Hercule, the Super Assassin.

(Hercule Satan-POV)


"Ho! Evacuation, I will not evacuate, especially since my daughter has yet to return yet! Now what of this offer, you must know I am a busy man continuing my training." he said to the man in front of him, a government agent for the king who came two proposals, the one he just rejected to flee to this nearby planet recently discovered. The man had two though, he circled around his armchair and Hercule followed his steps, the man turned to him then.


"The king hasn't told his government, but he believes that someone named Goku would handle this fight, he and most of his family apart for his twice-removed nephew has decided to stay here, to coordinate efforts with Capsule Corp and the Schnee Industries Corporation. Why trust them to do government work is… concerning, and this Goku agent, we've discussed this among those concerned with the king. We want you, to deal with this Majin Buu, someone who had defeated Cell will make short work of this Majin Buu character and at the same time, we can discredit the king with this relocation retreat he has allowed to happen." Hercule gulped mentally, these government guys wanted him to do the heavy lifting, Cell, Majin Buu, Goku… they were above his level. Hercule couldn't tell this guy though, he laughed boisterously as he stood to full height, the shake in his knees now hidden from him standing up and he replied to this suite.


"Ho ho! I will- that is to say, hah hah! He will be grinded into dust when I'm through with him! Though ah, I would like to be compensated of course." the man nodded, replying.


"Of course, this should be sufficient for your expenses, we after all would not expect you to fight Majin Buu without our… support." Hercule watched as another man, secret service came in with a briefcase, metallic and laid it upon his dining room table. Hercule would check it over later, but now he was a little glad that he would not lose much to the fierce woman Eighteen. He could pay her off with this…


"Alright then- hhm, well I will need time to prepare, you know the way out. My butler will escort you out. Hans!" he called to his butler, the government in the suite walked on by Hercule before stopping, he placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered.


"We expect there will be proof of course Mr. Satan, when you succeed, you'll get the rest of the payment." Heh, so he only had half. Hercule eyed the man being so friendly with his shoulder, the man chuckled, following along Hercules butler out of the room.


"..." Hercule took a seat once more in his favorite thinking chair and deflated into the chair and sighed, he was in deep trouble, he didn't want to die!




"Hey Dende, what's wrong, you alright there." he approached the young Namekian, whose gaze was turned to the clouds down below. Occasionally, a ship would make a pass, heading into orbit as Krillin noted, some came close enough to hit the lookout but never did.


"-Huh? Oh, Krillin. I've been monitoring Majin Buu, he blew up a sizable tract of land, a town was destroyed and the people in the town left, they… died." Krillin replied, worried as he coughed before speaking.


"What! Didn't Goku say we had some time. Before he would try to kill us all?" Dende sighed, replying as another ship passed by, Dende rose a hand to tell silently Krillin to wait. Dende turned back around, adding as the ship transport changed its trajectory, its crash course towards the lookout averted.


"I have to also occasionally alter someone's mind as to stop them from crashing into the lookout. Seeing that you know, most people don't even know this place exists. Doing that and keeping track of the fast Majin Buu is a… challenge. Anyways, Majin Buu is destruction incarnate from what I've seen of him. He comes to anger easily; I would not be surprised that he would forget all together the deal made between him and Goku." Eighteen approached him and Dende, Marron, Seventeen and Sixteen by her side.


"Krillin, watch Marron for a spell. We're going to go fight Majin Buu, keep him busy. We should be a capable force, who knows… we most like won't need Vegeta and Kron saving the day, or anyone else for that matter." Krillin looked at her, slightly agreeing with her. With 'Kaio-Ken' they were formidable on their own. Perhaps they did have a chance.


"Well love, I say, go for it if you're that confident. I'll look after Marron." Dende added, looking more serious.


"If you three want to try, I suggest you wait a few days time and then attack him. We have an opportunity to buy some time for the others, let's not waste it encase you three bit off more than you can handle. His absorbing ability is also much quicker than Cell's, and a lot faster, as he requires no tail, just one beam and your gone. Please, exercise caution." Dende also brought up a good point of the absorbing capabilities of this creature, something that when Krillin turned to gaze at both his wife, brother-in law and Sixteen, in the first two he seen a little worry hidden behind bravado.


Goku approached, overhearing them as he spoke seriously.


"You guys should listen to Dende, I've seen Majin Buu, felt his awesome power firsthand. He will either destroy you all or absorb you, adding your power to his own. We've four days to prepare, allow us to use the time I've gathered for us all. Keep calm." he gave all of them a look, Krillin decided to break the tension.


