Super Buu, Steamrolling.



Super Buu shrugged off a lot of blows we've landed, also healed through many of Piccolo's overpowered beams too. The only advantage we have are numbers, able to confuse him enough to launch an attack before he would turn to the last one to hit him. The fight barely even started, not even ten minutes yet had passed, the fighting being fast paced made thinking like this difficult, concentrating to not make a mistake being paramount.


Piccolo came in, joining us as we each took turns laying into Buu, dodging at an opportune time cause one hit could stop our momentum. His power easily dwarfed ours, I could tell even without a scouter to see the actual amount. His strength amplified by Towa, the dark blue aura was fading with time, compared to when we started. Perhaps he was burning it out of his system, seeing that in the game the fights lasted more what? Ten minutes, five minutes? Can't remember.


Landing a harsh neck blow, Buu's head antenna wrapped around my arm, I flickered out of existence briefly, dodging having my hand crushed in his vice-like grip. Vegeta powered up his Ki close-range while Goku and Piccolo landed their own blows, flickering out of the way-


-Piccolo got kicked in retaliation, his flicker happened but a part of him was hit in time by Buu, Piccolo spiraled when he flicked back in existence, looking to be in pain but he moved again from a pink Ki blast in which Super Buu launched from his over-extended jaw, his mouth, a roar before the beam blasted forth, we dodged as the beam travelled towards a mountain on the horizon, the sky went pitch black briefly as a large dome-shaped explosion rattled the earth, blinding me and the others for a few seconds.


Goku called out, flickering nearby to me.


"Hey! This isn't working with me in it, but I've got a plan though. I'm going to get into contact with 'King Kai telepathically, so he can help me reach the others. I'm going to need some cover though… I plan on using the 'Spirit Bomb'. But I'm going to need the other's help, trust me." Goku told me with a small smirk, he further added as the howling, screaming Super Buu cackled in excitement, like a monkey, impressed by his explosion.


"I'll tell the others, my plan. You and the others give Majin Buu everything you've got and hold him off from me." I nodded quickly, seeing that the plan sounded good, except for a few things, which I quickly added as I replied.


"This isn't Majin Buu Goku, this is something else… have a feeling that the fat one, that is, Majin Buu was influenced by this half of him, before this one escaped. It is the evil half, I believe the other half could become an ally in future battles." he looked at me, confused, he looked to be in thought, thoughts quickened by the situation of brief respite, flickering out of the way of an incoming blast, which exploded further away from us in a blinding light. Goku replied as Buu readied round two, the explosion slowly dying out like a setting sun only much slower.


"Will have to weaken him first, the 'Spirit Bomb' should be the best way of doing so… I'll land down there, after I quickly tell Vegeta. Piccolo with his big ears will hear the plane with ease, hurry, we've got no time." Goku flickered off, appearing beside Vegeta, while I afterimaged nearby to Piccolo, though he spoke up, smirking towards me, a bit of his blood running down his lip.


"I heard Goku's plan, a sound plan if anything else doesn't work and losing Goku from the fight shouldn't make much difference, Super Buu's strength is very slowly declining to-


-Super Buu appeared, lunging out with a loud growl, aiming for me and I matched him blow to blow, though more than occasionally Super Buu would land either a breath-gasping jab or a bone-shattering solid punch that I had to take on full-blown but I held out and fought through the pain, his aim slowing as Piccolo pointed out, he still was a dangerous contender. I was already gasping, bloodied, Vegeta and Piccolo looking as bad as I did. But there seems to be something that might become an advantage, The Ki of Super Buu, that of the darkened Ki-aura which at the start immolated around him with fierce energy. That energy seemed to be fading, though not as quick as we would like, if we held on for more time… there could be a chance that the boost to his power would dissipate in time-


-Super Buu flickered into vision, he headbutted me with a head-shattering head of his own, reinforced by his own power, knocking me past Vegeta.


"Die puny fool-" Vegeta blinked, flickering out of the path of myself before flickering back on track towards Super Buu who only grinned, right fist extended into his face, Vegeta launched his own barrage of punches matched with leg kicks attacks, but it appeared before I met the ground that, Super Buu stood motionless as Vegeta afterimaged to different positions around him. I impacted the cliff-face of hill, punching out through the other side but managed to catch the momentum as I lifted my hands in front of me and negated the momentum with Ki continuously blasting from my hands in a shortened range for which I manipulated to do.


Gritting my teeth, I shrugged through the pain and felt that pretty soon to which I joined in fighting down the pain brought about from Buu's hyper-focused assault upon me. Piccolo then joined, hacking at Super Buu's back with his own melee assault, his Ki a harsh red from 'Kaio-Ken', keeping up with Vegeta and myself while enshrouded in that 'Kaio-Ken' transformation.


