
Super Buu howled out, now more in a talking mood. A smirk on his face, he glared at each of us as the explosion nearby from the 'Spirit Bomb' continued to fade out, the large crater filling up with the nearby ocean, that is, the nearby ocean a way out from here as that was how large the radius of this crate r. is. Piccolo, Vegeta, Dabura and I watching him. Goku turned up a second later, fatigued and a little singed.


"You try surprise Buu; I will now destroy you all! Haaaaaa" his attempt was now, eh? Perfect. Super Buu used his antennae to use that special technique of his, he also intensified his own Ki with 'Kaio-Ken' times two, alright but seeing that is his first use of the technique, he of course didn't understand the pros and cons of the technique, though he would have an easier time with the negatives of 'Kaio-Ken', probably mitigated from his healing factor being what it is.


"Haaa hah hah, be my meal, you!" he pointed towards Vegeta, as Vegeta gasped in surprise, the beam went to strike Vegeta, but I flickered in front, as I turned to look towards them, in particular Goku and Vegeta.


"I'll see you later guys. Survive-" I was cut-off mid-speech, as words were replaced with pain from being trans-morphed into a minuscule form.




"Ho! Kron! T-that bastard took the fall-" he snapped as anger surged through him, as Buu himself ate Kron as a piece of candy, he rose his Ki to full and charged forwards. Laying hit after hit, he continued to put Buu's face through its paces, as Buu slowly transformed, to the shock of Piccolo who said as much.


"H-He's getting stronger again! Everyone, prepare yourself, Vegeta, get a grip!" Vegeta snarled, he flickered backwards and begun to surge everything he had while shouting loudly. Goku, Dabura and Piccolo followed suite, also powering up before the four of them charged forward, flickering over to save time before launching a deadly melee assault.


Even while Buu continued to change, he seemed to have absorbed Kron's outfit as well as it slowly appeared, that of a Saiyan warrior, minus the tail while his head changed too, his facial features appeared to have taken on the characteristics of Kron as well.


Buu couldn't make a move for his transformation continued as his Ki shot up, he smirked a little whilst taking more blows, Vegeta along with his allies Piccolo and Kakarot along with the devil, he done as much as the weakling was capable, they were all blown back suddenly as Buu's form normalized, he stretched out a little with a little smirk, mockingly eyeing Vegeta who seethed.


"Hmm… you hate me, do you? That is good. I'll break all of you fools, now that I ate your friend! My power! I am- uh, I am now your death. I'll eat you too, so that your strength won't go to waste, now come at me." Buu flinched somewhat for but a moment while clutching his stomach, he then continued speaking.


"Now, Die! 'Royal Spear' Haaaaaaaaaaaaa" Super Buu blasted a powerful blast towards them, where as Vegeta matched it with his own 'Final Flash', with Goku, Dabura and Piccolo also firing off their own blasts to add their strength with his own.


The four beams now fought against the current of one larger blast, Buu was laughing in the background, a different tone of voice now that he ate Kron, they continued to put more power into the beams until the energy striking against one another couldn't take the energy concentrated on one place, the explosion blew all of them back from the point of impact.


"Grrh! That thing has gotten smarter as well, Kron's absorption no doubt." Piccolo said, Vegeta sneered as he replied while glaring at the cretin. Buu chuckled a little, moving forward with speed though he slowed down a few times while holding his stomach.




"Gah! They are really going at it! And that guy… that warrior, he got eaten like Buu did!" he heard the pup howl a mournful tone as the fact his master was eaten by that pink guy up there, the skinny one.


The explosion almost got even him and the dog but that woman nearby, she returned and gave him a helping hand before leaving altogether, after she fired off a small black orb towards the gigantic orb that before was floating up in the sky, blue of color.


That massive explosion could have killed him! He would have been dead if it wasn't for the woman, though she was the one who caused it, throwing the orb towards the blue light in the sky.


"N-Now look at them! That pink guy looks different too, wearing that guy's outfit too. I need to get out of here! Before I get killed by these guys." he picked up the dog, before looking backwards, gulping at the large crater being half filled from rivers, lakes and ocean alike.


He nearly went off the edge of the cliff he almost forgot that woman landing him on before she left, he kicked backwards to stop him from rolling down and fell onto his back, the pup in his arms. Sighing in relief, Hercule noticed that that evil guy who ate Majin Buu was being assaulted once again, while flinched through the blows, taking them on while also in a transfixed state of shock. The guys continued lay into him without a care, nor any retaliation from the pink dude, though it seems like he was now fighting back in a worried and painful state.




