The only thing Grandma made you promise before you left was to make sure nobody finds out that you're a Witch. Now, for the first time, you realize there might be more to worry about. Moving into a new town isn't just as simple as saying: "Hi, I'm Huknock. I'm not a Witch!" You get to know people. You spend time out in the world; you get involved.
At least, you think.
It's true that Witches are good at living on their own, but you're not sure whether it's out of necessity rather than preference. In fact…it is possible to feel lonely, out in the forest.
For you, the thought of meeting new people again is:
You're not going to waste your time. Friends might be nice, but the forest is the most important thing right now.
Saving the forest; getting to know people; fitting in, somehow, with the rest of the town; and keeping your promise to Grandma. Suddenly, a week or two without her seems like both an eternity and a blink of an eye.
"No time to waste, is there, Arctus?"
She mews questioningly. Thanks, girl.
Speaking of time, you check the computer clock—and somehow it's already 7:40 p.m. The Town Meeting is very close to starting.
You give the study another glance, taking in the dust and the furniture stacked with boxes. You have all week to make the place a little nicer; you only have tonight to make a first impression.