At once, as if our minds were linked, Piccolo, Vegeta's and I flickered back to an appropriate distance, launching one of our own signature attacks while Super Buu was temporally dazed from the beat-down, that moment had passed when Super Buu, hating he'd taken a beating without dishing out his own damage in turn, growled out while his Ki ignited in a large flash, enveloping him in a larger radius, blazing in all directions as the three of us called out in turn.


"-'Super Beam Cannon' Haaaaaaaaaaah!-" Piccolo growled, followed by-


"-'Gatlick Cannon' Hyaaaaahhh!!" Vegeta called out in turn; his own beam fired out while I also called out-


"-'Tyrant's Spear' Herrrrghuhh!!!" the beams spread out around Buu landed upon him in rough unison, each blast feeding into the cataclysmic explosion.




Concentrating his thoughts, his eyes closed from another large explosion threatening even to forcibly move even Goku, who was further away, from his current position, he concentrated to make a connection with King Kai, who was always listening when he was needed.


The shock-waves continued to threaten movement from Goku forcefully as his feet dragged along the dirt of the hill he stood upon, as he continued to gather his initial reserves, Goku still had his 'Super Saiyan grade three' form to jump into but for now, he kept out of it, using his only Senzu bean to replenish his reserve's he used in the fight so far.


'...King Kai, can you hear me, Kai Kai? I need your help, this guy… he's too strong for all of us, even together.' he tried again, his thoughts racing. Goku was proved right when he felt the mental link, a familiar sensation, King Kai replied telepathically, while Goku opened his eyes, witnessing the battle resuming, blowing a part the explosion that hadn't dissipated as of yet.


'Yes Goku, I can hear you, can see you actually, I am watching intently. This foe… I'm not sure if you four can win alone, thought I've noticed that his power-up isn't all powerful. The only thing you can do is hold him off until this transformation fades, though holding off this creature's onslaught… I can't see that happening, but I've heard your plan. The 'Spirit bomb', what do you need Goku.' King Kai began, though Goku replied mentally afterwards, quickly as the sense of urgency was needed in this battle.


'King Kai, connect me to everyone, I'll need everyone to give power, everyone except Gohan, as he will be our last chance, if his training gives him an edge against this guy. I will do my best to connect to every piece of life to gather energy, nature, to all the stars, and planets like you've taught me. I want to connect to everyone else too, those not fighting nor in the Hyperbolic time chamber, there might be enough energy to gather from our friends.' Goku added, King Kai didn't reply for a few seconds, though Goku could tell his one-time teacher was mulling over the information of his plan. It took a tense ten seconds before Goku heard king Kai's reply.


'Alright Goku, concentrate. Power the 'Spirit Bomb' with intense focus, I will tell everyone of your friends and allies to offer you their power while also at their most powerful state of being, those not fighting of your friends, though I am sorry to tell you that I wouldn't be permitted to ask the people of your planet, I doubt any of them would understand the circumstances behind your technique to even know what they might off to also help so in terms of the humans of Earth and I guess.. the planet Sadala, the old home of the Saiyan's, in their regard you are out of luck. But I suggest you begin now, I'll connect to the others now, focus Goku.' the connection was cut a second after, the energy Goku had in his reserves slowly trickled into the 'Spirit Bomb' forming above, it was a start.


'Hngh… Hear me… the stars and planets full of life… please hear me… the people… and animals, the earth and the trees, the plants and the oceans… All living things…let me share your powers for… the defense… of this world…' Goku thought fully in concentration, his full concentration on taking in a amount of power from even the planet Sadala, even beyond their home set of planets, he tried to gather from beyond their own sun… This attack would be his most ambitious use of this technique, for it was to be needed to weaken or even hopefully defeat this great evil. Goku just hoped that it would be enough, the deep well of energy swelling up in this Super Buu made him feel as if Kron, Vegeta, Piccolo and himself… were all but droplets of an ocean… that is Buu.




Raven felt an intrusion on her mind, the familiar sensation of King Kai probing her mind, Raven let the intrusion flow freely and didn't fight. She was curious to know what he wanted with her now, so she felt for his mind to send his message.


'Raven, good. I need to ask that you gather up all fighters on the earth's lookout, there is a need of all except for android sixteen, seeing that he is a full-on cyborg-' Raven interrupted him, a little annoyed by his demanding tone, though to anger the man was a dance she'd walk before while under his tutelage.


