Soul Cleansing Machine.

His time down here, which in case he learned that a day down here was a month in the living world, didn't afford him much time to continue his mindless consumption of weak but plentiful souls, no, even targeting higher rated forms of evil and devouring them didn't do much for him in a day, as opposed to the reincarnate and his allies, whose most strongest allies seemed to get stronger every day they continued to train, the soul of Broly certainly would be something to snatch up before too long, but even his rank, afforded to him as a ogre of this dimension, didn't allow him much access to the more dangerous individuals.


Darkness in the process of leaning more of the realm, made an interesting discovery, that of such a device used to purge the soul's given reincarnation, purging them of any and all… of their evil sins, their darkened hearts and taking that energy and storing it… somewhere, possibly for being destroyed somewhere else... As to the where, well… his progress of discovering this hadn't come to him even in a full two weeks of his searching.


So, while keeping up his 'supposed duties' in keeping the residents of the underworld, visiting personal hells and absorbing the weakest, his power growing in time, he decided to go after some of the stronger targets… namely, the pathetic races that served under the dead tyrant, Frieza…


'There is many various hells I need to plunder, I should… split my personality, than possess other of these weak ogre thrall race, and learn as much as I can, while strengthening my power while doing so…' he thought it over, there were little risks as doing so would only speed up the process of his learning of this underworld, while splitting his conscious would help him gather more information on this place, while under the very noses of those who govern this realm.


'With my brother gone, splitting my power would also garner me additional eyes to handle this place… For as ultimately, while I now am unchecked by that of my brother, having no ally makes the process of obtaining 'my' ultimate goal. Getting revenge, while also obtaining the top spot in this universe, becoming the god all must bow to- to serve in all ways…'




Still, nothing happened with the remaining Brother God, perhaps he gave up or left once again, the fact remained the same. Since the Broly incident, repairs were done, a wish was granted that returned to life those killed by Broly and by extension, the Big Gette Star, and so, training remained steadfast between our entire group. The remaining three wishes were saved for a rainy day. Raven gave birth to a daughter, which he named Échalote, after his mother… which Raven I heard, accepted. Yang, a few months later gave birth to a son, which I heard she ended up naming, for Tien was eh, he had no idea and wanted to name his son after himself, which Yang disagreed with, wanting another name and not wanting to call her son 'Junior'.


Life went on, as with the last big bad being Big Gete Broly, nothing else happened to plunge the world into chaos and people got on with their livers, including myself. Of course, clones made everything much easier to juggle, Gohan learned first-hand as well, juggling his school life while also sometimes continuing with his training, though he didn't have the heart for fighting.

I sparred with Gohan on the regular as much as he wanted to, otherwise my opponents were Raditz, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien or Goku Pyrrha too as she was a gifted fighter and I could do to learn from her, she still outclassed me in technique, The others weren't much of a match and holding back, was only a waste of time so until the others found themselves ways to get stronger faster than a Saiyan, they would have to fight among themselves. Sometimes I would also spar with Sixteen or Zangya, with Sixteen, he only asked that in return that I would help him with his job, that is, being a ranger… which suited him fine. Sometimes Seventeen would bug me out there in some random town, a backwater bar or on the streets in someone else's car, mostly girlfriends that the guy was getting with. Zangya… that woman looked at me sometimes, like Pyrrha would during a very heated fight…


I kept well away from her and besides sparring, I also seen her more frequently at home in my new home… with the Briefs family. Bulla, my youngest daughter, having her mothers hair color and a normal 'brown' colored Saiyan tail, was the youngest of my kids to transform, in an accident as she seen an artificial moon one time, when Raditz came over to try and obtain the coveted 'Super Saiyan Four or Primal' form, the very same day I was supposed to watch Bulla while Bulma was working and needed no disturbances to her thought process. Bulla, whose also was a naturally born 'Legendary Super Saiyan' who could transform when she was but an infant, her form immediately took on the golden Oozeru form and havoc was caused.


Or it would have been chaos but Raditz quick thinking… cutting the tail off of my daughter… while good thinking, the beating I gave him for both causing and then cutting my little girls tail off had made him gain a significant Zenkai boost in power, which… now that I think about it, must have been the man's plan, what, with the little smirk he gave me. A smirk, which at the time I had thought was his form of mockery…


Well, with a tailless daughter and beating from my own wife Bulma, after she seen the state of our daughters' clothes, having been ripped apart in her transformation and seeing her tail gone, Bulma was leaving Bulla with Blake or Weiss, to the amusement of Salem, Kali and Willow Schnee.


