I'm Going To Make Her Miserable

Shasa stormed into the living room, her face twisted in anger. She held up Ezra's phone, the screen displaying a text message from an unknown number.

"Who is this?" she demanded, thrusting the phone towards Ezra.

Ezra looked up from his book, his expression one of confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me," Shasa snapped. "This woman just texted you, telling you she misses you and can't wait to see you again. Who is she?"

Ezra's eyes widened as he glanced at the message. "I swear, Shasa, I have no idea who this is. I've never seen that number before in my life." he lied.

Shasa wasn't buying it. "Don't lie to me, Ezra. You've been acting strange lately, and now I find this? How could you do this to me?"

Ezra sighed, setting his book aside. "I'm not lying, Shasa. I don't know who that is. Maybe it's just a wrong number or something. You know how that happens."

Ezra's face hardened. "I told you, Shasa, I don't know who that is. Why won't you trust me?"

"Why should I trust you when you're hiding things from me?" Shasa retorted. "Maybe I should just leave. Maybe we should just end this."

As Shasa and Ezra continued to argue, Lydia, Ezra's mom, walked in with a red face. They were both still arguing and failed to notice that Lydia was back. Lydia yelled to get Ezra and Shasa's attention, they both immediately stopped arguing and turned to face her. It was then that Ezra noticed the redness in her face, and his concern grew.

"Mom, are you okay?" he asked, stepping towards her.

Lydia shook her head, her expression full of frustration. "No, I'm not okay. A crazy old woman slapped me," she explained.

"How did it happen? " Ezra asked. "I was just at the mall, trying to do some shopping, and I saw that bitch Hailey there. I approached her to see what she was doing there, and her so-called Grandmother in-law slapped me." she lied.

Ezra paced back and forth in the living room, his fists clenched at his sides. Shasa watched him with concern, not sure what to say.

"I can't believe Hailey got her grandmother-in-law to do that," Ezra muttered. "That's just low."

Shasa nodded in agreement. "It's messed up. Do you think we should do something about it?"

Ezra stopped pacing and turned to face her. "I don't know what we can do. Hailey is a nightmare to deal with, and her grandmother-in-law is willing to do her bidding."

Just then, Shasa turned to Lydia with a curious expression. "Mom, do you know if Hailey is married? And if so, who is she married to?"

Lydia's expression darkened, and her words were full of hate. "I don't know who she's married to, but I'm sure he's a pauper. That swine cannot attract any rich man her way"

Ezra watched as Shasa fumed with anger, her eyes flashing with determination. He knew that when she got like this, there was no stopping her. "I'm going to make Hailey miserable until she begs for her life," Shasa declared, her voice filled with venom.

Lydia nodded in agreement, her expression just as fierce. "I'll support you in whatever you do. That Swine deserves to be taken down a peg or two."

Ezra watched as Shasa and Lydia continued to plan their revenge against Hailey. "It's okay, Mom," he whispered. "We'll handle Hailey. She won't get away with this."

Lydia sniffled, her body shaking with emotion. "I just can't believe she would do something like this," she said, her voice trembling. "What kind of person would get their grandmother to attack someone like that?"

Ezra felt his anger rising at the thought of Hailey's actions. He held his mother tight, feeling a fierce protectiveness wash over him.

"Don't worry, Mom," he said, his voice firm. "We'll take care of it. Shasa and I will make sure that Hailey pays for what she's done."

Lydia looked up at him, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Ezra," she said, her voice soft. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Ezra hugged her tighter, feeling a sense of warmth and affection spread through him. He knew that he had to protect his family, no matter what.

As they pulled apart, Ezra knew that he had to talk to Shasa and come up with a plan to deal with Hailey. He couldn't let her get away with what she had done to his mother.

With a renewed sense of determination, he turned to Shasa, his eyes flashing with resolve. "We need to come up with a plan," he said. "And we need to make sure that Hailey never tries anything like this again."