You were determined you were going to give it your all before the meeting started, so you already felt pretty prepared to speak. But now that you have your question in mind, it suddenly becomes that much easier to raise your hand, get to your feet when Dina signals, and take a deep breath.
"I would just like to ask: What's your plan to protect the environment if the developments go through? If the forest is going to be affected, how can you make sure the developments won't do serious damage?"
Dina sits still as she takes in your question. When she eventually opens her mouth, there isn't much you can read on her face that will tell you what she's thinking.
"If the developments go through, we will comply with all necessary laws and guidelines to ensure that no protected areas are affected—and that we always work within sustainable limits. The land that is currently marked out for development in Alberobello Forest is less than three percent of the forest's total area, and the Town Council will closely monitor all work that happens there to make sure everything is safe and by the book."