Well, it was safer this way, with her tail removed, she was showing signs of increased aggression, not nearly as bad as my own temper but with her young age, she was liable to end the planet in a tantrum.




"So Elder Moori, has the dragon balls been healed, they have regained some of their color, though some of them lack their stars." he, a few other of his people regarded the elder, who looked upon the seven balls to be split up once again, though before that.


"...I've tried to summon Porunga but no… not even my memories from Guru's time as leader has this happened before. I would imagine, when the ones who done this to our people and what they done to Porunga could be undone with those responsible being destroyed…" the elder man sighed, pushing the balls to each of the other clan leaders, taking one for himself.


"You all, take these back to your villages, will have to continue to keep in touch with Dende, who is still our primary contact of our friends on Earth. Until next time my brothers, I'd like you all to keep an eye out, lest those who attacked our peaceful existences return. Will at least be able to warn Dende on Earth, to get assistance." Nail nodded, he had little to do so he decided to help the people here, in the fields.


"I'll stay around here, I could be of a help to those in the fields. I have some time before I'll continue to train." Moori nodded, as others around left with their specific leaders, a dragon ball to each of the six leaders chosen, a few other leaders not getting a ball this time around. Then, in a flash, someone appeared in front of him-


"-Kron, what are you doing here. Come to visit?" Kron nodded, as Nail picked up a nearby stone-tipped shovel, Kron looked around as he spoke.


"Yeah, keep in mind I'm just a clone but, I came to see if you needed another sparring partner, you need to keep up your strength if you're going to be of help to your people or to us in the future… plus, I also came to see a friend." Nail smiled, pointing to the west.


"We can go that way, there's a clear, flat piece of land there where we can spar. That device on your face… it looks like the things those guys had when the first attacked our planet." Kron clicked a button on it, it then beeped for a moment, as Kron replied.


"Your power level has reached 2,620,564,540 a warrior Namekian indeed… tell me, do you know the 'Kaio-Ken'" he smirked Nail looked over as they continued to fly towards the location, replying with a nod, no.


"No, I've heard your guys using it, is it a good technique, if it has you looking like that." Nail glanced down, adding whilst pointing to the ground below, a large island with enough space and for their fight. Landing opposite one another, Kron called out,


"I'll teach you that technique first, then will see you use it. I'll take it easy on you as I'm far stronger than you even when I don't need to transform. So 'Kaio-Ken' that… goes like this…" Nail and the clone of Kron begun their training session, a few of the warrior-class Namekian's showed up to also learn under Kron and Nail, the two of them eventually taught most everyone of them willing to learn the 'Kaio-Ken' and spars were put to together, to put the move to the test.




He located where they were keeping Cooler and Frieza, a planet with no other sentient souls damned, they were trapped together in a hell of their own making. Observing them while keeping his power and presence unavoidable to them, the two of them were locked in constant battle, each of them when dealt mortal blows only healed up, Darkness, within his ogre vessel, got much closer to their bout without being discovered.


"-Hate you! Cooler!" Frieza, the more emotional one yelled out, taking a large orb to his chest, which penetrated him through and through, leaving an agape hole which begun healing. Cooler, within his ascended form, chuckled, replying to his brother.


"Why do we do this little brother, you are a waste of good potential. And we never get anything from our fights in this hell. You'll never beat my superior strength, give it up-" Darkness watched when Frieza healed instantaneously, raising a finger when a large sphere of orange Ki formed, slowly expanding into a vast large sphere as large as a moon.


Launching it towards the other, the one named Cooler didn't waste any time, launching a barrage of finger beams towards the orb, the explosion went off though unlike a normal explosion, this one didn't destroy any of the landscape. Darkness flickered forwards the explosion detonating around them, he held out a hand and grabbed onto Frieza who's healing just finished. Frieza turned to snarl at the interruption, seeing that one of the 'guard' of their hell was watching them. Frieza called out, pointing over to him.


"You! A little cretin sneaking up on us, what you think you'll get out of her alive, with your special ability to leave this hell. Look around you! Some backwards non-name planet is to be our grave… me and my dear brother. Cooler!" Frieza blitzed to one side, as Cooler only shrugged, flickering to another side. Frieza continued.