"Yeah, sure Goku, we're all good here for now. Now, while Vegeta and Kron are in the room, we should perhaps continue our own training around here no doubt. That, or we could eat." the words had Goku nodding with a smile as he spoke while Eighteen folded her arms, interrupting them as Seventeen chuckled.


"I've got an idea, us three versus you Goku, Tien and Krillin. A fight in the sky, no time limits until one sides warriors are defeated." Krillin turned to laugh, though it came out awkwardly as that gaze in his wife's eyes was fierce, she really wanted to fight-


"-my last fight in the tournament was against Hercule by the way, Krillin we're going to be well off financially thanks to that blockhead, but I never got a worthy enough battle from the poser. Care to change that, Goku?" she didn't even need to question his friend, Krillin could see the gears turning in Goku's eyes, he was intrigued.


"Sure then, I'll enjoy this, let me get Tien. I know you three wanted to destroy me in the past and all, but let's leave out deaths, I'd bet we would learn from one another.": Goku smirked, and Krillin gulped, looking towards his wive smirking and Seventeen already cracking his knuckles.




They spent a number of days inside already, not wasting any amount of time with idle talk, they kept eating a silent affair and fought one another seriously within what Vegeta dubbed 'Super Saiyan Three'. The animalistic, almost feral energized form was a blessing in disguise, something for him to improve upon, something for which required a tail… Vegeta inwardly smirked as he struck Kron only for the other Saiyan to flicker out of the way, an elbow from Kron appeared in a blink striking his right sided jawline. Vegeta, distracted from thinking about Raditz failure to attain this form as well, he remembered Kron striking that guys tail off when the both of them were under Babidi's lackluster attempt to hold the two of them as thralls to his pitiful will, Vegeta appeared above Kron and blasted a quick volley downwards, his blast swallowed a whole lot of flat dimensional landscape with powerful energy explosions engulfing multiple areas.


"If that didn't hit, then this one should! 'Final Flash'" he prepared for his finisher, intent to put everything in this to defeat Kron today, Vegeta swerved to the side just in time as a beam came from his upper left, the familiar blast of Kron's 'Royal Spear blasting toward him for which he met it with his own.


The beams caught one another mid-flight, Ki escaping from the point of impact as they fought on, each one continuing to feed their respective beams with the boundless energy they contained.


"Haaaaaaa!" both of them howled with challenge, the beams connection couldn't take anymore power, exploding in a bright flash as energy expanded into a massive dome, threatening to engulf the both of them. They quickly found themselves flickering inside of the explosion, continuing the fight in melee combat within the dome, a eye of the storm formed around them as they fought while the explosion continued to surround them. Blow after blow, the impacts continued to halt the explosion from re-engulfing the two of them, their melee assault upon one another a whole another level which Vegeta was beginning to enjoy.


He would continue to train and get payback on the one who ate him, seeing as Vegeta prior to the fight with Majin Buu he was injured even with taking that Senzu bean. But now, with an edge and the means to train in said form for an entire year worth's of battles, against one of his rivals… Vegeta will continue to enjoy the fights to come.




Taking another blow only for me to retaliate back, flickering to the side to sweep my leg underneath him, to elbow Vegeta in the gut, I sent a small sphere into his stomach to push Vegeta back down into the ground. The next blast Vegeta sent through the small explosion that engulfed his being came out in multiples, the small Ki-blasts twirling through the air, following me as I flickered continuously to random positions in the air. I landed upon the white, flat surface and jumped backwards multiple times to outrun the explosions landing in tandem at each point I jumped backwards to, Vegeta continued his volley without any signs of stopping, testing out his reserves I suppose.


Vegeta was an excellent sparing partner when he was my equal, I will grow stronger within a year of this place, that was sure.




Gohan pulled the sword, that was a great event of the planet, Shin would never see greater, but Gohan is a impressive warrior. Kibito returned to him, a halo above his head which Gohan commented on that they could revive him once the Majin Buu crisis was well and truly over. Shin now watched as Gohan trained with the sword, he was in the process of getting used to the heavy weight of the blade, but with his apparent 'Super Saiyan Two' transformation, Gohan was getting there. They had some time, Shin continued to keep an eye on Earth, on Majin Buu himself, he was impressed that Goku managed to capture Babidi which meant they now had someone who could place Buu back in his cage. Shin considered going to get the wizard and holding him here on the world of the Kai's but thought better of it, those on the earths lookout would better have that monster caged and Shin needed to be ready to help.