'-hold on, slow down with that amount of information, what is it that I can do for you and make it fast, I don't need a headache at this time, old man.' King Kai, a little miffed she found she could feel through the connection, replied slower though he seemed serious and disregarded her rudeness.


'I… am of need of… you Raven! Now don't interrupt me again! Right? Right. Now… I need you to tell the others, that Goku is in need of you and the others, except! Sixteen as he is not alive, to focus their and your Ki and… send it to Goku. You must focus your energy, and give it freely to Goku, he's going to need every ounce you can spare do I will suggest you all give it your all. Tell the others, I'll tell Weiss on planet Sadala, to tell her sister to do so too. Don't bare your teeth up at me girl, do as I say, Buu isn't someone the strongest can beat without help.' Raven nodded, she walked towards the others as the connection King Kai had with her vanished as quickly as it came, before she could even get a thought in.


"Hey! Get over here everyone, I need to say something and it's easier if I have to explain it once! Move your asses, the King Kai says that what I have to say matters to the battle my husband, Piccolo, Kron and Goku are fighting have need of our help, though indirectly. ." raven yelled out, also waving towards Yang and Zangya in the distance, they were hovering in the air and no longer fighting as they heard Raven holler.


Once Yang, Seventeen, Eighteen, Sixteen, Yamcha, Dende, Mr. Popo and Blake with that woman… Salem, approached her sending her curious glances, she looked them over, though Dende looked off in the distance occasionally, in the direction of… Vegeta, and the others. Tien and Raditz were currently in the Hyperbolic time chamber as of an hour ago, so they were out.


"Alright, now that your all here. Sixteen you'll be no help here, as this merit's those with living energy, a life-force which you lack-" Seventeen went to interrupt, narrowed eyes by Raven shot him down, sending him a fierce glare in turn. Raven heard her brother, Qrow sigh out, he decided to stay with Raven and now she was paying for it with his insistent drinking and chatting everyone else up… though he kept everyone else away from her, she was in a mood of sort ever since Vegeta left. Qrow joked she was pregnant, and she didn't know it yet, but she hadn't as of yet checked.


"Listen up! Goku needs our help, King Kai has gotten into touch with me in regard to the battle going on, Dende can attest that our boys are losing the battle, if King Kai is contacting me." she looked towards Dende, he blinked in concern and then shyness as the eyes of everyone bar Qrow, Seventeen and Eighteen turned his way, the latter two glared at Raven about her remark about Sixteen no doubt. Sixteen spoke then, seeing the tension around the group of concerned people.


"...I can help in the battle, though you are correct Raven. I am a cyborg. Dende, how has the battle proceeded, Piccolo, Vegeta, Kron and Goku seemed to be confident that their battle prowess would more than match with Majin Buu." Sixteen turned to Dende then, Raven annoyed that they were no longer listening to her, instead eager to hear the details of the fight. Dende replied, a frown marred his face, his brows creased in concentration from observing the battle telekinetically.


"The fight has raged for but fifteen minutes now, the four of them are fighting a whole another problem. It seems that for whatever reason, a great evil had felt it fitting to 'break away' from Majin Buu, this evil being more then matched Majin Buu in a battle before finally absorbing Majin Buu, dramatically changing this new fighter into a more dangerous foe. Kron's strength is the highest among the others, but even his strength doesn't even reach the level of this new fighter, this… 'Super Buu' is beyond them. The powers I also felt much earlier that I warned Kron about has also interfered in Buu, further creating discord by raising Super Buu's power in some form of… uh, archaic magical ability of unknown origin. Super Buu is barely contained by Piccolo, Kron and Vegeta, but as of this moment, contained he is as the only advantage they have is their numbers. Raven, please continue if King Kai has made contact, he must have something important to say." Dende looked at her, nodding for her to continue, she wanted to scoff, though barely meant nothing by it and Dende explained the events with enough detail to annotate Vegeta was still alive, instead she sighed before speaking a little but quicker than normal.


"Everyone except for Sixteen, as he cannot do so, must send their power to Goku. Just, concentrate your Ki, and 'allow' Goku to tap into your energy reserves, for a technique of his. So, get to it you lot." she heard them begin to talk among themselves, though she found a position where she could sit alone and begun to mediate.


(Yang Xiao Long-POV)


"Well, you heard her, the others need help then." She heard Krillin reply, as he Eighteen and Seventeen, with sixteen in order to find a place to begin to siphon their Ki off to Goku.


"Let's do it, it will save us getting involved directly." he said a little relieved, Raditz spoke next, looking confused.