I found myself cocooned inside of Buu, though I was of sound mind and so I powered up within said cocoon, bringing every ounce of my power to the forefront, I first needed to escape from the cocoon. My wish for immunity from negative effects inflicted to my mind, body or soul proved its worth as I could recall those eaten by Super Buu were trapped within in a stasis-like state within.


I powered up to maximum while bulking up, breaking free from the cocoon pound of flesh that gave Super Buu access to my power, for now on I had to move quickly, to find the good Buu and free him, then free ourselves. And the best part, for if Buu is now dealing with me inside his mind and the guys outside, I should have a certain amount of time to locate and escape with him.


"Now, to track down fat, innocent Buu, before the others join me inside here." sensing would not work as this was his stomach after all or mind or whatever- it was all Buu! so I'd just have to search around. Making this an easy venture, I went ahead and created ten clones via my version of 'Multi-Form', the new ten of myself nodded, before creating multiple 'Royal Slicer' discs, two each where we biffed them in random areas before splitting up through these newly cut holes.


I went with two others of me, we continued to fire off 'Royal slicer' blades before once again, I split from the two clones heading this direction, each splitting off into different areas. Before long, as the search continued, one of my clones dispelled, showing the route within my mind. I powered up, a little bit more as one clone dispelled giving me more of my former strength.


Heading towards the area, I seen where Buu is kept and went to work, firing off two more 'Royal Slicer's towards where he is held up and kept, the top and bottom fleshy parts that held Buu in place were cut clean off the cocoon where Buu was, he fell to the fleshly ground and I went to collect him as the other clones formed up. One after the other but two clones dispelled in a way where the recall wouldn't give me a headache and I called out, grabbing one side of the cocoon, holding by the fleshy ends each and we took to the air, the clone not holding any part of Buu in front for searching for a way out.




"Somethings wrong with Buu, he is barely fighting back now and looks to be in constant pain a few minutes ago…" the others were blown fall clear of Super Buu, they each took an area around Buu to watch the proceedings as Super Buu cried out in anger and pain. Dabura, Piccolo and Goku paused, and it was Goku's hand holding Vegeta back from attacking Buu, Super Buu wasn't supposed to be beaten this easy! And this fast too, she should have stuck to her plan and gave this timeline a through search before sticking her nose in this timelines business, Dabura being alive was and fighting with the good guys too was a surprise!


"Right then, it seems I've gathered a generous amount of energy from this fight… Mira, I think we need to have a better investigation of this world, then you can have some more fun. That one named Kron, while eaten for a short while had boosted Buu's power for a short spell of time, making him as strong or even stronger than you are right now. But now... well, look at Buu now, Mira…" Towa narrowed her eyes as Super Buu transformed back into his original form, losing Kron's outfit and the physical differences, the power of Buu now fluctuating. He was howling now, steam escaping his body at certain intervals as the four warriors surrounding him, watching this abrupt change at a far enough distance.


"Alright Mira, we're leaving. Dabura can do as he likes, my brother… acting the hero, it is surprising though not that much, he and I after all are exiles of the demon realm… Our queer defects… his honor and my… intellect." She gave a small smile, genuine for the love of her brother before her gaze hardened. Turning sharply to Mira, she added.


"Come, Mira! We're leaving."




"Somethings happening, Buu's appearance has reverted. Look, he has lost Kron's distinct appearance and now he is literally blowing off steam!" Piccolo called out, a little surprised by the events since Kron got himself absorbed saving Vegeta being absorbed. The last ten minutes of the fight was easier as Super Buu started to cough up blood, though not wounds inflicted by any of them, he was healing as fast as the wounds would cough up out of him.


His healing factor healed up their beating they barraged Buu with but now he couldn't even fight, let along speak as he cried out in anger and pain. The other three, Goku held Vegeta back as the princely Saiyan wanted to finish off Buu but doing that, they could kill Kron in the process, which is what Goku said before, more or less.


"It seems that even after being absorbed, Kron has done more damage than become a feast for this creature, the honorable fool…" Dabura chuckled deeply, as Vegeta replied with an annoyed glance.


