Looking back at your things on the counter, Nic nods.
"At least I get to get out there when I feel like it, for now. That's something I like about this job: flexible hours."
She seems a little tired as she weighs up a few things on some scales.
For a short second, all you can think is that:
You try to stay patient, but can't help letting your attention wander as Nic sorts through your items.
"Yeah, so," she says after a little while. "The job definitely has its upsides."
Nic sighs.
"Well, there's the way employees are treated sometimes. This place is part of a big chain, and it comes with all these rules and guidelines employees are supposed to follow, like 'Never disagree with a customer,' or 'A smile is part of your uniform.' And you've heard about the Employee Pledge—it's all just a little intense."
She does smile, though it's a slightly grim smile.
"I mean, being polite is one thing, but smiling all the time is just…creepy. And like, in my interview, they asked me why I wanted to work here. I kind of wanted to say, 'Because you're gonna give me money,' but obviously you can't really say that. So I just said: 'I really love animals.' And the lady was like, 'Tell me how your love of animals will help you excel in this job.' I mean—I don't know, because I don't want a bunch of cats to starve to death? What else is there to excel at?"
Nic laughs. The sound is: