Marlowe thinks about it and nods.

"That's probably true; there's only about seven other people in town, and I run into them at the grocery store all the time."

With you as their assistant, Marlowe makes you both some food, and you end up in their bedroom as you eat. Marlowe is, understandably, a little quieter than usual, and you find yourself looking around curiously at their room. It's fairly small, but the walls pop with color thanks to the rows of books on every available surface. On a small desk underneath the window there's a laptop, as well as an old typewriter that seems to have undergone quite a few repairs.

When Marlowe notices you looking at it, they grin.

"That's another thing my roommate brought home one time. He actually managed to get it working, too, and it was basically just a pile of metal when he found it. I've been using it to write stories for a while. It's just kind of fun pretending I'm a writer from the fifties or something—and also it makes it way harder to edit stuff, so I actually have to write instead of going back and changing the same five words a million times."