Junior Division Fights.

This time, another of kids, my son Anthony exited the building, heading for the arena with Ursula, my ten-year-old, Blake and I's youngest daughter. Anthony wore a red sashed stripe on his armor, which was reminiscent of Pyrrha's armor but for a warrior of the male side, meaning it was made for a boy, his hair reminded me of Broly's, but Pyrrha had shortened it by herself, keeping the twin's hair at different lengths to identify them, they like to be able to be identified. My daughter, Ursula came out in Saiyan armor, her hair shortened to a kind of bangs at the front were longer than the back of her head, shortened at the back. Her Fauna heritage shown from her black cat ears on her head, her other normal ears covered by her hair. Her armor was similar to mine, but the body suit underneath instead is a blackened blue with no shoulder pauldron's. Her tail swished, black and more feral looking compared to most Saiyan's. Anthony's tail was tightly secured around his waist.


"The next fight is about to begin folks! Now get this, these two about to battle it out, their first fights in this here ring were knock outs against their first opponents and the two of them a half-siblings! Oh, the parents will not know who to cheer for- Uh, let the fight begin!" The two of them immediately blasted forwards one another, ripples of air blasted around the two as they engaged in melee combat, their powers of a similar level, as Pyrrha trained her two sons more hands on than even I got around to training all of my kids, every one of the kids, even Trunks had their aura unlocked, to give them an added defensive reserve, thought their semblances were all the same, that of my one, bar Wylla who had inherited the Schnee bloodline semblance, which she got training from her mother and aunt. My semblance was a more primal reserve of aura, which I believed, scaled with my life-force or rather, my Ki.


Anyway, the two of them were evenly matched, though both of them merely kept to the arena and out of the air, only dashing for one another if they separated from one another in their bout-


-The first Ki-blast blasted forward, the crowd was going nuts at the type of fighting displayed, while 'our' group, some would offer some complements or in Yang's case, she would shout it even louder then Blake or Pyrrha, who had arrived in time for the beginning of this round of fighting.


"Those kids of yours, they remind me of Gohan when he was young. You've trained them well, these two seem to be in similar strengths to one another." Goku complimented, eyes focused on the fight below. I didn't reply, as Pyrrha gushed out, speaking a reply.


"Thank you Goku, I've been training the twins in a similar way to what I was trained like, this would be their first tournament too-" Vegeta interrupted, scoffing, he spoke out over her, earning a glare from my fiery wife.


"-Your brats won't stand up to my son, whatever training you've put in, I've done a better job of-" Blake interrupted him this time, though without words, sending a small blast of her own at his back, the blast engulfed him momentarily. Vegeta emerged unscathed, arms still crossed, Krillin and Yamcha quickly flickered away from the small explosion and Blake looked at Vegeta, smug while she wrapped herself into my left side, looking quite pleased with herself while Vegeta growled out but his eyes met mine.


I stared back, he turned back to the fight whilst mumbling something and I looked down too, just as Anthony sent a small 'Royal Spear' beam towards Ursula, who sent her own 'Royal Spear' beam towards his, the two purple-colored beams exploding in the middle, as the arena momentarily was lit up by a flash of purple light.




"These two brats, that have plenty of energy in them, should we go grab them?" Spopovich growled out, watching on with him, but Yamu disagreed, nodding his head with narrowed eyes, watching the more spectacular bout currently going on. He replied quietly, the two of them standing with the energy radar their master Babidi charged them with in order to find the strongest warrior on this planet.


"No, they are strong, but, they aren't the one. We shall wait, our master doesn't just want anyone's energy, we shall wait for the one." Spopovich growled out, veins pulsing but he complied, for which Yamu silently scoffed. Their mission would soon come to fruition and the master's plans will come about in part, thanks to their efforts.


"Do not ask further if we're to take any of these brats energy, they are nothing compared to who our master wants, the radar should go haywire when we pick up the most strongest fighter at this tournament. Keep an eye out but shut your mouth." Yamu added, walking away to wait for the starting of the real tournament. He could do without watching this junior's division, even with brats like this who generate this much energy.


((Future) Trunks-POV)


Arriving at where the rest of his friends and allies overlooked the arena, watching two kids whose strength surpassed his own at that age, he came up and stood nearby to Goku, who watched on nearby to Gohan, that girl Gohan was with and Piccolo.


"Man, these kids… what does Kron feed them, I can't wait to see what 'Trunks' can do." he said, startling Goku for but a second, as he turned to reply, blinking in awareness now that he noticed him.


"Trunks, you're the last one to arrive, I've got to ask Trunks, now that you're here." Goku gazed at him, a serious frown upon his features, while Gohan who wore a kind of 'superhero' getup with glasses, Piccolo and the still unknown to him girl sent a curious gaze towards the two of them.


"...Did you bring any food, I'm starving-" Trunks fumbled in place, almost falling forward by losing his balance on the railing nearby, though he stopped himself from doing so. Trunks then removed his Capsule set, a few new Capsules given to him from his 'mother', a new updated version of the fridge capsule which was fully stocked and a capsule-domed mansion capsule. His time machine capsule remained inside too and with the other two versions he managed to find, the ones used by both versions of Cell, but for the moment, travelling to the 'Future' at this moment was impossible for something was still interfering with his machine.


Setting up but the fridge one, he threw it while replying to Goku, who came forward with a grin as he stalked the fridge door.


He casually leaned against the railing after taking a a can of fizz, taking a sip while watching the ongoing fight, the kids fighting down in the arena ended with Anthony dealing a final blow, a lucky one which got Ursula out of the ring. The announcer begun to speak aloud, announcing the next fight.


"Alright people! The next fight, will be like seeing a ghost for myself- heh! Uh, Goten! Versus Achilles. Now, don't get distracted from Achilles looks, he is the twin brother of the previous fighter, Anthony. Goten is the youngest son of Son Goku!" Trunks snorted, taking another sip. The announcer added, shouting out hyping the crowd.


"Now, begin the fight!" The two boys charged one another, first fighting one another in melee combat, Goten seemed to be more trickster than other of these kids, or he was clumsy, his dodges looking more akin to the luck of the draw then actual skill, it was amusing.




"Whoa, that would of hurt me! Watch it!" Goten called out, as Achilles ignored him, charging forward, launching a punch which missed barely, as Goten took a step backwards, yelping. Achilles leaped forward, attempting a axe kick, Goten flickered out of the way and launched a sweeping kick but Achilles caught him.


"What the! Herruugh!" Goten yelled as he was swung around in a circle, Achilles threw him upwards, following through with a blast of purple light beams Achilles fired from his fingers.


"Stay still Goten! 'King's Scepter' urgh, y-you-" Goten dodged a few more of the beams and charged up his Ki, transforming into his 'Super Saiyan' form with a howl. He blitzed forward, taking Achilles off-guard and kicking him hard, sending him spiraling out of the ring. Achilles tried to power up his own Ki, which transformed to be like him, a blonde Super Saiyan but Goten watched as it was too late for him to stop his descent out of the ring forcefully. Before he touched grass, Achilles stopped just before a ring out, hovering mid-air. Goten followed him and with a kick, punted Achilles into the ground, which made him a winner!


"Hey! I win!" Goten said, cheering loudly as the blonde guy with the cool shades headed up onto the stage, with his microphone-thingy.




"Well, that happened." I heard Winter say nearby, I looked towards Pyrrha who looked to be seething, pissed our son lost, which I shrugged off. Goten won, using 'Super Saiyan' but he got the win, no need to cry about it.


"Pyrrha, it's fine. Our son should have been more careful, it's fine. He will learn."I gave my fiery warrior-wife a look, who only shrugged, Goku replied, blinking as he continued feasting from Trunks fridge capsule.


"... BRUGH!!… Tis, goed fi-ete!" Goku spoke, mouthful of food, the woman bar Zangya, Winter and Eighteen looked disgusted with. The announcer called out then, yelling into his microphone.


"Wow! What a fight! Now, the next fight before the quarter finals… Now, Wylla is going up against Trunks! These two put up easy fighters against their previous opponents, so give it up for Wylla Schnee and Trunks Briefs!" the two entered the field, chatting away while they entered the ring. An official entered the ring, giving the blonde announcer a piece of paper.


