Goku and Vegeta glanced at the twins, then at one another, Goku nodded as a smiled appeared on his face, he turned to the two and gave them a thumbs up.
"Alright then! Will get started now-" Vegeta coughed in, gawking back at him but Goku didn't mind him for a moment, he added mischievously, glancing towards Vegeta.
"Come on then Vegeta, let's learn this 'super' technique you've been constantly going on about learning this technique, let's see what happens when we combine our might-" Vegeta growled out, walking into position with folded arms, sneering towards the ground as he got closer.
"-That was before I learned that the technique we'd be taught was something... something more deadly, like a new type of beam attack- Bah! Well now joining up with you, like these two have demonstrated is not exactly what I had in mind, it had better work out as to allow us to finally defeat Kron though I loath to share that glory with a clown." Vegeta added, smugly glancing towards Goku, who only smirked in amusement, Goku replied quickly as the two of them got into position.
"Right sure, but first, we've got to get rid of that guy whose power should be beyond what Kron is capable of, after that well… we could fight him after." one of the Metamoran siblings, the male sighed loudly, speaking up with a but of boredom.
"Come on you two, get on with it already. As we've demonstrated too, though I wager you won't get it the first time. Though don't let that stop you, keep trying until you succeed or so the saying goes." Zhuul waved them to hurry which Goku being ready, glanced to Vegeta whose arms were still folded, hesitating or he wasn't liking this but eventually with a glare at Zhuul, he also got into position. The two of them ready, they then prepared themselves and then as they moved, mimicking the motions performed to them by the Metamoran twins, they also shouted loud and clearly.
"'Fusion'… … haaaaaaa!" and then the two of them-
Eating my second Senzu bean at a time where Cell and Broly were head-to-head, finding myself some breathing room, I lost count of how much times I've killed the both of them and with that, also empowered the two of them via their Saiyan genes. They were both dangerously close to my level of strength if I was using 'Super Saiyan Two' and the 'Wrathful state' in conjunction, a rough comparison, I still held an edge only within the 'primal state', further boosted by my Legendary status, that of my transformations being of the mutant variety. Though whether I remained stronger than them came down to me trying my damnedest to not kill the two within battle, that was easier with the likes of Broly who wasn't someone thinking about using the advantage our blood offers, the likes of Cell on the other hand… reveled in the suicide blasts he now was growing accustom to launch either onto me or Broly, either way, the two of them grew leaps and bounds which only gave Cell the incentive to continue that route.
I would wager Cell was more dangerous than the brother god of Darkness at this point, though whether I was exaggerating or not was unknown to me.
Quickly chewing through the Senzu bean, now ready to continue this bout, I chose to engage Broly instead for a bit. I was also growing stronger thanks to the passive ability of a legendary Super Saiyan, much like Broly did and also from my close calls from, in particular, when I was targeted by both Broly and Cell at once, their combined attacks even gave me pause.
Heading towards Broly, I clocked him in the face, which fazed him a bit, though he pressed through it, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him to bear hug me, crush me with his more impressive physical strength. Using the momentum of the pull, I kicked upwards onto his face and laid both the soles of my boots onto his face, now grabbing at his arms and pulling at him, which he done his best to fight through. Broly, not known for stopping from physical force alone, materialized a few small green spheres into his tightened hands, his arms held by me, so he let the spheres fall off his hands with his fingers at me. Flickering back whilst the ground was sprayed by many miniature-sized Ki blasts, small but with massive explosions going off, Broly made to charge at me once again. Mouth agape and open, as Broly came upon me, I launched a purple-green colored beam, from my mouth straight towards him, almost point blank which made that I was also hit by that blast at first.
Engulfed by a massive explosion, though Broly was not dead, I then quickly held up my own hands as 'Royal Slicer' discs begun to spin rapidly, floating out from the palm of my hands. I launched four from each of my hands in quick succession, sending the last two that materialized from out of my Ki right at Cell, to keep him from thinking too much over on the sidelines where he currently was watching with an antagonistic smirk, looking to be enjoying the displays in front of him, at my expense. Broly came out from-out the obscured debris and explosion, his right hand sawed off by one 'Royal Slicer' disc, cutting off his arm. Said arm was holding a large green-glowing sphere in it's hand, as arm and hand fell downwards holding the sphere, it exploded midway down from no longer being connected to Broly's body. The explosion done nothing to Broly no me though it did make a few of the 'Royal Slicer' Discs explode prematurely from the resulting heat and explosive energy which even now, bore a hole into the planet, continuing to shake the planet to it's absolute limit.
'Kron, Goku and Vegeta are now in the process in learning the fusion technique, I'll keep you posted on that, your other friends including one of your wives have also begun to train much harder than before, in readying themselves for a possible fight.' King Kai's voice could be heard, while I continued to focus on Broly trying to upper cut me while Cell took his time mockingly sending blasts from afar to either dodge or if there was no time, to use a bit of my strength plus my aura to bounce the attack back towards him.
