This Cruel World.



Her process of healing Mira sapped little of her energy, she still had some items she would always have on her person, sealed to be used whenever she would please. Senzu beans stolen from other timelines of which she still had seven of them, fruits of the tree of might, a measly three of them left over from experimentation. She healed him, while his perfected genes from some of the strongest warriors grew him another arm, the two of them were hidden in a mountain, their power hidden from those observing using her abilities.


"That Saiyan, he nothing like the others should be at this point in time, Mira my dear, will take him out but first… will find Majin Buu before he is set to fight these nitwits, and boost his fighting powers, so he has a better chance to weaken these fools. Then, you'll sweep in dear Mira… and kill everybody while I'll drain what energy they all give off and then keep their bodies for experimentation. You'll have a better chance Mira if you keep the Senzu beans on you, keep them so you can feed yourself during the coming battle." she held the six beans she had left of the Senzu beans while also pulling out the three tree of might fruit, presenting them to him also.


"Also eat up, eat every single one of these, you'll need your strength. Also beware that Majin Buu will at some point, possibly with our interference, should split with the evil part, when that happens, I'll raise the fighting power of it and then… that Saiyan will be swept aside, and our revenge will be complete. More importantly though, my continued harvest can continue but this time uninterrupted." she sneered, thinking of the agony they would have that Saiyan in in no time and through a proxy fighter, she watched as Mira nodded, eating slowly all the fruits of the tree of might, his Ki growing stronger though at the moment she had both their Ki hidden.


Once he finished eating, Mira stood to full height, looking more impressive physically, Mira stroked along his left arm, feeling his muscles and she smirked, impressed from what she felt, Mira spoke up with a grunt.


"I get to kill them all? Even Majin Buu?" Towa chuckled, he had a one-track mind, she replied with a nod of her head, speaking in reply.


"Of course, this timeline is currently sealed off. As long as we stay away from the Supreme kai, the god of destruction and those two who has this timeline on lock-down, we should be able to get away with anything. But that one who put the hurt on both of us-" Mira growled, his Ki was pushing through her magic, darkened-red energy sparked randomly through her power, running up and along Mira's body randomly as his power coursed through him, trying to fight her own magic to keep them safe both from prying eyes and those who can sense Ki.


"Yes, you'll crush him now, I am certain of it. So, heal for the time being while I keep an eye of things. Then, we will track down Majin Buu and the chose will cause should fetch us a lot of energy to steal for ourselves. Eat up." Towa picked up the two other fruits of might, handing each one to him, Mira took them both and ate up slowly, a stoic look on his face as her creation glared up in the direction that the battle they had with that warrior was in, she smirked in turn, not the least afraid of the fools threats, he should have killed them. What a soft, if handsome fool. She'll add his face to her memories before she watches Mira take his life.




"Hey! Majin Buu! Where are you?" Hercule called out, dressed more like how he raised his daughter Videl than a warrior of his caliber, the apron and holding a large bowl which was wrapped by a dish cloth to stop him burning his hands, he looked around the building to look for Majin Buu and his new grinned. The dog then could be heard outside, as a second later Hercule heard the happy call of Majin Buu, speaking to the pup.


"Hey! You! I've finished dinner-yikes!" he almost dropped his meal, well, Majin Buu's meal as the uh, creature in question instantly appeared in front of him, a smile on his face. A second later the puppy came running in, running around Majin Buu playfully while Hercule steadied himself from the instant teleportation this dumb guy had done to almost make him spill this expertly prepared meal.


"Hey Buu! You've got to stop doing that yeah! I could have d-dropped this here food, y-you know!" Hercule spoke, a little loudly but carefully ass he didn't want to be turned into a candy, Majin Buu only smiled though, nodding as he replied.


"Yes, Buu hear Hercule say that many time. Buu made sure to do it while Hercule can see Buu, see!" Hercule blinked, not sure at least what he meant by that, of Course he could see Buu, the guy appeared right in front of him!