"You still here red man, it is a good thing too. Seeing as I owe you a swift death-" 


"-Nonsense little man, you're a paltry comparison compared to that other warrior, but do not worry. I will enjoy fighting you after." Dabura chuckled once more, as Buu blew out another smoke cloud of smoke from his arm and head pores. It was then that Kron appeared, holding some kind of sphere of flesh, a familiar face held within.


"Now, that was a disgusting experience. Vegeta, you owe me another favor yeah, oh and don't mind this other Buu." Kron fired up one of his new techniques, the 'Royal Slicer' and delicately cut away the cocoon, as the being within turned out to be… Majin Buu. Majin Buu was thrown towards the ground, while the other Buu, continued to convulse, shrinking in size as steam blew out of him.


"So, how does this Majin Buu become that howling, monstrous one over there?" Piccolo asked, giving the two Buu's curious glances, noting their differences, besides their apparent physical appearances.


"Haaaagrhgh!" Buu continued to yell out, the one who was once sealed in a cocoon came to from its unconscious state with a yawn and stopped it falling decent. Landing by itself, it then turned and narrowed its eyes on the screaming, smaller Buu currently throwing a tantrum.


"Alright then, now we deal with this little shit and take care not to be eaten like I did, it isn't a wonderful experience inside his guts!" Kron replied, as Piccolo, Dabura, Vegeta and Goku readied for a fight, the screaming Buu cried out in anger while his body, deformed and stretching to obscene forms, seemed to shorten and thin.




Gohan kept quiet as Shin spoke to Kibito nearby, elder Kai turned to them but didn't comment.


"I don't know Supreme Kai, there appears to be two Buu's now the one that was removed from that smaller, skinny Buu." Kibito mentioned, though he looked towards Shin in concern when the supreme Kai shook in fear.


"That is the Buu that I remember! All those eons ago, he looked exactly like that when he slaughtered the other supreme Kai's and after absorbing the Grand Supreme Kai. Before doing that that child-like Buu had absorbed the southern Supreme Kai as that Buu was too weak to continue fighting, once he did so his strength sky-rocketed. I have a bad feeling about this… Then there's Dabura… even if he's fighting on our side, his realm is-" Kibito coughed, shushing Shin up who looked to have been lost in thought at the end, spouting out his thoughts, he stopped speaking and turned to Gohan and the elder Kai, watching them.


"...You two gossip like errant woman, lads. Keep a lip tight or move away, I need to concentrate on Gohan here. Unlocking his potential in this ritual is a delicate process after all." Gohan hummed in agreement to himself but didn't add anything on, keeping his eyes tightly shut while he concentrated with the elder Kai.




Seems like with this, we just have to defeat him. Then there is Towa and Mira, then whenever those two brother gods decide to show up… though I think we have a chance to beat them now, there is no way they are as strong as Buu, let along myself, Vegeta, Piccolo and Goku now, helping to get them to this sort of power... as long as our training is kept up, we should be good against future problems that may arise... It looks like Kid Buu has calmed down with his forced transformation, he turned to us and narrowed his gaze upon each one of us, even Majin Buu where he stood upon a rock nearby under us where we we're hovering, Fat Buu looked to be confused even now, seeing double, though he also was a little bit enraged from being food of Super Buu, now Kid Buu here.


"Goku, you can go first while we rest. Kid Buu is weaker than Majin Buu here, and Super Buu before that, that one we we're just fighting prior to my absorption. Don't ask about Majin Buu over there, I'll tell you all later how he exists in great detail… but if I should guess..." I paused, this was no guess. "This little Kid-sized Buu is the evil one. Go ahead, show us that new 'Super Saiyan' form in great detail." I spoke seriously, eyeing each one of them, Dabura turned around, almost as if he felt something before, he turned to the rest of us and replied, a serious look on his bearded face.


"Hmm, that might be the case then as I can feel that my sister has left… The battle should be quick now that she is no longer here to interfere, though it was now that I even sensed her. Such is her skill in hiding her power, even from me, obsessive brat she is." Vegeta turned, ignoring Dabura but looking every which way with a discerning look, feeling out for Towa, or in his case, Dabura's so-called sister.


"Alright then, don't hold back Goku, this fighter while weaker… seems to be more dangerous than his size permits. And watch out for his absorption ability, be ready to afterimage out of the way, we've no need to see if you can pull an escape the same way that Kron has shown." Piccolo regarded Kid Buu throughout his speech with narrowed eyes.


