For every empty, crumbling building around you, there must be people feeling the effects. You heard quite a lot about what the town was going through last night, but you didn't get to see it for yourself. Now, you realize the real world is a little more complex than a simple debate in the Town Hall. You know you haven't been here nearly long enough to understand what people might be experiencing in what seems like a very uncertain time, but you're sure it can't be easy.

Eventually, you reach the "Tall Tails" pet store, and right away it strikes you just how out of place its brand new exterior seems amidst its more quaint surroundings. All that really interests you, however, is the person-sized poster of an excited cartoon rabbit wearing a black top hat, holding up a carrot as a wand, and proclaiming: "No tricks, just savings!"

Uncertain why a bunny magician would be excited at the lack of magic in the store, but deciding to take them at their word about the savings, you step through the automatic doors.

"Good morning!"

No more than three steps in, you're stopped in your tracks by a beaming, bright-eyed girl with curly red hair who springs out of nowhere (and forces you to wonder whether sneaking up on people is just how this town says hello). Her smile as she greets you takes over her whole face—though you think you spot a hint of nervousness behind the too-cheerful exterior. Suddenly, you've forgotten everything you thought you knew about how to interact with other people.

"What can I help you with?" she asks, gesturing with a sweep of her hand towards the colorful array of aisles and display cases behind her. As you take it all in, you hear the tinny echo of a radio playing what you assume is a popular song—though the upbeat tempo seems a little out of place in the seemingly empty store. At the same time, the girl who greeted you is still watching from the corner of her eye with an expectant and ever-so-slightly strained smile. Overall, it's a bit of a sensory overload.

Feeling overwhelmed, you try to put yourself in Arctus's proverbial shoes.

"Could you show me your cat food? My pet is pretty picky."

"No problem! Our top-quality cat foods are just here on the left."

She leads you over to a shelf full of expensive-looking products, the packaging all covered with pictures of perfectly groomed, aloof-looking (but still adorable) cats.

"Before we start, why don't you tell me a little bit about your cat's personality?"