Underneath your comment reminding people why yesterday's protest had the right aim of protecting the environment, there's a small tab where you can click to show the replies. According to what it says there, you have 304 replies.
It seems like while you were gone, what you wrote just took off. Although it looks like there are entire debates happening in the responses, most people are rallying behind your original message, agreeing with you and demanding that the article be corrected (or just removed altogether). Without even realizing, you've started a conversation that took on a life of its own.
You don't realize just how widely your words have been seen, however, until you reach the last few messages—and you see a reply from one of Silvertree Today!'s own editors, asking if you would be willing to write a short piece explaining your side of the story.
For a few moments, you don't know how to react.
Then, at last, you say out loud to no one but yourself:
Staring at the screen in amazement, you feel your hands form themselves into fists. As they do, something—warmth, adrenaline, maybe even magic—begins to tingle under your skin.
Finally. You get to do something.