It was a good idea, except for the fact that the wind is a tricky thing to control. Rather than a gentle, delicate breeze, all you can seem to manage after a minute's concentration is one wild gust that blows half the cards further away than ever, forcing some of the kids' parents to help out their increasingly frustrated children. Luckily, the real wind returns after a moment and carries a few cards to a more convenient spot.
Once there are no more cards on the ground, the kids bunch together in a hive so they can count them one by one. As they're trying to reassemble the deck, you can see the magician wringing her hands—but when you look her way, you inadvertently catch her eye under her mask. When she sees you, she pauses—and for a split second, you see her wink.
At the same moment, you get a glimpse of silver hair beneath her hat.
"We can only find 51," the little girl announces once the kids have finished their frenzied meeting. Hearing this, the magician gasps.
"Oh my goodness! Only 51? I'm so sorry, children, but I can't complete the spell unless I have all the cards!" For a few moments, the magician seems inconsolable—but a second later, she snaps her fingers in a burst of inspiration. "Wait a minute! I know what must have happened. That last card knew we were looking for it, so it went and hid in the last place I would ever look."