"W-Why yes, Buu, I seen you. Uh, let's eat haha, I'm starved, slaving away at the cooking and all, here is your and the pups meal, you can just feed him, though I should warn you that it is hot, alright Buu." he said, handing over the meal, Buu dropped the dish cloth Hercule had underneath but didn't burn from the heat, Hercule sighed in relief from that as he didn't want to be killed if he accidentally burned the guy. Hercule then turned, a small smile on his face, he itched his mustache while seeing Buu and the pup getting along, seeing Buu for once being something resembling a human being and no longer, at this time at least, killing anyone else.


Hercule ate by himself, though occasionally he would hear Majin Buu laugh or the pup would bark in excitement or contentment, he smiled, Hercule didn't bother to poison this meal of course seeing that an innocent dog was to be eating with them for the foreseeable future, while inside Hercule needed to get out of here, even if this Buu seemed more innocent, though he has killed but- Hercule felt conflicted about the guy for sure, he has an innocence about him but at the same time, he wouldn't hesitate to eat humans, turning them into candy or any other sweat-toothed treat he would gobble up.


"...Man, I'm not sure what to do, what I can do anyway. The guy is too strong to beat. Though he not all bad, when he is away from negative influences, that guy Babidi was taken by that long hair guy, Buu told me…" he continued to eat up, making several glances whenever he could hear Buu laughing about something or when the pup would bark back at him.




"Here Gohan, I've gotten some of the strongest material known to the Kai's, will use this in order for you to practice with the sword. I've also added my own magic to this metal, adding more density. Now, prepare yourself. I'll launch it right now!" he held a single finger, flickering said finger downwards as the cube of metal launched towards Gohan at a rapid pace, Gohan with Z-sword in hand, waiting for it to get into range in order to slash through it, that the Z-sword should do with ease.


The cube came right towards him as Gohan smirked, he swung the sword and with shock, he watched as the Z-sword broke at the pointy end, he dived out of the way as the cube of metal sailed right past him, but Gohan couldn't tear his gaze from the sword, now broken in a few spots, the end now broken.


"T-The Z-s-sword! It is broken supreme Kai!" Gohan called out, the metal found itself imbedded in a hill nearby, Gohan made to stand though he kept to one knee on the grass as he observed the broken pieces, counting with a critical eye, Shin and Kibito approached, they seemed really nervous now.


"T-This cannot be, Gohan! I- I don't know what to say! The Z-sword cannot be easily broken! Kibito! Does m-my eyes d-deceive me!" Kibito replied, shock also on his face, the two of them nervousness continued to grow at each step they made to reach Gohan.


"The s-strongest blade! Y-your eyes d-do not lie supreme K-Kai! This shouldn't have happened-" Shin retorted, snapping his gaze into Kibito's direction, his worry reaching epic proportions while Gohan placed the sword down onto the grass, aligning the pieces up along with it, it should be possible to put back together… perhaps?


"Guys, couldn't the blade just need a blacksmith-" Shin turned his gaze towards him, annoyed as he replied, pointing down to the sword.


"This weapon s-shouldn't have broken Gohan, there s-should be no possible way for it to do so! It grants the users the u-ultimate power in the universe! To wield this blade, is to make the wielder almost invincible! The legends speak of it, this knowledge is known within the Kai's sphere of influence." Kibito then added, a little more worried than Shin.


"Without the Z-sword, we've lost, there is no way t-that Majin Buu can be defeated now! We've done all this work, for nothing!" Gohan replied, stepping forward as he gave the ruined blade a final look while stepping over it, he faced the two of them, eyes narrowed.


"I feel great! Though, better then great, I feel almost invincible. Perhaps there was some kind of information you've gotten wrong or was lost by the sands of time-"


"-Inconceivable Gohan! The Z-sword is a holy relic of our people, said to bear it's chosen wielder ultimate power, this is known-" Shin began though it was Kibito who finished speaking.


"-It is Known." Kibito finished, the two of them looking at Gohan with almost fanatical adoration for said sword… now a mere relic itself then having any use. Gohan replied, showing off his drastic increase in strength and speed to the two, showcasing his gains that he made in a rather short amount of time and with the sword, Gohan didn't believe that without the sword, there was now no chance to defeat Majin Buu.