"How do I do that? What is Kakarot doing that needs whatever this is…" thankfully, Yang's uncle was mumbling to himself and not actually asking her what to do as she wasn't as sure herself just yet. Yang found a place and took a seat, copying her mother and begun to concentrate on giving her energy to Goku. Eyes closed, she thought about Tien for a brief moment, before she shook her head, now fully focusing on the task at hand.




Their training, his and Raditz went on as the two traded blows, Tien was glad that he chose to go inside with Raditz as the arrogant punk is a good sparring partner. Though Tien could do without the guy's mouth, he kept yapping even during their sparring, 'Birdy' this, 'you cannot stand up to me' this. Besides that, he handled the training well.


They either fought with one another in here, further out away from the entrance while keeping in mind where it was, or they trained by themselves, though Raditz unlike him couldn't yet make clones. Tien was going to teach him to sometime while inside the room, though their training took priority for the first months inside this room.


Raditz and him landed blow upon blow, they either blocked or retaliated with their own attack, the speed they landed such blows made no effect to the room, the hot air and the intense gravitational pull upon them both made this a hellish environment to train this way.


Their time inside passed very slowly, Tien just hoped that they would have enough food as Raditz ate more than his fair share, he trusted Mr. Popo thought to have supplied the room with enough food though.


"Hngh, what's wrong Tien, throwing in the towel early already-" Tien too advantage, launching a right-side elbow strike into Raditz abdomen, bringing up his left knee into his now bent head to knock some sense into him, before placing his hands in his familiar way, to use the 'Tri-Beam' technique.


"-'Tri-Beam' Haaaaaa!" the beam immediately struck Raditz, blasting him off without yet exploding, he was pushed into the white floor of the hyperbolic time-chamber, before a dome from the explosion went off. Tien felt Raditz flicked off to the side on time, he met Raditz in time as the Saiyan struck with a downwards hammer punch, both hands touching to smack into him. Tien flickered in time, launching a quick jab and then a kick, before launching a barrage of punches, Raditz met his own, getting his guard up and retaliating at an opportune time, their spar begun once more and continued to intensify.



 From what I spotted in a short time before my focus kept to Super Buu, Goku begun the use of the 'Spirit Bomb'. With Super Buu fighting Vegeta, Piccolo and I, we continued to rely on one another to keep Buu pinned down, the guy kept healing though much too fast for us to fully weaken. The aura that affected him curtsy of Towa continued to diminish the longer this bout went on, for it was much a power transformation as ours, though with a time limit I realized, which made things a little easier. Still, the bout was a life-or-death situation, if one critical hit from Buu landed, he could do serious harm. In regard to our side, I still had a bag of Senzu beans, we'd each started with one in our mouths before the battle begun, to chew mid-battle encase needed. I had already at my one, not sure of the other three.


Vegeta growled out, flickering to the side as Super Buu launched a volley of small Ki-blasts out from his body, spinning in random directions, the explosion that went off the equivalent of some more serious blasts that Piccolo launched prior to him helping us in melee combat.


Super Buu also started to speak out, though his sentences were shut up by attacks to his head, it served to anger him more as time went by during the fight. Buu would try to verbally threaten one of us, before getting smacked from behind, at the moment Piccolo, Vegeta and I have a great system of keeping him busy trying to retaliate to the last one to hit him, his effort to hit but his continued failure made him even angrier. Piccolo made an effort to keep up with Vegeta and I, his use of 'Kaio-Ken' was harsher than our transformations, he was the weak link in our three way which might soon prove to be our downfall.


Buu yelled, finally fed up it seemed, the Ki generated from him exploded intensely around him a wide berth, the winds impacts strong enough to halt us three from further melee combat with Buu, the pink guy screamed with rage, his mouth elongated in an unbelievable way, as he shouted, sending Ki-blasts of ringed winds to strike us, which were as powerful as an actual Ki-blast, we would flicker out of the way to keep out of these blasts trajectories but it was must harder to doge, them being made of wind and being large area of effect attacks.


"Goku is far enough now, our diversion has worked so far b-but- it seems that Buu has had enough of our coordinated strikes against him, prepare yourselves, he's going to try to keep us at arm's length from, now on!" Piccolo shouted, breathing harshly, the most tired of us three. Vegeta growled out, his 'Super Saiyan Primal' form still energized, I heard him bit into something before chewing, that being a Senzu bean then… so he'd end up using it now…


"Piccolo, do you need another-" I flickered out of the way, as another wind current of energy headed directly towards my position, I decided to reach in and retrieve another three of the Senzu beans for the three of us anyway. Flickering to where Piccolo was once again, I handed him another of the beans, flicking one quickly to Vegeta which he caught with his mouth, though he didn't chew for now.