"Get used to the weight Gohan, the two of you, the sword and you will be able to to fight as one." Shin heard Kibito speak to the young warrior, whose fatigue could be heard as the young man took large breaths. Gohan threw the sword, flickering to the side and trying to catch it. He gripped it mid-air and held on, Gohan was dragged along as the sword fell down into the ground from a decent height. Shin took a seat on a nearby rock, watching Kibito imparting advice occasionally and Gohan continued to struggle, the training showing signs of slow but steady improvement.


"...This had better be enough…" Shin whispered, watching Kibito and Gohan silently.




Goku struck Tien with a blast, the 'Kaio-Ken' engulfed Tien dodged the beam at the last second, engaging as the two of them entered into a fierce melee combat, the two of them split a few seconds later when four 'Destructo-Disk' blades flew towards the two of them, following them as Krillin flickered into view. He controlled his Ki-discs to try and split the two of them up, then Krillin in turn become inflamed in his own 'Kaio-Ken' use.


Tien launched his own attack, holding his hand up in a triangle shape, he silently launched his beam towards Krillin, Goku blinked before gathering his own Ki for a 'Kame Hame' beam, while Tien and Krillin engaged one another. He stopped midway through, flickering into between the two and engaging both of them at the same time with surprising speed, the two of them begun push Goku to a defensive stance. Goku applauded the two silently, enjoying the engagement. Eighteen appeared, with Yang, Raditz and Zangya too close for them to continue. Then, Seventeen, Sixteen and Pyrrha arrived soon after.


"Let's make this interesting, will have to fight further away from the lookout, but a brawl with everyone against one another, no team forming. Just one-hundred percent action for training, does this interest you, ladies, gentlemen?" Yamcha said, Goku almost forgot he arrived a half an hour ago, with a few of the others both here and at the lookout.


"Sure then, that would be grand. Though don't blame me if you're taken down first Yamcha, you've not exactly kept up a fierce regime of training yourself. I wager I could take you on with one hand behind my back." Krillin retorted with a mischievous smile, Yamcha chuckled but smirked towards him in challenge.


Zangya, not one for words went after Eighteen as soon as Yamcha finished speaking which made the wind around them rush out fiercely from their speed, Eighteen using the 'Kaio-Ken' to match the overly powered alien warrior. This begun a chain of event for which multiple fights begun in a small space above in the clouds, the Lookout a small blip in the backdrop encase someone fired off a Ki-blast. Goku took to fighting his older brother Raditz, whose 'Super Saiyan' form made him a challenging fight, his previous battles with Kron when Raditz was under the control of Babidi managed to raise Raditz fighting power to another level.



Hercule took a flight out, he took the time before leaving to make sure to get enough supplies so he could deal with Majin Buu, dynamite, poison, the works which while ordinarily these items would be hard getting hands on, a man of his esteem and influence had no trouble getting these items. Hercule also made another call to his daughter, getting her on his brand-new scroll, she was somewhere on a place called the lookout, wherever that is but she was fine if not… at home, her friend was somewhere else, so he sighed in relief as she wasn't alone with him.


"Right! I should be able to find this Majin Buu character if I follow all carnage that pink guy created, there is much he will answer for… and I will be ah, made a bigger name than now! Ho ho! Haa, he stands no chance, no good tricks he could pull, I can do one better. I've got my poison, my bombs my camera- ah no! I forgot to get that; I better go back home- no… I might as well find somewhere nearby by on the way." Hercule said aloud with cheer, the explosions slowly expanded over his journey in his highly priced Capsule Corp V.T.O.L. Hercule tuned the volume on his radio and begun to hum to his favorite tune, his theme song for the ring.


"Oh, look there, man this Majin Buu… how could someone cause all this!? I-I'm going to teach that no-good criminal a lesson in respecting human life, this is… is a sad sight…" for once, his usual cheerful, boating demeanor facade lowered as he began flying over a massive crater which was slowly filling with water from a nearby river. The crater had remnants of debris of buildings, vehicles and if one were to look more closely, bodies of those not… living, his gaze hardened but he really had no clue as to if he had what it took to stop someone of that caliber, such destruction-causing reminiscent of Cell and… of those 'Golden Heroes he'd stolen their glory as his own, marketing and all that.


