere in the millions. I think I could handle what they throw at me. If your worried about me killing these guys, I'll just shrug off their blows, blow up their infrastructure and rescue the damsels in distress." Kron's clone looked smug while speaking, chuckling at their dismayed looks.


 Her mother and brother could also be seen then when he succeeded, she would trust in him to get it done. He could easily do so; his instant transmission ability would make short work in transporting the prisoners. Winter added her own thoughts to the mix, standing from the couch as well.


"I could help, maybe there are those still in the Atlas that have some sympathy in the previous government. Yang, do you know how strong these soldiers are?" she asked, looking at the blonde woman who adopted A thoughtful pose.


"Not that higher than what Ruby was at years ago, mostly up to or just over 200 P.L. But there is strength in numbers and all that jazz so even I, with A P.L over 1,200 could be overwhelmed if we were only mentioning Ki and aura control. Though I'm the spring maiden, the is concerns by Ozpin and my uncle that Arthur Watts is hunting for the maidens for gods only knows. Ozpin has suspicions that he already has two of the maidens already, one of them is regularly seen in his propaganda speeches at his side. Whatever he wants with the maidens, it's clear that he does something with their heads as that woman from what I've seen is reverent to that bastard's words." Yang said almost growling and Kron nodded. He headed for the closest window and turned around.


"I'll be back. Encase I bring more than I'm knowing, would you girls make some room in here, push the furniture to the sides and such. Give me some room for when I come in and stay out of here for now. This won't take long.




Arriving at Korin's tower, Yamcha and Krillin met Tien and Chiaotzu along with the blonde-haired Launch. There, the ancient master Korrin and Yajirobe was waiting for them along with the being known as Mr. Popo.


"Good, you've arrived. Now we may go, come." his hands behind his back as he glanced at each of them equally before he hopped back, jumping onto A magic carpet and he was gone. Flying up, Krillin nodded to the other guys, and they flew after him while Yajirobe threw A capsule at the insistence Of Korin. They flew after him, their own individual strength they could use and waste to fly upwards.


"Hey Krillin, where is Raven and the others. Shouldn't they be here too?" Tien spoke up and Yamcha coughed and then spoke.


"Damn, that is one scary chick. Krillin, I know you have A crush on her, but I wouldn't try getting into her pants. Hey Tien, when we get there, you should show me that Kaio-ken ability, the one Raven showed you. She wouldn't teach me, almost snapped me in two." he said seriously, glancing at Tien who snorted in annoyance. Krillin heard the engine of A vehicle and turned slightly to see Yajirobe catching up to them.


"Yeah, that was because you'd rather try and flirt with them Schnee sisters than take the training seriously. It's the reason she and the rest of them ignored you for Krillin, me and Goku whenever we decided to spar with them. Chiaotzu and I are hoping to not ruin the expanded group we've formed to train in, I've gotten stronger already than what I would have gotten with only myself and Chiaotzu. Don't ruin it Yamcha." Yamcha laughed slightly, and then shrugged, folding his arms as they flew along the side of the lookout.


"...bah, fine." he shrugged, the four of them made it to the top of Kami's lookout then. Landing onto the marble ground of the top. They glanced around and Krillin seen that Mr. Popo was already waiting for them. Walking towards him, they heard the engines of the vehicle Yajirobe was using, and the heavy-set 'fighter' landed in front of them near to Mr. Popo.


"So, where here Mr. Popo. Where's Kami, we all want to receive the special training that Goku was given." Krillin pressed his luck, asking him directly. Kami was seen coming out of the main building, his long wooden cane held delicately within his hands as he approached them. Mr. Popo turned to his master and awaited as the guardian of the Earth, who Krillin had heard of from Goku, and remembered seeing at the tournament some years ago.


"It is alright Mr. Popo, I've heard your query. You want to receive Goku's special training, yes. I assure you all that what I had taught Goku, besides critiquing his martial prowess and helping him rid of wasted movement and to use his Ki in order to sense other people with Ki like it was second nature, these things was all I had taught him. It helped that he was already growing in strength. The secret training you want though, there is A way though I don't think any of you could handle it." Kami said seriously, looking at each of them and Krillin snorted.


"Come on Mr. Kami, we can handle anything that Goku has done, if not more now that we've gotten much stronger." he said, and Tien nodded at this while Yamcha added. 


"Yeah, come on man. We can handle it" Yamcha smirked towards Kami and scoffed at the notion that they couldn't handle the training.


"We can!" Chiaotzu yelled excitedly.


"The chamber in which Goku trained in when he was A boy for his fight with King Piccolo. The training room has some rules if you don't want to end up trapped inside and then there is the atmosphere that was what made Goku leave the room early. I can go through this with you and better explain it better. Come inside, I will show you all the entrance. There I will explain the ground rules for the chamber." Kami said and Krillin looked at the guys, nodding along with them as they headed after the guardian of the Earth.


Walking inside, they passed into the huge dome-shaped room and further in, coming along A corridor with A flight of easily traversed staircase which led to A unassuming brown door. Stopping, Kami and Mr. Popo turned to face them, and Mr. Popo spoke up.


"Here it is, this door leads to the room. The room has different rules in regard to time. Entering this room, you will enter the chamber proper, and I will explain, one year inside the camber will equal to one day outside in the world. A user of the chamber can only use this room A total of two times in their life or they will be trapped forever inside as the door for the chamber disappears for eternity." Mr. Popo said as serious as he could muster and Krillin and Yamcha gulped at the same time. Tien replied.


