Training and Harem.

(Weiss Schnee-POV)


"So, what you're saying is… you want to join us, Blake does she understand what-"


"What does it matter, Kron attracts girls like flies, I'm honestly glad he didn't get Yang's mom. Pyrrha, If you want to romance him, that's on you two. What Weiss, it isn't like our marriage hasn't been chaotic either. We've made it work and Pyrrha's our friend. Besides Winter was your call, it is A shame she cannot have children so I agreed with you." Weiss huffed, looking at Pyrrha who looked quite embarrassed about their conversation and that the two of them left her out of it for now. Weiss had one last thing she could try though. Weiss spoke up, hiding her disdain for this sort of question, she was low balling it and hoped she didn't make Pyrrha uncomfortable but she had to try to see how serious Pyrrha was about all… this.


"What about Jaune, you had A thing for him. Do you think, maybe you would later on decide you'd rather ignite that old flame with him, you know… when everyone who decides to learn 'Instant Transmission' head to that planet with the yard-guys-"


"-Yardrat Weiss, try to keep up." Blake said snootily, her eyes closed while Weiss huffed. Pyrrha looked at her but answered pretty quickly. The answer though had Weiss glaring at the former champion though she did well to hide it.


"To be honest, when I met Kron when I first started my hunters training at Beacon, that was when I developed A crush on him. At first his physical appearance attracted me, then later on… the way he saved the planet, the way... he fought against that green-skinned thug to avenge your deaths… he reminded me of the hero's of the stories I was read by my parents when I was but A child. No offence about your deaths then but… I thought he was pretty romantic, avenging your deaths… hiss ruggedness, they fact he didn't put me on A pedestal either and treated and fought against me fairly without holding back… A warrior I wanted to…-" Weiss looked over to Blake, who look amused by the story, holding her newest daughter Ursula who was born just last month. Jaina was four now with her own daughter being three. Pyrrha sighed before continuing.


"...I may not look it either but I'm getting on in years, I'm afraid my 'clock' will stop ticking sooner or later. I'm two years away from being forty-" Weiss shouted in surprise.


"-Forty-" Pyrrha though glared at her outburst and Weiss almost made Ursula cry from fright to which Blake also glared at her. Pyrrha scoffed before answering.


"Yeah, just because you and Blake are ten or eleven-"


"-Eleven years younger, Pyrrha." Blake answer while shushing her daughter back into A sleep, looking up she continued more quietly.


"I get it, I'm not apposed to it and neither is Winter. Though if you're serious. I need to tell you I'm not into woman so if you think I'm going to be joining in on the fun with you or-"


"-N-No nothing like that! I- can I get married with him too, you know after A long time of getting to know him better, he makes clones so I'd thought about it and see if he could spend time with me and we could get to know each other that way. A clone would work, you know if he's alright with well…. me." she said sighing before Blake nodded to the door opposite them.


"You can ask him, he is coming, I can sense him approaching. A good idea though, it's how we spend time with him too, the clones are also… durable in 'that' sense too, I've had an orgy with him with my own clones and myself trying to get the better of each-"


"-Alright you horny cat, don't scare the girl off." Weiss interjected while Pyrrha looked to be blushing very obviously. She nodded before standing.


"Thank you for considering me apart of the family, I'll spend an amicably amount of time getting to know him much more, to see if where compatible. You mind if I meet with him first?" Blake answered before Weiss could, to which she scowled at Blake who only ignored her but Blake tapped her right calve to make her yelp.


"Go ahead, see you Pyrrha." Blake then stood up and turned side-ways before speaking up.


"I'm going to put Ursula to bed. Mother is going to be looking after the kids, your daughter too I'd imagine. Kron wants to take those who wish to learn that 'Instant Transmission' technique today and I definitely want to learn it. Are you coming?" she asked, Weiss nodded before standing up too.


"Uh, yeah. That technique is mightily interesting and with it-"


"-Yeah, yeah Weiss… come on, let's give Kron some time with Pyrrha before we head on out, yeah." Weiss mouthed each word Blake spoke mockingly behind her back but then answered.


"Yeah, fine!"



"Pyrrha, what's up. You decide to go to the planet Yardrat too?" I asked the nervous-looking woman, she ushered me over to the railing near the pool to which I just landed near before. She then looked at me, then at the pool before looking to hesitating to speak, I looked at her questioningly but she finally found her wording. she spoke up.


"...I'm, this- I really like you Kron. You know… really, no- I'm in love with you, have been for years and I cannot hold it in any longer. As you can no doubt sense, Your wife's, my friends are here and from their Ki you can tell-"


"-Well, your not dead so either you haven't told them and you sprung this on my out her or… you have told them, and they, what… approve? That it, look… I've looked up to you ever since I found out how strong you are" lies, I looked up to her ever since I seen how beautiful and strong her character is way back since before I ended up here but she didn't need to know that so an abridge version then.