"...My baby girl better be nowhere near this Majin Buu guy- Ahhh, I am downright mad!" he cried out in anger, concentrating on flying his transport to hopefully the location where Majin Buu was, he could then fight the guy and become a hero for real.




"You aren't joining them, Piccolo? It would stem the boredom you're looking like you're having." Dende asked from nearby, Piccolo turned to him with a stern glance, eyes quickly swerved back onto the shockwaves further away, while replying.


"No, there is no point, besides I'll be using the room sooner or later and unlike Saiyan's, gaining anything from fighting short-term is a waste of time, we've only got four days, heck from the intelligence this creature has I would think that at any moment could be our last. I don't relish the thought in wasting my strength fighting those guys over there when we should be watching Majin Buu's every move. We have the Babidi, but that monster is more unhinged with or without him and forcing him to help us. Has Blake got any information yet?" he questioned, Dende shook his head.


"No, she said that working him over physically would kill the little tape worm, she does know someone that might help us. I am really uncomfortable with this-" Piccolo interrupted.


"-Who is this someone, and when is he here? We need that Babidi to put away Buu, sealing it up again could solve all our problems." Piccolo remember how strong Majin Buu felt when he was released, then as Vegeta disappeared from his senses, Majin Buu's strength increased dramatically, a dangerous ability to consume others and steal its energy, more advanced than Cell. In other words, dangerous…" Dende replied, he nodded in agreement, saying his piece.


"Blake has sent Mr. Popo out, to pick up someone who might be able to help us. He should return any moment, he went out on his magic carpet so expect him soon-" Piccolo and Dende turned as Mr. Popo appeared and with a woman, that unknown lady living at Kron's house, her name he remembered, is Salem.


"Oh! Dende, Piccolo. This is Salem, she was described by Blake to have a know how around magic." she stared at the two of them, she turned to Mr. Popo and spoke quietly, sophisticated for someone with red eyes and a monstrous appearance.


"Mr. Popo, take me to this magic user, I am very informed on the subject and would like to pick at his… brain on his use, inquire to him in person as was my intention for coming here, now lead the way construct." she took a step forward towards Mr. Popo who hurriedly escorted her quickly inside the building where Blake held Babidi within.


(Blake Belladonna-POV)


She seen as Salem and Mr. Popo entered, the elder lady whose looks still had a youthful appearance came towards her, Mr. Popo by her side as she waved Blake over.


"This place has the most amount of residue magical energy since I've arrived on this planet, not counting the unique feeling whenever the sky darkens and a green dragon sprouts out of nowhere, dragon balls I've been told. Now, Blake my dear, where is the magic user, I am interested to meet." She nodded to the room behind her, replying in a bored tone.


"That creature is in the back room there; he is a pathetic specimen and if I try any further, I'm liable to break limbs. White Fang training didn't exactly prepare me for torture, to the extant where I can get anything from him without physical harm. You should have a better chance with the ugly thing-" Salem chuckled, a silky-like tone as she interrupted her, taking a few step forwards, passing her whilst making eye contact.


"My, how droll. I'll handle the magic user, don't scowl dear, you'll get wrinkles. Go, get a little rest or some food, you look a little stressed, yes." she strolled past, Salem moved towards the door and Blake realized that the woman was not even dressed moderately, her hair done up, red-tinted sunglasses and a dark-blue bikini, Blake sighed, perplexed.


"Mr. Popo, I need to… do you know where my daughters are? She questioned, Mr. Popo replied with a nod, pointing upwards.


"Yes. They are off world, with your fellow wife." Blake huffed, nodding as she forgot.


"Right, thanks Mr. Popo-" scream was heard from behind her, Blake and Mr. Popo turned as Salem exited the room, her face having the look that she'd done something wrong.


"Uh, Blake dear, it seems like my magic was a tad bit… unused for a long while, I fried the little creatures head, poor creature-" Blake yelled, but it was Mr. Popo who replied as he ran off.


"This is bad, I must tell Dende sir!" the two woman who remained just looked at one another, Blake with a glare at Salem as she killed the one who could have helped them while Salem only grimaced from her look, chuckling soon after to stifle the awkwardness.


Blake went into the room and Salem followed, Blake could see that Babidi was still alive, but he was… well, he was brain dead, a drooling mess with bloodshot eyes and he couldn't even sit, instead was prone on the ground still magically restrained by Dende's magical chains.