"Look you two, I'm way stronger now than when I started out. Perhaps you guys did get something wrong, and that it is not the sword, but the wielder who trains with this sword who grows in leaps and bounds drastically, perhaps the weapons was just a training item, meant to modify the training ability of the holder…" Gohan made a calculated guess, still showing off his numerous gains, the speed almost causing sonic booms, Kibito remained uncertain from the look on his face. It was Shin who replied, seemingly thinking it through a little more, the Supreme Kai made to speak but paused, mouth opened like he was searching for the right words. Finally, Shin replied.


"...Perhaps… the legend is indeed an old one, perhaps your right and something indeed did get lost in translation from the long amount of time since the sword has been here for almost millennia. Yes… indeed, uh… you could be right Gohan…" he sounded both unsure and at the same time, hopeful, seeing the strength that Gohan showcased with ease and within his base form too, which was the most impressive part about this training. Gohan felt he could easily beat Majin Buu and Kron both and at the same time, with Vegeta and his father too helping them. Arrogant of him to believe but, well, that is what he felt like he could pull off now. Gohan made to step forward, leaving the sword behind when the sword made an almost unnoticeable sound, Gohan at first thought it was a trick, but he felt something… had been released from the sword or from the crack in particular. He looked up, turning to the supreme Kai, Kibito and the supreme Kai-


"-Hang on! Who is that guy, that old man-" Gohan blinked, seeing a man that happened to have an appearance that is similar to Shin.


"-Quite youngster, you'll make my ears pop with that racket, heh yes indeed… ah... silent... once again. Hey, you three kids, what are you doing there, get me something to eat yes, I am famished-" Shin replied to the unknown elder, turning fully to gaze at this older gentleman, whose garb and appearance matched Shin's.


"Excuse me sir, but where did you-" Shin was waved off, then old man moving his left hand as if waving him off, not humoring Shin with answering anything.


"-I said to get me something to eat. You there, tall one. You've your orders, now if you please, get my meal. You youngling, I am the supreme Kai, although I believe it has been at least uh… fifteen generations since I was the supreme Kai-" Shin gasped in surprise and Kibito made to get something to eat for the old man at once, hearing the order being placed by someone of standing to the degree of Shin, Gohan could only watch on, not knowing what to say. What could he say anyway, as it seemed the old man came out of his training Z-sword. It was then that Shin replied, surprise evident in each word said he could get out.


"-You, who- h-how-" the old man interrupted, clearing his throat while raising a hand, silencing Shin by a mere hand gesture, he took a seat nearby them, urging them to sit with him.


"Now here is what happened, you see… there was a villain of my time, he was a powerful foe but also an intelligent being who managed to trick me, trapping and sealing me into what you and those who came after me, before you called the Z-sword. Now I am free, and no I will not be resuming my duties of supreme Kai, seeing as there is one already and so young too! No, I can help, I've heard much talk, not a lot much of action, and the training the young mortal over there participated in... well, in a word or two, you call that training? No, I can help you grow so much stronger, you can lean on me youngster, your elder will assist, heh..." Gohan replied, looking the old man up and down, also sensing for the old man's power but he didn't feel much of anything. Instead of replying with words, Gohan went to test out the old man's claims of being able to help, as he fired a tiny sphere of Ki, the orange-colored Ki-sphere sailed past Shin, and the old man blinked, the sphere blasting him in the face.


The old man was blasted to the ground, Gohan looked a little worried, but knowing he only put a minuscule amount of Ki inside, something that Goten could easily handle with impunity, the surprise still shocked Gohan as the old man claiming to be a supreme Kai from the past had fell down from the momentum of the explosion, perhaps no use from his abilities had weakened him?


He didn't look happy, Shin came rushing forward already helping the man up, Kibito landed a minute later with a hot meal and a drink for the old man.


"Eh, sorry about that, you said you were sealed away in that sword. I thought it was because you were a fierce opponent, you must have been sealed away because of another reason or have you yet to regain your strength because of your imprisonment-" Gohan was interrupted as the old guy shouted out at him, pushing himself up a little so he could look at him from where he laid, looking a little singed.