"-This ridiculous dance…" Vegeta gritted out, when once again they ended up as some malformed being who was much weaker than either Vegeta or Kakarot was, splitting up after that traumatizing experience being quite stupid in intellect, Vegeta glowered at the happy-can do attitude Kakarot was still displaying, Kakarot then gave him a serious glance once more, speaking in reply to Vegeta's annoyed comment.
"Another try Vegeta, will get it this time, I'm sure." Kakarot got into position, eyeing him for a second as Vegeta followed suite begrudgingly, this pose… if Kron ever found out they had to dance for such a technique… he would be a laughingstock! Zhuul shouted out, nodding a few times.
"Good then, now make sure to ounce the words as one and also perform the movements precise or you'll end up as another malformed being." Vegeta knew that Kakarot and Vegeta spoke up as their performance begun, twirling like a clown that he felt like, they shouted together.
"'Fusion'… … haaaaaaa!" as the two of them touched on the tip of one of their fingers together, before-
"..." this time was different they felt, their bodies became one, that much was clear now but the two overlooking Metamorans seemed quite pleased with their transformation. Gogeta found his voice, which was a mixture of the two original beings used to make their form.
"...We have joined to form the ultimate warrior… We are not Goku, nor are we Vegeta… we are… Gogeta-" he burst forth into the 'Super Saiyan Four' form, for which Gogeta found he had access to every one of the two being's abilities, techniques and memories that made up his new form. Flexing in for a bit, his Ki spiked to new heights beyond that of those that took to make him, he felt incredible…
"A great fusion you two, though I hope you note, the more power you use, the less time you get to spend fused together, as the time limit lessens whilst under strain from so much power generated. At most, the fusion should last thirty minutes. You'll get used to the sensation of being one being while also feeling as if you are still two separate beings, this will fade naturally after more experience with this technique." She paused, smiling at 'him' before continuing.
"I am… impressed." Yulla said, licking her lips, a smile appeared on her face. Gogeta paid it no mind where her head was wandering as he continued to test the boundaries of his power, using it in conjunction while throwing shadow punches and kicks into the empty air, flickering around at fast speeds, faster than the Goku and Vegeta could hope to attain at their current levels. Gogeta was content with the fusion and it's resulting power, turning to the Old Kai nearby who was at this time more interested in his crystal ball he continued to prattle over, bits of drool dripping down upon it while he watched through it. Gogeta understood that these actions reminded him of the one called Master Roshi, and his lecherous ways. Gogeta released the 'Super Saiyan Primal' form as he approached Old Kai, turning to the two Metamorans while walking as he called out to them.
"Thanks, you two, wait here for a moment. I want to ask the old geezer something." walking over, he glanced at the crystal ball with annoyance, flickering forward slightly as he in a blink reached down and now had the crustal, ball in his hand, looking into it. Gogeta was now looking at the wives of Kron, Weiss, Blake and Bulma with Blake's mother Kali, the woman named Salem and Bulma's mother all doing yoga together, in some provocative poses-
"-Heh, I figured you were peaking on someone, didn't know you had a death wish old man, lusting after three of Kron's wives and their mothers… and the woman Salem. So, what is this next technique Old Kai, we wish to learn-" Old Kai quickly got to his feet, trying and failing to reach up and retake his crystal ball back from Gogeta who at first was amused, though when Old Kai hadn't responded to his words, irritated him enough to crack the crystal ball… still not used to his own strength.
"No! Look what you've done!" Gogeta grabbed the man slightly, pushing him backwards a bit as to get the Kai out of his personal space, irritably replying to the comical screams the Kai made due to his broken crystal ball.
Focus Kai! I wanted to ask you, are you going to tech me this other technique yet? I would rather learn it and then use my strength in taking out this God of Darkness, let's get started-" Old Kai interrupted annoyed, pointing a finger at him as to scold him.
"-Listen here sonny, take a seat and I'll explain it to you now. Though you won't be able to perform it now of course until the Metamoran fusion runs its course. Now give me my Crystal ball before you destroy it entirely! I might perhaps have enough time to repair it…" Gogeta offered it to him while sitting down, hearing the footsteps of the twin Metamorans coming over walking over the grass.
Old Kai delicately placed down his crystal ball and then pulled out two earrings, looking towards Gogeta as he held the two of them by two hands, showing them off.
"I'll begin with the explanation now, though just know that the Metamoran fusion is similar to this technique, allow me to explain…" Old Kai began, Gogeta listening carefully to his explanation.