"You've got nothing to worry about Piccolo, the rest of you have a good rest. I've fought the less out of us all, even with the 'Spirit Ball' failure… Hey Dabura! Was that who interrupted my 'Spirit Ball' from before? This sister of yours, wow what a girl. I can't wait to meet her and beat her in a fight. She seemed quite strong to pull that off." Dabura grunted with a smirk, turning to me.


"You, and me both, our bout will have to wait. My sister is doing something, and I need to find out what, it could be a nuisance for you and your planet… then there's that other man with her, I'm curious of the warrior. I'll find you all later-" Vegeta snapped, replying as he crossed his arms, floating there as Goku begun the battle, testing out against Kid Buu, his smaller profile and more aggressive tendencies would make the way Goku fought this fight a little harder, as the little guy would be harder to hit.

Goku surprised me when, he transformed, and I heard Vegeta gasp, shocked also. Piccolo grunted, smirking knowingly while Dabura already left to find his sister before she escaped. Goku though, his transformation was that of 'Super Saiyan Three' as his hair elongated unnaturally, growing down his back and down to his ankles. If I'd seen the front of him, I would see that his eyebrows were gone and a more narrowed facial structure. This is what I had to yet even unlock, as i skipped right through to 'Super Saiyan Primal'.


Knowing that it was Piccolo that trained with Goku in the hyperbolic time chamber, I asked him an obvious question while Vegeta continued to seethe, watching Goku like a hawk, studying his new form.


"Gah! What is this! Kakarot, you've been holding out on me…" I spoke up then, flickering over to Piccolo and asked quietly.


"This is it then, so Piccolo… is there any negatives to this new form or?" I questioned even if i had some answers... there might be something that has changed with Goku being much stronger than canon when he unlocked this form. Arms folded, Piccolo replied, eyes glued to the fight in front of us.


"He can last sixteen minutes with that transformation, then he reverts back. I think he'll be fine though, as you've said, the fight shouldn't be longer than that as this Buu is weaker. Speaking of Kron about that other Buu…" Piccolo motioned with his eyes, I turned and looked downwards, seeing Majin Buu… he was with Hercule Satan and a white dog, petting the dog, though his gaze was on this here battle. It seems Hercule survived the explosion… figures, he did with his plot armor and all that. Good on the guy.


"As for that Buu, well I think he's fine now. This Buu fighting Goku is trying to kill him, as for that one…" I pointed down, as Piccolo replied.


"...Yeah, I see your point. Well, as long as he isn't a threat, I'm fine with leaving him be." Piccolo turned back, his gaze now firmly fixed on Goku, who fought as hard as he could, but Kid Buu seemed stronger now that he was finished warming up. Vegeta grunted, speaking aloud, not turning to any of us, also watching the bout.


"Kakarot's new form aside, this child Buu is definitely stronger than him. When Kakarot is done making a fool of himself, I will finish this fight, quick and easy." I grunted in reply, not speaking. I just wanted Goku to have a good fight against Kid Buu, so hopefully Goku enjoys himself and hopefully he will enjoy himself thoroughly, enough to wish for this Buu to be reincarnated. That or wish for Kid Buu to me reincarnated. Uub being a thing would be great in my opinion.


That was the last thing before I will enter into the hyperbolic time chamber once again, to train for one more year as to prepare for any other threats. Whelp, once Kid Buu is well any truly defeated here and now that is.


Goku in this form was well and truly strong, but even Kid Buu was stronger, though Goku seemed to enjoy this fight, as Kid Buu was more his strength level, they trade blows on a more even ground, so to speak. Goku flickered forwards, hands in preparation for a 'Kame Hame' blast while Kid Buu now laughed loudly, hand over his head as a small sphere came into existence. Oh, this might be bad…


For Kid Buu that is, seems as if he will need to be finished quickly.


"...Vegeta, go ahead. Kill the little gremlin." Vegeta chuckled; arms now no longer folded as he replied with a laugh.


"Kron, it will be my pleasure to. Kakarot! Stand aside, it is my turn!" Goku frowned, but continued to charge a 'Kame Hame' Blast, he begun to chant the technique.


"...'Kame… … …Ha…me… … … Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Goku fired forwards, the blast went straight for the blast still expanding above Kid Buu's head, growing almost to the size of what Goku had the 'Spirit Bomb' at, off a bit in diameter still.