"Oh! Some new information here folks! Bar Tarble and Goten, all these finalists bar Goten and Tarble are all related, uh, well- let the match begin!" he called out, hyping up the crowd once more, and the two, Trunks and Wylla immediately powered up, in preparation to blasting one another.


The arena shook a bit, as Trunks thrust both hands forwards, launching a 'Tyrants Wave' forward, it blasted forwards, heading for Wylla who retaliated with a blast, another 'Tyrants Wave' of her own. The entire arena became a deep shade of purple from the light generated, as it now begun to flicker, pulsing as the two wide-bursting blasts fought one another tooth and nail.


"M-Man, look at them go! Those kids of yours, dude. Trunks is right, what do you feed them-" Piccolo interrupted Yamcha, eyes narrowed while arms folded as he tried to watch the ongoing beam struggle.


"-Quiet Yamcha. Goku, I need to speak with you, come with me." Piccolo surprised a still eating Goku, who swallowed his current mouthful before replying.


"...Ah, sure, Piccolo." The two headed off, walking away nearby but far enough for a private conversation. Vegeta, the 'future' Trunks and Gohan continued to eat, giving Goku and Piccolo curious glance but stayed out of their business.


The beam struggle ended, but another started up again, as Wylla sent a volley of 'Kings Scepter' beams with one hand, her other powering up another beam in her other hand. It wasn't an attack… but a summon, she called forth a crystallized dinosaur, made from her semblance, then another while also continuing a barrage of the 'Kings Scepter' finger beams towards Trunks, who continued to dodge slowly inching closer to her. But, with two crystallized ghost-like summons of dinosaurs that now impeded Trunks progress to gain more ground on her. The crowd awed still;, now louder from the two small dinosaurs summons on the arena, now trying to attack Trunks. The announcer shouted out, awe easily heard in his own magnified voice.


"W-Wow folks, Wylla has called forth some kind of fighting g-golems! They seem to be keeping Trunks at bay- or not though I'm not sure that is is allowed-"the announcer was proven wrong about Trunks being harassed by those summons as he easily dispatched them, charging forward, flickering multiple times to get within Wylla's personal space.


Now backed in a corner so to speak by Trunks on the offensive, Wylla had to meet blow to blow in hand to hand, which wasn't really her strong suit, she preferred using long range attacks, where as Trunks excelled at both. It didn't last that much longer now, Wylla kept up with Trunks as much as she could but, Trunks is a prodigy, he expertly managed to send her flying out the ring with a reversal, tossing her over his shoulder, a kick to finish her off and she went at high speeds into the stadium wall. The worried yell from Weiss nearby and from here, I could here the cheering of Bulma down below in the stands, the announcer yelled out through the yelling crowd.


"That was an explosive round folks! Reminiscent of the Cell games even! Now, for the third round! An intermission of twenty minutes before we begin the third rounds, our officials are calling on all those who have made it passed the preliminary rounds for the martial arts tournament to assemble in the arena nearby, where the prelims had been done in." Oh well, that was our cue, I heard Winter speak to me nearby.


"We could make clones, have them dispel when it's our turn in the ring?" she asked, a little overeager sounding even for her. I nodded, as Blake added, already about to use the technique.


"I guess It would be fitting, seeing the fights to the end. Everyone else is leaving though…" Goku, hearing our idea approached us, speaking.


"Yeah, that is a good idea, I'd like to cheer on Goten for a bit before my own fights. He would like his dad watching!" Gohan, with Vidal looked on, as Piccolo replied.


"Fine then, it's settled. Those here who want to watch the rest of the fight, you should have the means to do so, in my case…" he split into two with a bit of exertion, as anther Piccolo now stood nearby, looking and dressed the same as the original. They both spoke.


"If you can't make a simple clone of yourself, you'd better not waste any more time, we have a tournament to fight in." The clone stood there while Piccolo left. Gohan decided to make a clone too, along with Tien and Raven. Ruby Rose looked on a little put out from there being doubles of a few people, even Blake, Weiss, Pyrrha and myself, with Winter now creating one too, Qrow snorted while petting her elbow, nudging her.


"i for one am going to need to learn that their technique, you too Ruby. Imagine… sending one to work… one to the liquor store… one to get another job-" Ruby replied, walking with us, the various clones of everyone who'd left them behind to continue to watch the junior division finals stayed behind in our previous spot.