"Whoever hits the little gremlin the most without killing the target, wins. Well little gremlin, go ahead, you've got a running start… no need to make it easy for us…" Frieza cackled, still not understanding their difference in power. The other… Cooler seemed a little more conserved unlike the energetic… and quite mad Frieza, though that mad gleam in his eyes shown his own subtle madness. They rose a finger each, each of them chuckling as they fired off beams towards him, aiming not to kill but to pierce parts of his 'body' to cause him pain… if it was 'his' body.


Darkness shrugged, the vessel that contained his power, while still useful, wouldn't last much longer though it hadn't showed signs of deterioration yet. Slipping out of it, an inky-flowing river gurgled out of the ogre which disgusted the two aliens and cause them to pause their assault, his ghostly form flowed freely which had them on high alert, his leaving every orifice of the Ogre, which now that he was outside the body, begun to free-fall.


The two of them retaliated with more massive beams, two such beams intercepted upon him, exploding and obscuring the area for a time. He slipped out on through the explosion like a many-headed serpent- formless, tendrils reached out towards Frieza, in a frenzy they encircled him, trapping him within and bring Frieza closer, Cooler afterimaged further back, watching on intrigued. Frieza escaped, flickering backwards, enraged.


"What are y-you-" Frieza and Cooler launched barrages of their finger beams towards him on mass, not letting up as even while he continued to slowly glide towards Frieza as a mass of cloud, black as could be. Now a shape of a humanoid, he flickered for Frieza with superior speed and grabbed him though instead of actually making contact, his essence started to enter within every part of Frieza. It was a fight, but Darkness cackled all the while as Frieza screamed out in terror before even screaming became blocked by that of his essence running down his throat like water. Dankness figured that Frieza and Cooler were given their bodies and locked in this hell, a planet with no others as a sort of punishment as they were already quite mad, stuck with their egos and able to harm one another while healing even when they looked to be able to feel pain.


when Darkness engulfed the soul of Frieza and then begun to devour him in the presence of Cooler who only looked on in confusion. The energy he took inside himself while considerable, was not that much, but more than the other souls he's taken into himself. Frieza begun to be sucked into him, turned into a dark purple orb, the soul then continued to shrink and flow into him before Darkness turned to Cooler, now looking at him as a threat. Darkness chuckled, re-entering the ogre vessel below before floating back up.


"Your brother… was a nice meal for me, though do not look so shocked friend… your about to experience this too. Please… do not make it easy for me, I'm not opposed to teaching you your place before your power becomes mine." Cooler's face couldn't be viewed as his face was obscured by a kind of helmet-like plating, but his metallic voice could be heard next, his eyes narrowed when he tensed his arms into a bend, slouching as to prepare to charge up his energy.


Darkness cackled, as Cooler's power swirled around him taking him for a series threat, for now Darkness also learned some valuable techniques from the absorption of Frieza. Cooler flickered towards him, his punch meeting his defensive guard, Darkness retaliated with a side swipe, using a shadow tail limb which appeared out of thin air, hitting Cooler in the abdomen, getting him to grunt. Cooler flickered backwards, he shouted.


"You're not from here, perhaps you'll impart with me the knowledge to escape from this prison. You'll find I'm more... composed and i reward those who offer me good service, with boons that fit their service. Saving me would, offer you an especially enticing boon..." Cooler calmly approached, he appeared still confident to Darkness with the way he held himself, though arrogant in asking that as if anything he had to offer would even Benefit him, especially after he witnessed Frieza being eaten. Darkness paused in fully devouring frieza, keeping him in a state of being inside until as there might be something useful the alien could offer him, besides his abilities and techniques. instead of replying, teleported closer, tendrils of shadow hands latched upon every part of Cooler, who sputtered out in surprise.


"...Your just energy for me to use, so yes... I'll 'offer' you a way 'out'. In that… you'll be free, being a part of me" Cooler found he couldn't move and like before his body de-materialized into a purple-colored soul with black patches and begun to be sucked inside of Darkness, Cooler realizing that some shadowy mass of tentacle-like hands had ambushed him from underneath... moving like shadows, firmly gripping him, Coolers de-materialized form was taken by the shadow tentacles back to Darkness. Once his energy was also his, Darkness left the realm and quickly. As fun as draining them was, they were nothing to his power, though he needed to focus on finding the location of this soul cleansing machine. Darkness would 'copy' their fighting techniques, the ones that used the energy of their life-force he'd since learned most called Ki before he spat them out, they could rot here.


Heading back out of the underworld, the various realms that made up hell, within his ogre vessel again. Back up to where the souls were being judged, he got to have a better look around the area, thanks to his disguise. The assembled Ogres, wandering or doing jobs under the judge King Yemma, who he learned of by devouring the soul of the ogre he inhabited.


