Ending it all

Trigger Warning: The following scene contains sensitive content related to depression, regret,firearms and suicide.

Shasa's heart raced as she parked her car in front of the gun shop. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the city streets. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to do. The decision had been weighing heavily on her mind, but she knew she needed to end everything. There was no point living, she had lost everything including Ezra. She pushed open the glass door and stepped into the dimly lit store.

Rows of firearms lined the walls, gleaming under the store's fluorescent lights. Shasa approached the counter, where a middle-aged man with a grizzled beard stood, his eyes scanning her cautiously.

A store attendant approached, his voice quiet and respectful. "How may I assist you today?" he inquired, noting the sombre expression on Sasha's face.

Sasha hesitated for a moment, her fingers tracing the edge of the counter as she mustered the courage to voice her request. "I... I would like to purchase a gun," she managed, her voice laced with vulnerability.

Concern flickered in the attendant's eyes as he regarded her. "May I ask why you're interested in buying a firearm?" he asked gently, hoping to open a dialogue.

Sasha's voice quivered slightly as she spoke, with anger visible in her Voice, "It's none of Your business. Are you selling or should I check elsewhere?," she said. The shopkeeper raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Alright, we have a variety of options. Do you have any specific preferences?"

Shasa hesitated for a moment before pointing to a compact handgun displayed under the glass. "That one, please."

The shopkeeper retrieved the firearm and began the necessary paperwork, while Shasa paid for her purchase. As she walked out of the store, a mix of emotions flooded her mind. Fear, empowerment, and a lingering sadness all blended.

She decided to seek solace in a nearby bar, hoping a few drinks would help ease her troubled thoughts. The dimly lit establishment was filled with the buzz of conversations and the clinking of glasses. Shasa found a quiet corner booth, where she could gather her thoughts.

She ordered a couple of drinks and sipped them slowly, each sip providing a temporary respite from the chaos in her mind. The alcohol loosened her inhibitions, and for a while, she forgot about the gun in her purse and the uncertainty that plagued her relationship.

As the night grew darker, Shasa finally made her way back home. She fumbled with the key, unlocking the front door and stepping inside. But before she could fully settle into the quiet solitude of her house, she heard faint sounds emanating from their bedroom upstairs.

"Hello? Ezra?" Shasa called out, her voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and hope.

The sounds abruptly stopped, and a chill ran down Shasa's spine. She knew Ezra had left home days ago and hadn't returned. Fear gripped her heart as she ascended the stairs, her mind racing with thoughts of potential intruders.

Shasa pushed open the bedroom door, her hand trembling. What she saw inside shattered her heart into a million pieces. Ezra stood before her, hastily packing his belongings into a suitcase. His face was contorted with fear, realizing that his carefully planned escape had been thwarted.

"Ezra... What... What are you doing?" Shasa stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

Ezra's eyes met hers, and guilt washed over his face. "Shasa, I... I can explain."

Shasa's voice quivered with anger and sadness. "Explain? Explain why you're leaving without a word. Without me?"

Ezra swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words. "I... I thought it would be easier this way. I didn't want to hurt you."

Tears welled up in Shasa's eyes, a mixture of hurt and betrayal. "Leaving without a trace hurts more than anything, Ezra. We were supposed to face things together. I gave up everything because of you and all you could do is to end things with me."

"I'm not in love with you anymore, Shasa!" Ezra's voice boomed, laced with bitterness. "I've found someone else. Someone who makes me feel alive again. Her name is Sophia, and we're planning to relocate together, to start a new life."

Shasa's tear-stained face contorted with disbelief and anguish. "How... how could you?" she choked out, her voice quivering with hurt. "I gave up everything for you. I betrayed my best friend, Hailey, just to help you secure her inheritance. I sold my house, and my dreams, and even humiliated myself at that party just to make you happy. And now... now you betray me like this?"

Ezra's anger seemed to waver for a brief moment, replaced by a flicker of guilt in his eyes. "I never asked you to do any of those things, Shasa. You did them willingly."

A bitter laugh escaped Shasa's lips, tainted with sorrow. "Yes, I did it willingly because I believed in us. I believed in you. I thought we were building a future together. But it was all a lie, wasn't it? A selfish, heartless lie."

Ezra's face twisted in frustration, his voice growing harsh. "You don't understand, Shasa. Sophia makes me happy. She understands me in a way you never could."

Tears streamed down Shasa's face as she mustered the strength to speak through her pain. "You think this is about happiness? Love isn't just about fleeting happiness, Ezra. It's about sacrifice, loyalty, and commitment. It's about standing by someone when they need you the most, even when it's not easy. And you've failed me."

Ezra's eyes darted away, his voice faltering. "I never wanted to hurt you, Shasa. But I couldn't deny my feelings anymore."

Shasa's voice trembled, filled with a mixture of heartache and resolve. "You chose to prioritize your desires over the love and trust we shared. You've broken me, Ezra. But I won't let you destroy me completely."

With a heavy sigh, Shasa turned away from Ezra, her gaze fixed on the shattered remnants of their relationship. She clutched her purse tightly, feeling the weight of the gun within it. At that moment, her focus shifted from the pain of betrayal to her self-preservation.

Shasa's grip tightened around the gun, her hand trembling as she brought it out from her bag. The weight of the weapon seemed to amplify the gravity of the moment, and the room filled with a heavy silence. Ezra's eyes widened in terror as he saw the gun pointed at him, and he fell to his knees, his voice quivering with fear.

"P-Please, Shasa," Ezra pleaded his voice barely a whisper. "Don't... don't do this. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

Shasa's heart wavered as she looked into Ezra's terrified eyes. A part of her yearned to make him feel the pain he had inflicted upon her, to exact revenge for the shattered pieces of her heart. But another part, a voice deep within her, urged her to rise above the darkness, to resist the urge for violence.

Tears streamed down Shasa's face as she struggled with her decision. Her hand wavered, the gun wavering along with it. She took a deep, shuddering breath, desperately seeking clarity amidst the chaos.

Suddenly she wiped her tears and then shot Ezra three times in the head. Ezra let out a scream and then fell. She then pointed the gun at her head and then pulled the trigger.