"So, what you're saying is, one year spent inside this chamber equals to one day out here. What is so special about this room, well… besides that?" Tien said and Krillin snapped out of his slight nervousness and watched as Kami begun to explain.


"The chamber is dense. The gravity inside the chamber, besides the area where you'll eat, and sleep has high gravity, and the gravitational pull only gets much denser the further you trek inside. But make no mistake, if you go far from the safe area in the chamber without being able to handle the pressure, you could die. You can also get lost in there as the chamber is eternally expanding, A pocket dimension essentially. And besides the intense gravity that would be A boon for your training as well as safety hazard, the very air inside the chamber is not to be taken lightly as you'll find that breathing becomes much harder the further in your trek. I say again, Goku could only last but A month. I also offer guidance that you do not train near to the entrance as that room is vulnerable and could be destroyed, locking you inside for eternity." Kami spoke as he gazed at each of them, intensely looking at them in order to convey the words he just spoke to be taken seriously. Mr. Popo spoke up then.


"If you decide to enter, make note that only two may enter at any given time. I have to restock the room every time it is used in order for two occupants to be able to use the room. Decide now if you'll enter but take heed of what has been said." Krillin looked at Yamcha who nodded, hesitating slightly before sending him A thumbs up.


"We can do this guys! I'd bet Goku went in when he was but A child-"


"-That is true, he was young and used his time inside to prepare himself for the fight with King Piccolo. It seems you've decided on entering… good luck but remember my warnings." Kami spoke and the four of them looked at each other, contemplating their decision whether to enter or not.




Reaching Atlas took no time at all, the stronger you were, the faster you are at least in my experience. Flying over the city of Vale was quick and I couldn't see many changes besides the hover vehicles. There were much more signs of civilization expanded out from Vale. I paid it no mind and blasted towards Atlas; I would find it in the north-east of Vale in A few hours I would assume.


Arthur Watts had taken over somehow, that was why Atlas was the way it was and thanks to my meddling, everyone had advanced technology and Ki training. The only good thing I'd managed to affect was that the Grimm seemed to be pushovers now and their 'Queen' was out of the picture. Seeing the first signs of Ice and snow, the cold was felt more prominently as I came upon the continent housing the Atlesian Realm, what they called themselves now. 


"Let's make this quick." Suddenly diving towards the ground, I flew towards the Atlas floating city and used my senses to feel for someone familiar, remembering what Ironwood felt like should be simple as I had met him A few times already. Sensing, I felt around but could not yet find him yet though I could see now as I landed on A building that there was A massive crowd circling A center stage. Now that I was closer, I could hear someone speaking through A microphone and making A speech towards the crowd. Looking at the man, because it was A man's voice and then I saw exactly who was speaking. 


Arhtur watts Is A dead man, the original wouldn't mind if I humble this bastard and his fledgling empire that was beginning to remind me of the nazi reich.


I fired off A quick blast towards him, he wasn't that strong from what I could feel, he felt wrong… corrupt almost, the blast of purple color came crashing down onto him and exploded, A huge amount of his soldiers had intercepted the blast though, killing them instead. Afterimaging, I teleported to my targets side in an instant and stuck my fist through his abdomen, crashing through armor similar to mine and breaking through his Aura. My hand inside him, I pulled it out and fired A blast of ki, he exploded in my and the surrounding crowd and this was seen, maybe around the world from the way those cameras aimed our way. I Confirmed the kill to be Arthur Watts and I was swarmed by his soldiers using Ki and there was an elite, high power level elite force there, indicated by their black armor that, apart from the pauldron's, which were non-existent, their armor was similar to PTO tech.


I could happily think about this shit because, these fighters weren't worth dodging, their physical attacks made it easy to end them, their ki attacks exploded on impact on me but done nought damage. Pandemonium was everywhere as the crowd ran away from the chaos, Atlesian soldiers and sophisticated looking droids attacked me and two women, wearing some kind of collars attacked me enraged.


They were stronger than the average weakling on this planet, maybe even stronger than Yang is. They were stopped in their tracks as they attacked together, and I clutched both by the throat. Quickly crushing their throats, I moved on and gotten A signature while sensing, it felt like Winter and Weiss, A relative then and so it was either their mom or brother. Good.


Sensing, the signatures came from below me, in Atlas. Somewhere in the deep concrete structure that is this base I was at and so I punched my way through. Making way into A bunker, I mowed through more soldiers or guards and continued to follow the signature. 


Entering A marble floored room with reinforced steel walls and paneling I could see the first signs of A prison, A prison within A government building would mean 'political prisoner's' or so I believed. I should be on the right track as I trekked through the building, heading along the corridors and entering another hallway with multiple doors, I came upon the signature and seen that it was Winter and Weiss's mother. She was in A cell with her son, opposite them on the other side was the familiar face of Ironwood though the man sported A beard.


Looking at the man, whose eyes widened in recognition as I ripped the reinforced door from the frame and then done the same to the other door. Ironwood came out, his clothes that of A prisoner and he was missing his prosthesis metal arm.


"Kron! You've returned. We have to get out of here. I'm sorry Willow for this mess." he said to her, I turned to the corridor that we came from as I heard heavy footsteps and sent A ki-blast down the hall, detonating on impact with Atlesian prison guards.


"Come here." I said, grabbing Ironwood who was surprised by being grabbed like that as I moved to Willow and her son, what was his name? 


We disappeared as I got A hold of Willow Schnee and she had A hold on her son who looked to have been tortured as he was unable to stand. All three of them and I reappeared in the motel room, and I let go of them, reappearing in the prison complex again.