Looking around for something to find the locations of important places, he stumbled on some desk ogres, working diligently behind in some back rooms, one of them was scolding a younger ogre, who unlike the rest of them, looked more like a punk than a real worker. He would have ignored the scolding but the serious Ogre behind the desk yelled out something he could use.


"-You're late again you punk! Do you think that King Yemma will continue to excuse your tardiness you brat-" one stern Ogre, wearing glasses growled at him, uppity at 'this young punks' tardiness, he smiled through his vessel, watching the scene play out as he stood nearby, listening to anything that which would be able to point him in the right direction.


"Uh, come on dude, I was just checking out them-" the ogre snapped, striking the table with clenched fist. He turned, noticing Darkness, looking intently at his vessel and shouted towards him.


"Alright brat, this guy is going to go with you, you need someone to keep an eye on you. Alright, now head out, that job is important! We've got to get the quota so that we can rid of the excess-" the young Ogre waved them off, turning around and heading off.


"Uh, nah dude, I need no babysitter, I'll get going man. Tell the old man I'll be doing the thing, watch the thing and then empty the thing-" the infuriating child continued to prattle on, the Ogre behind the desk just sighed while Darkness left, though keeping an eye on the boy. The kid ogre, disinterested in the previous conversation or in 'Darkness' for that matter, took a vehicle of some sort along a long winding path above the clouds before leaving the path and heading downwards off the side on some such, off-ramp that appeared where nothing was there before. Darkness followed from above, easily keeping track of the young naive fool, the foolish brat none the wiser. Once down and after a certain amount of time, possibly a few hours for time moved differently here then down in the realms of the underworld, a new area was seemingly revealed, a hidden area which had some obvious matching barrels within, stacked upon barrels, all empty nearby with a few full. The kid knew where to go though, so absorbing him would speed things up in figuring out just where he and the brat we're now… and there appeared to be no one around, perfect.

Landing on the kids' vehicle, surprising the brat, he reached through the glass paneling and tore the punk ogre through, before leaving his vessel and then entering the child through all major orifices, inky tentacles made of smoke pouring forcefully into the ogre. Once all of his being entered, Darkness immediately knew how to use the machine, where to take the excess 'evil' energy and where to load up and store the excess evil energy, which he immediately headed to.


"Eons and eons of evil being removed, only to be stored in some hidden dimension… the fools have given me exactly what I need to destroy all of creation… and remake it all in my image! All new and powerful Grimm will annihilate the living of worlds I have need of, while any souls, I will absorb for my own!" There were countless storage containers all around, full of dark, eerily glowing evil energy for the brat had proven slack in his task, which he could detect even now. Opening one of them, he proceeded to enter the batch, the already devoured kid's body fell near to his old vessel, while his divine energy surged inside the container, absorbing the energy like nutrients for a plant, feeling a tingling sensation. Tendrils of his spectral form formed out of him into multiple branches out into multiple barrels, forcing their way inside each one while absorbing everyone he could get his tendrils on, creating more and more tendrils as he lazily stayed in one place while letting his malleable spirit harvest it all quicker.


 Eventually his tendrils charged through multiple barrels at once, all the while as he continued to take it all into his system. His strength continued to climb, eclipse anything he has ever felt, while he transformed larger, taking on his dragon form while continuing to expand beyond his normal size. The dimension he was in begun the shake erratically, all the while as he greedily drunk up every stored container of the evil energy, cackling all the while.


"This is it; this is what I was searching for! Kekekeke!! Grrrrrrrrrrrh!!" he growled out, his deep voice caused the ground to quake around him as the dimension pocket he was inside continued to shake with overwhelming power unleashed, radiating now from his own, is now his own. His body begun to become much larger than that of this small pocket dimension, slowly snaking through around everywhere, for indeed it was still a large area, the size of a planet roughly… but he… he was beginning to eclipse even that size. He cackled as his dragon form manifested into that of the Namekian dragon though instead of being green, his form appeared pitch black but his dragon body below his waist remained that of his original dragon form, the upper half taking on the characteristics of the Namekian dragon in appearance only. His laughter, more like a deep rumbling now that it came from his giant size, as every drop from many millennia of reincarnating souls by stripping them of their evil, purifying souls and stripping them of their evil was reduced to energy to be used by him now, he felt that he could take on the galaxy at large and all other gods will be powerless to stop him.