"Yeah, even Yang made one… I'll have to ask her about training me that technique, it would come in handy for everything." she seemed to be staring into space, Weiss replied to her, a little more calming as she huffed.


"Anyway Ruby, you'll have to come back to our place after this tournament, we've got to catch up, we all can help you learn that clone technique…" the girls, that is my wives minus Bulma, slowed down to a crawl as they begun to chat among themselves while I slowly sped up, Qrow making long strides to catch up to me, he took another whiff of his canteen, about to speak when Raditz approached me, interrupting him.


"Kron! That clone technique, when was it that you were going to teach me that-" I glared at him, replying, this guy still made demands of me, my time to help him get powerful or more powerful than his little brother, he still seen it as an insult that Kakarot was still stronger than him.


"-You ought to head to the planet Yardrat first, there is a certain… Ki control training you need to grasp before even attempting that move, if you like, later on I will give you the coordinates and allow you to borrow a ship. Until then, don't make any more demands of me, I've done enough to help you attain your power already, even helping you transcend our mythical 'Super Saiyan' transformation, also sparring with you at times too. Qrow, as for that technique, you and Ruby would be better off learning from the people of Yardrat's too.


Qrow nodded, seemingly now in thought while we now headed down the stadium and headed out towards the arena where the prelims were held. Some of the last people we were, Sixteen stalked towards me, a calm look on his face and he nodded, speaking quietly when he reached me.


"Kron, I've been meaning to thank you-"


"-Sixteen, you don't need to, if you don't know, I used you as a catalyst to try and get Gohan to reach the next level in our 'Super Saiyan' transformation-" he nodded, hummin in thought before which he spoke his mind, getting me off my guard for but a moment.


"I know, I meant that you, and your brilliant wife Bulma, even if she secretly removed my bomb, she rebuilt me and you made good on destroying Cell, and having the decency to help collect my parts, my microchip so that I could be rebuilt. My latest model is-" he gave a little flex while standing tall and smirking down upon him, added while showing off the work Bulma done.


"She rebuilt me with advanced reverse engineered technology her company didn't have prior to Dr. Gero's descent into his own lab to create me and the models Thirteen through to Fifteen. Even my body, it is remade of the same synthetic from what remained of my synthetic makeup. I will use this new improved body to destroy you…" he smiled, grinning at his own little 'joke', before adding.


"I will greatly enjoy meeting you in battle- those two, they are anomalies." Sixteen went from enthused in our conversation to serious in a moment, as his and now my own eyes were drawn in to the two beings up ahead, for which Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Raven and everyone else in our group eyed them as we slowly trekked our way by them. Piccolo looked quiet put out as he looked back in suspicion, while Goku too, seemed to acknowledge that the two weren't normal or something, from the look in his eyes, I was not sure. The two 'beings' for ah shit-


"Anomalies you say young man. Well, I for one am looking at one big anomalies myself, I suppose everyone from 'that' planet I should consider anomalies as well, but enough of that." he eyed me, smirking like an ugly bastard- I give a shit he reads minds, I now thought of all the hungry, kinky sex I will be having sometime after, perhaps I could fuck my wives after a round, to keep my blood pumping-


"-I have been meaning to speak to a few individuals of your people's strongest warriors, you among them. But, for now… I will… enjoy seeing these festivities. Hopeful I get to participate in a bout or two…: he trailed on, and I found myself catching up to Gohan, Videl, Piccolo, Goku and Tien. They, minus Videl and Tien, were close enough to both Goku and Piccolo when the… 'unknown midget begun to speak to the two of them too. Piccolo sent me a narrowed glared, speaking quietly.


"...Those two… they have a strange Ki… I can't- I don't remember where I've pickled something like that up before… we ought to keep an eye on the two of them, I have a bad feeling…"everyone, except for Videl who only looked on confused, and Yang who came to see what was taking Tien, Chiaotzu trailing along beside her too.


"Come you guys, move faster! I want to see who I am up against." Yang said, a sure-fire grin on her face, arms on her hips as she bit her lip, gazing at Tien, the man broke out of his serious look to blush… heh.