By now it's afternoon and the sun is high overhead, and just as you're trying to decide what you'd like to eat, you hear the band on the platform fall silent. When you look over there, you see that the musicians are leaving their guitars and that, in their place, a man you think you recognize as one of the members of the Town Council is coming onto the stage. As he approaches a microphone, the rest of the noise from the fair begins to fade, and you're reminded of the Town Hall on your first night in Silvertree—though the atmosphere today is far happier than the other night.

"Hello, everyone," the man says with a wave at the crowds. "For those that only know me as a face at a table, I'm Gus Marquez, the Town Council's Communications and Outreach Officer. I hope you're all enjoying the day and making the most of this beautiful weather. If you haven't already, I'd recommend trying the delicious lemonade over near the merry-go-round. Especially the grown-ups—they'll put in a shot of something extra if you ask nicely."

There are ripples of laughter from the crowd. Gus chuckles and goes on.

"Well, I'm not going to keep you long. I just wanted to say thank you all for coming and for supporting some fantastic local causes—as well as local businesses. Remember, if you'd like to contribute directly to the town lake cleanup fund, you can find a donation stand just by the entrance. Our goal for today is to double what we raised last year, and when last I checked, we were right on target, so—keep it up, and let's have a great day!"