"You know I'm married to Blake, Weiss and recently Winter too. The marriage laws on this planet aside, are you sure about it all. I'm was sure you had A crush on that Jaune fellow-"


"-No, he got strong with Ki and then with that, arrogance seeped in. Before I knew it, he was another sort of person and besides, he got with that 'Neo' girl though I believed she was just with him for information at the time." Curious, I asked what she meant about that. Neo was A whole different subject and I remember that crazy chick eye-raping me in Juniors bar all those years ago, it's the crazy one's you've got to watch out for.


"What information." Pyrrha looked confused but answered anyway.


"...Why Ki training of course, you've got to understand that at the time, only the military and the hunter's combat schools had access to such privileged information at the time. It would be A few years later after when the information was made public knowledge and then given to everyone, that sort of power hoarded by governments would have made A dystopia if they were allowed to keep it to themselves. It was lucky the four kingdom's didn't keep it. But fear of you-"




"-Yip. They feared you would come back, Ozpin, General Ironwood, Qrow and some others who were in the know, said you were A ally of the people and that the knowledge should be shared. Make no mistake, everyone on the entire planet, those with signals and display screens seen what you are capable of. They had no choice, that was another reason I fell for you…" Pyrrha looked down shyly but her eyes remained fixed on mine. I replied, Ozpin and Ironwood using me even when I left made sense but honestly I was not bother by it, Remnant from when we last visited was on the offensive against the mindless hordes of Grimm. Pretty soon, Remnant would be cleansed of all that rot and then maybe in the future.,.. they would be capable of producing fighters. Allies.

 "Really, That's cool to here about Remnant. That's another reason you should come and learn the technique-"


"-Oh definitely I will learn the technique but, what say you about my uh, my affections? Do- would you consider going out with me sometime. You know, ask Blake and Weiss, Winter too. They have given me the uh, 'greenlight' so to speak. A date. To see if you'd be interested in me." I nodded, surprised by her forwardness but ever since Namek and even while on Namek I've noticed her increasingly aggressive forwardness to which I've tried to ignore. Using said frustration instead to screw my wives. But at this moment, they way she tried to act flirtatious… an 'A' for effort, she nailed it.


'I guess I'm going to be busier.' I thought, slowly watching as Pyrrha used the railing and fell to her knees without losing eye contact.






His attack missed her face, Raven retaliated and launched A Ki-infused attack she made herself. Her fist held the attack and her punch onto his abdomen exploded him away. The Gravity chamber hummed A airily dim red lighting but then it flickered from the Ki been detonated. He was sent into the wall but he managed to recover and launch himself back at her. Her narrowed eyes, she was already preparing another attack, one of Kron's… The 'Royal Spear' as that fool calls it. Anyway, Vegeta grinned whilst holding his own hand forward, charging up A condensed ball of Ki, he launched his new attack at her own attack.


"Big Bang Attack!" This attack, dramatically assailed from his hand as he thrusted forward. The power used for the attack being strong enough to wound Raven, weak enough to keep his training room intact. The blow exploded on her attack, he realized that her attack changed color mid-way when she launched it, going bright red.


"...Kaio Ken. Had enough yet-" he felt her punch, hitting his face while his head felt knocked. Turning to the side, he kneed her right leg as she righted herself in front of him to begin laying into him again and sent her to the solid floor of his training ground. Their training, already been hours as he landed in front of hers as she quickly got into A fighting stance, already risen to her feet.



"What's the matter, you tired yet?" he scoffed at her display, her smirk and powered up, his hair igniting bright gold and then he replied, almost callously though the feral woman only took it as A challenge, her red Aura effected by her Kaio-ken further as he too felt her Ki spike, this woman is really pushing it.


"I've got plenty in me to go on. You on the other hand, your hair is A mess, go and shower woman. Your daughter is my next opponent, then I'll track down either Kakarot or Kron and fight them while you weaklings rest." he said, smirking her way. His Ki flared, sensing Yang approach them.


"My turn then, your on. So, weapons-"


"Are crutches. Show me what you've got without your toys yeah, or go bother someone else to train." Yang rolled her eyes, dropping her what did she call them? Her 'Ember Cecelia' and then unstrapping the blade on her back before throwing it to Raven who caught it. Vegeta watched the display curiously, these two… for being related, didn't really get on that much, at least for what he'd expected of these earthlings. Though he did learn that they came from another planet all together and that they had A advantage in the form of this 'Aura' of theirs, as well as what they called semblances, which Yang at least explained those from their planet had. Yang's semblance was pretty interesting though he didn't know about Raven's. Said woman, holding the blade then unsheathed it and then A portal opened in front of her. Vegeta watched almost awestruck when she walked through and disappeared from his senses.


"What the-"


"Mom, must have left for A bath. I can no longer sense her so consider me your next opponent. Well, hurry up you bastard. I haven't got all day" Vegeta nodded, stoically looking at her before getting into A stance, awaiting her attack. Yang then powered up herself, She spoke loudly, her voice straining.


"Kaio-ken times-" Vegeta afterimaged in front of her, bringing her down with A swift jab, holding back the punch still made her kneel over and Vegeta glared down at her, considering his next words.


"If you get that Kaio-ken knock off transformation higher, I'll fight you seriously. But in the mean time, I will consider stronger opponents. Now, bugger off girl, I have no more time for you." Yang groaned on the floor, Vegeta powered down and went about shutting off his precious gravity chamber, powering down when Yang scoffed, standing up as she gave him some parting words.


"...Yeah, strong opponents… and my mother. So, you know, Kron and Goku won't be available this week I expect. That trip to Yardrat is today. Later's, much." He turned to glare at the blonde bich but she was already off, heading to Kron for that trip to the planet Yardrat he heard, the Kaio-ken is A weak cheap knock off of the fabled 'Super Saiyan' transformation… He would not deign to learn that cheap trick. The instant transmission on the other hand, that could come in handy…


"...Huff, uh… fine then, that bastard is leaving. I might have an opportunity to fight him while out in space while the rest of those fools waste their time trying to learn that 'Instant Transmission' technique. I'll go, it might prove opportune for me." Vegeta headed for the control room and made sure Yang had left using some of the camera units that Bulma hadn't removed from the exoskeleton of the ship his gravity chamber was build out of before heading outside, casually thumping the covering. It opened and then he clicked the button, the fume of smoke which sprung up obscured his vision momentarily before he reached down and retrieved the capsule. He left, flying into the air at A relatively slow pace towards Winter's and more importantly, Kron's place.




"Huh, you and Bulma are on the outs? Man I don't know what to tell you but-"


"-dude, you sure she hasn't got A thing for Vegeta or Kron? I'm not sure but I seen her chatting with Goku about seeing one of them fight." Krillin sighed into the phone, holding it while he watched Roshi dance like the horny old dog he portrays himself as he continued to watch the television. The ladies doing exercise were distracting, not to mention Master Roshi-"


"-Look, are we going to learn this technique or not? Or do you want to head to Tien and Chiaotzu's, I heard Launch is single now and that Yang girl has been asking after Tien. There might be A chance to get on with that bombshell before she and he-"


"-Uh, I'm sure Goku is going. But I need to continue to train… alone, my techniques are great, it's just I have to continue using them and getting experience in A fight. You should come on over, we could spar here." Krillin said, he honestly was getting bored and Roshi wouldn't train him further though he did learn the max form and 'Thunder Shock Surprise' from him, Master Roshi instilled in him the need to get better by sparing with his peers. The old man didn't have time to help… three guess's why, as he continued to watch the old man dance to the tune of the ladies on the screen whilist giggling like A honry teenager. Sighing again, Krillin continued.


"Listen man, call me later on. We've got to get strong so if your serious, I'll see you soon. If not, well… there's always clones."


"Uh, yeah. I'll come over. See you then bro." Yamcha hanged up to which Krillin did the same before speaking up.


"I'm heading out Master Roshi, going to train now. See you later sir." Roshi turned to him sideways and nodded, A cheerful look on his face before he continued to view the television. Coming outside, he noted his girlfriend in her bikini and on her back, looking slick from the sunscreen she patted herself down with and also that Turtle was over by the tree sleeping. He decided he'd have A little fun before he left. Slyly, he sneaked in on her and then with precision, he smacked both cheeks of her thick ass which earned him A yelp, half moaning but A tone of surprise too. She turned, her teeth bared though she looked back at him.


"Krillin! What was that for!" he smirked at he pouting, those crocodile tears of hers before he answered.


"Nothing babe, I'm going to be training out there, on the ocean. Have fun sunbathing Maron. Laters yeah." he felt himself stir at that look as she 'hmphed' away from him, turning back onto her front before ignoring him. Krillin took off at A quickened pace out far from Kami house, he needed to get stronger.




He and Chiaotzu kept themselves busy trying to improve their strength. Their home in the mountains, near the waterfall was rebuilt after A fiasco with Launch and her destructive tendencies.


"You alright Tien, your been out of it for A bit. Are we going to learn this 'Instant Transmission too?" Chiaotzu asked, hovering near him and he snapped back to reality before answering.


"I haven't the time for wasting time going to another planet Chiaotzu. These androids, from what Goku had explained to us, they will need our one-hundred percent focus. I'm going to need all the time I can get or else I might fall behind the rest. Has Launch left yet, she seemed ticked off." Tien casually flexed his arms and then bent his knees while restarting his warm-up.


"Yeah, she seemed annoyed by Yang showing up and uh, flirting with you. You and blondes Tien, only you…" Chiaotzu resumed shadow sparring with himself, occasionally using his telekinesis in conjunction, strengthening his ability to use it while fighting, concentrating on two things being quite difficult while fighting and thew other thing being able to use his mind. Tien though chocked on saliva, coughing while he fought about that woman. Shaking his head, trying to focus his thoughts to more productive pursuits.


"Alright Chiaotzu, I'll be off over there. My training might get destructive, I want to avoid the house being crushed like last time" Chiaotzu nodded, answering.


"Right Tien, see you at dinner!" Tien nodded, flying off to A more flat, barren area of the plains further away from the hills they lived at.