He led his people to an occupied planet, those on it being subjugated on landing, his warriors continued to enslave these aliens even now, rounding them up while he sat in the half-destroyed throne room of a killed monarchy his people but cheered, their savagery on display to the masses.
He was by no means the leader of his race, that honor went to went to another though Bojack was much stronger, the fact he couldn't kill him as he had tried already after arriving on the planet meant that Bojack was now isolated by his people. The Hera clan, over twelve million strong at its apex, now but over six hundred thousand of their most hardened and… had abandoned his leadership, remembering that he was a pirate and a black sheep of his people, they decried him a mere mercenary and not fit to rule. A mere one hundred thousand like minded Hera warriors opted to follow him instead and now there was a cold war between himself and-
"-Varrock, what brings you here, to my throne room." Bojack called out, sensing the much weaker by charismatic warrior Varrock, led by a few of his warriors. The only reason he was alive was by their newfound immorality, that was the only reason. Their new immortality made Varrock quite arrogant in their dealings since arriving on this tepid, jungle planet.
"We've dealt with the locals, their civilization was no stronger than our weakest warriors, of course, when they were but infants. Their strongest warrior, I'd checked with one of these we'd had on board those Planet Trade carrier ships." Varrock threw a scouter towards him, the device he'd seen prominent within his own PTO carrier ship, the supplies on board also housed PTO weaponry and armors of different styles. Most of his soldiers now came equipped with the armor and the scouters for they were useful, the weaponry was mere junk, most of Bojack's new soldiers plus the galaxy soldiers still under his command.
A sneer crossed his face, Varrock thought he was looking his way for he replied with a sneer in equal measure, his men readying themselves for a fight which would not come on his behalf, fighting wasn't fun when the end result wasn't someone's death. Bojack also checked his own power via his own scouter, reading him at 10,000,000,000 though the punk in front of him peaked at 14,850,000,000, thanks to Varrock having a royal lineage but lacked the transformation prowess of Bojack, a technique hard to master for their race.
"You should remember that you cannot kill me this time Bojack, turning your back on our people and slaughtering the royal family had cost you much contempt. The only thing I see worthy of you was the fact you slaughtered my father, brother and mother along with my cousins, allowing me to ascend to the throne though you killed me and the rest of your people straight after when you desired the throne for yourself. Well then, they are still dead, and I have been brought back. Not you, the cold family nor the weapon of destruction of those foolish Kai's shall take my life this time! Bojack, we've seen fit to vote… your hereby banished from the planet, you and your fanatics aren't needed in our grand design." Bojack paid the little posh Hera-noble any mind, no Bojack's mind was transfixed on the one who betrayed them, for she was still alive. Bojack knew this to be show because she hadn't ended up where they did, in that pit of inferno they called hell. There was no way she would have ended up in a so-called heaven either, for she was as bad as the rest of his galaxy soldiers, mercenary through and through. She betrayed him and therefore, Bojack would kill her for it. Her and all those strong fighters who got the drop on him, being much stronger than he was he begrudgingly recalled, though now… he wouldn't be killed this time around.
Standing up, unnerving those in the room, except for the self-styled monarch of this newly conquered planet, Varrock only glared in defiance though Bojack walked calmly passed by him, arms behind his back, a smirk on his face, their eyes meeting.
"-Bojack, are you listening to me. Your mercenary nature and your blatant lack for bending the knee to me makes this abundantly clear, your banished from our new planet- you and those who follow you. The new slaves will allow us to propagate once more, seeing as only a meager lot of our people have returned, majority of them either criminals or the worst sort of scum along with soldiers and mercenaries much like yourself… Once our numbers have gotten to an acceptable level, the Hera can commence expansion into the galaxy, pillaging and enforcing our will upon the helpless weaklings." Bojack, not one to let another, let alone a pompous fool whose only good quality was having royal blood in him. Bojack cackled as he replied.
"Hmph, what a laughable goal. But alright, play at being a king. I have no interest coddling a child playing leader, I've got my own enemies to deal with and we still have no idea as to how long such a boon as immortality would last. Know this 'King' Varrock, as soon as one of my new force of galaxy soldiers dies… a Permanant death in battle… you and yours are next- heh." he shoved passed Varrock hard, knocking into his shoulder, the leaner Varrock though stronger was physically brushed passed by, Bojack taunted him with a smirk as he left the ruined fortress Bojack took after landing. Eyeing back in front of him, he made way to the ships, already being prepped for another journey through the galaxy, the ships were slower, but they did carry all of his men together in.
His inner circle of men, Kogu, Buijin and Bido were already readying the three carrier ships when they saw him incoming over, they assembled around him, Bido spoke up, smirking lecherously at some of the rounded-up slave girls.
"Bojack, we've left you a small prize in your personal quarters… a particular beauty for you to use… as you see fit." Bojack smirked, at least the journey to the planet Earth would not be boring.