"Salem… did you at least learn anything from that cretin? Before your magic overpowered his own and you turned him into a drooling mess, this… could be bad if we're no longer have access to whatever magic he holds within his mind-"


"-Oh yes dear, it is why he is brain dead because I ripped everything of use from his head. Bear with me Blake, I am out of practice after all, allow me to acclimatize all the useful information and remove the rot I'd recover from his weak mind. Give me… twenty-four hours, until then I'll be at home getting some more sun. You should join me, you're looking a little more pale than normal, where is that husband of yours anyway?" she asked a little clueless of most of the current events besides Babidi though she should now know from ripping the knowledge and memories from Babidi's head by force. heading out towards where Mr. Popo was currently speaking to both Dende and Piccolo, with Piccolo looking more and more incensed as Mr. Popo continued to explain.




?? = power-level is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 90,084,062 Base Form. -|- Oozeru(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Wrathful State(X10) = 900,840,620 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,504,203,100 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = X1,050 = 94,588,265,100 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan2(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = X1,800 = 162,151,311,600 -|- Kaio-ken -X100 = 9,008,406,200 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Wrathful State(X10) = 500 = 45,042,031,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) = 360,336,248,000 -|- Super Saiyan4(Primal(X4000)) X Wrathful State(X10) = 40,000 = 3,603,362,480


-Raditz = 56,240,880 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 1,912,189,920 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 562,408,800 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 2,812,044,000


-Trunks(Future) = 64,246,860 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 3,212,343,000 -|- Super Saiyan II (X100) = 6,424,686,000


-Trunks(Present) = 35,884,276 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 1,794,213,800


-Ursula = 35,745,345


-Achilles = 31,908,452


-Anthony = 32,145,108


-Jaina(FUTURE) = 2,800,000 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000


-Jaina(Present) = 21,460,487 -|- Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 1,073,024,350


-Yang = 43,700,440 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,709,427,280


-Goku = 93,856,946 -|- Kaio-ken - X100 = 9,385,694,600 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,692,847,300 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x21)) = 1,050 = 98,549,793,300 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x18)) = 1,800 = 168,942,502,800


-Zangya - 6,400,000,000


-Winter = 23,848,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X48 = 1,144,704,000


-Krillin= 23,086,248 -|- Kaio-ken - X54 = 1,246,657,392


-Pyrrha = 42,700,924 -|- Kaio-ken - X64 = 2,732,859,136


-Gohan = 94,064,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 940,640,000 - Kaio-ken - x46 = 4,326,944,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,703,200,000 -|- Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,406,400,000


-Vegeta - 92,280,480 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 4,614,024,000 -|- Super Saiyan Saiyan-II(X100) = 9,228,048,000 -|- Oozeru(X10) = 922,804,800 (Vegeta didn't get stronger when he was absorbed by Majin Buu as he barely had any KI left when he was absorbed, he died instead of becoming a Ki-Battery for Majin Buu)


-Raven = 40,240,620 -|- Kaio-ken - X62 = 2,494,918,440


-Blake = 26,084,460 -|- Kaio-ken - x49 = 1,278,138,540


-Weiss = 26,042,459 -|- Kaio-ken - x43 = 1,119,825,737


-Yamcha = 21,000,097 -|- Kaio-ken - x53 = 1,113,005,141


-Tien = 28,063,800 -|- Kaio-ken - x66 = 1,852,210,800


-Chiaotzu = 12,000,000


-Ruby = 6,400,000


-Piccolo = 2,450,000,000 (Weighted Clothes) -|- 3,000,000,000 ((Full Power) (Weighted Clothes Removed)) -|- Kaio-ken - x18 = 54,000,000,000


-Chichi = 8,000


-Sixteen - 2,880,860,048


-Seventeen - 2,246,084,200 -|- Kaio-ken - X36 = 80,859,031,200


-Eighteen - 2,242,870,000 -|- Kaio-ken - X34 = 76,257,580,000


-Qrow = 23,084,021 -|- Kaio-ken - X46 = 1,061,864,966

-Hercule = 600

-Kibito = ??


-Shin = ??

-Dabura = 5,000,000 - Under Seals, also under control Of Babidi. -|-500,000,000 = Original Power Level with seals on power removed, No longer under Babidi's thrall. -|- 400,000,000,000 Empowered by Towa.(X800) 

-Majin Buu = 380,800,400,000 (Enhanced By absorbing Kron's Energy, so much more energy at the time than in Canon) (Vegeta Being absorbed gave nothing as Vegeta was worn out Ki-wise and died from the shock of being absorbed and having no Ki in him at the time)