"-You ignorant fool, of course there was a reason I was sealed! Go stand over there and stick you head in the dirt, you ignorant mortal! So that I may kick your behind at my own pace… in a couple hundred years is when I'll begin, make sure to breath before hand!" the old man shouted other profanities as Shin and Kibito tried to calm the man down, though soon enough he did calm himself.


"...Many of my enemies feared me, though not because I was a warrior of such caliber! It was my strategic mind! That is just one reason, I was locked away. I was about to offer such service to you, I've been in a sword, not ignorant unlike your mortal self, I've seen you're in need of a teacher… but for that, I'm not sure if I even want to help!" the old man said, Gohan was skeptical of the man's claims to being a teacher like Piccolo was to him, or when Raven took him on for a little while with Piccolo.




"Mira, await me here, I'll be doing this alone. Come to me when I signal you to, not before, alright my dear." she smirked, teleporting to an area nearby, seeing Majin Buu… he was with a mortal and a pet, the pet giving him more joy than the other person.


"...I'll kill this pet of his, then that should be enough to release the evil within Buu which if I remember, was what had happened when he lost this dog of his…Then, I'll go ahead and boost his power, that should give me ample energy gathering abilities as Buu tears a part the Z-fighters…." she powered up a small sphere, one which would aim for the energetic dog, Towa launched it with but a finger movement, she watched as the attack fired quickly, Though it seemed Buu felt it coming, he blocked the beam with an elongated fist, stretching forth as he smacked it away. He couldn't feel her Ki though, with her magic hiding her at the moment.


She fired off another burst, this time not holding back and the multiple Ki-spheres pelted Buu and his home, igniting up. Towa seen as the man within had jumped out of the way in time, Hercule Satan she recalled his name… Buu was engulfed, while the pet of his was flung further away from him, it didn't move.


"Perfect." she sneered. That fool Saiyan should have finished her off when he had the chance to.




"Woah! H-Hey what's happening-" another explosion went off nearby to him, Hercule was blown out of the house, he also jumped away luckily enough as more explosions impacted around where he was before, these explosions decimated Buu's house to pieces. Buu though, he was currently engaging an unknown fighter, with looks that meant it was a woman fighting. She was too fast though, she didn't even engage Majin Buu, just continued to launch a few of those little spheres that would detonate nearby Buu. Buu seemed pretty mad, Hercule got to cover, he kept his eyes on the fight, watching as Buu seemed to be producing some strange mist from the top of his head.


"H-He's mad! Who t-the heck is this idiot w-woman! She- she- Heugh- Oh!" Hercule ducked, as another sphere raced passed him, impacting the hill nearby, there seemed to be two men up on the hill with guns, but they were hit, their screams could be heard from where Hercule ducked for cover. Then, Hercule caught sight as Buu's pup was forcefully thrown from an explosion, thankfully this explosion didn't hit the pup but, the dog was heavily bleeding. Hercule approached, quickly as the woman and Buu paused, Buu continued to emit a steam from out his body, which continued to fill the sky above him, that is until the steam ended. Hercule called out to Buu while the woman seemingly vanished from sight, Buu looked confused too, looking around for her but couldn't find her.


"Hey Buu!! over here, I'm over here!" Hercule waved him over, Buu flickered towards him, an angry scowl on his face, not for Hercule but for the woman who now was hiding, Hercule pointed to the dog.


"It is hurt bad Buu, I'm not sure if-" Buu walked close, he then placed his hands over it, a look of concentration appeared on his face and a glow emanated from both his hands. Then to the surprise of Hercule, the wounds and blood retreated from view, stitching up and the blood went back inside the pup, the dog then opened its eyes and Hercule bent down, giving Buu a pat on the back.


"Heh! You've healed him Buu, that was, impressive! Hello little guy." Hercule gave the pup a pat, Hercule then squinted as the cloud above let the sun hit his eyes once more, Hercule looked up as it looked like the cloud was condescending into a small cloud, at a rapid rate, Hercule seen that Majin Buu also noticed too, watching the cloud seemingly vanish before their eyes. Though instead of nothing, the cloud formed someone else, a person, with dark-blueish skin and a similar appearance and outfit to Buu, this guy looked at Majin Buu here like a snack.