Entry 05: The Gala (Part Two)

"That person died a long time ago." Jonathan glared at his companion; his voice was cold as ice. "I am the gravity that defies everything. Of course, I won't forget the gratitude she gave me."

The woman's red eyes look at him. "Be grateful that our Lady gave you a second chance to live, to move on from your previous miserable life; otherwise, you will be in hell right now."

"Shut up and let's get this over with." He walked out of the room, impatiently overtaking him. "Do you want to get this show started or not?"


Argh, I can't take this!

The blond-haired woman sitting in front of me is complaining that her boyfriend, who was supposed to be her escort tonight, has other plans somewhere, while the ginger-haired man sitting beside her only sips his wine while listening to her complaints. This conversation has been going on for hours now, and I only chewed my food angrily, waiting for this pointless conversation to end.

Kouga only looked at me with a concerned look on his face. "Let me guess you're irritated that you have been listening to her complaints for hours?"

"You're correct. It's so annoying." I answered him in a low, angry voice so that the people in front of us would not hear what we were saying. "Besides, what about your duty as Lord Lilitus' bodyguard?"

"He will be fine," he said as we looked at the table where the guy was seated. It seems like he was having fun in there. Patrick and Lena only stand on the sidelines, with Lena waving at us. "And they are guarding him even from far away."

"I hope this night will be uneventful." I sighed and looked back at the people in front of us.

But suddenly, I felt something strange; I could feel an ominous aura surrounding the area, as if something bad was going to happen. I abruptly stood up and looked frantically at my surroundings. I also looked at the area where Lena and Patrick are on standby, also looking at the surroundings.

Kouga also sensed something was wrong, but he kept his stoic expression so no one would notice. "What's wrong, Ms. Brown?" the blonde asked.

My head turned around to look at her, and I smiled. "I need to go to the restroom." And by that, I dashed out of the dining area, with Kouga and Patrick following suit.


"No doubt, there is a vampire in this area," I said as Patrick and I rummaged through the back of our car to get our weapons while Kouga leaned against the wall, serving us as our lookout in case someone came.

"I told Lena to stay there with Lord Lilitus just in case," Patrick said as he handed over the sheathed sword to me. "We don't know when they will be attacking the gala."

I took the sword from him. "We need to get there as soon as possible and help Lena out."

As a cue, we hear a static sound from our communicator. I answered the call. "Lena? Something's wrong?"

"Annie! Pat! You need to get here ASAP!" Lena's frantic voice was on the other line. "Vampires attack out of nowhere, and it is now in chaos as we speak."

As I was about to open my mouth, we heard screams echoing throughout the parking lot. The three of us jolted and looked in the direction of the scream. We see several people running toward us, crying for help. Behind them is an army of vampires who are blood deprived.

We rushed to the scene, immediately passing through the panicked people (while telling them to run to a safe area), and we stopped at the army of vampires waiting for us.

"Well," I said to my companions. I saw Patrick make his stance, shield on hand, while our friendly vampire general summoned his sword out of thin air. "Let's get this party started."

We charged toward the army and killed them in bulk. Blood and guts splayed throughout the area as we hacked, slashed, and bashed our way through the elevator in the parking lot. Kouga summoned his petals to kill the vampires much more easily.

"Don't let your guard down!" He shouted at us. "There are others incoming."

Oh no! As we stopped in front of the elevator and looked behind, more vampires were charging towards us. Some of them look like the people we saw running for their lives earlier.

Poor them; the vampires caught up to them and killed them.

As we kept our guard up and proceeded to attack the incoming wave, a pillar of fire engulfed the entire army, charring them to ash. We looked in the direction where it came from and saw Lord Lilitus with Lena behind him. He was casting a fire spell as a magic circle appeared in his outstretched hand.

"Are you guys all right?" He asked as they approached us.

"We managed to escape thanks to the ESEH agents that were on standby," Lena said as she got her weapon from Patrick. "It was chaos out there!"

"We decided to get out of the dining area while the ESEH agents dealt with the vampires," he explained. "It was so sudden that all of us were caught off guard."

They explained to us that three minutes after we left the dining area earlier, a worn-out man suddenly entered the dining area and started to harass one of the guests there. When one of the staff tried to stop the man, he turned to the staff, and there was chaos in the dining halls. The ESEH agents, led by Yuri, were alerted quickly and able to subdue the vampires, but due to the number of guests being transformed into vampires, the agents got overwhelmed quickly, and the two decided to leave the area to bring reinforcements.

"And the agents?" Kouga asked them.

"The last time we saw them, they were worn out."

"What will we be going to do, Anna?" Patrick asked me.

I don't want to help Yuri and the rest of the ESEH agents because they have been stealing all the hard work that we SECTA agents have, but this time, this is different. It is a life-and-death situation, and I can't ignore that.

"Let's help them," I decided. Screw this rivalry. "But this is the last time we help them."

We all agreed, and we proceeded to go to the elevator, but as Kouga and I went in, the rest of the group stayed behind.

"We stay here to handle the vampires here," Patrick said as he hit the elevator button. "You go ahead."


A hand pressed on my shoulder. "Anna," Kouga stopped me. "They can handle this."

I looked at Kouga with a concerned look written on his face, and I agreed with what he said. I turned to the others. "Don't die!" I shouted as I saw their backs before the elevator door closed.

As we were alone on the elevator, Kouga ruffled his hair in frustration. "That bitch!" He gritted his teeth in irritation. "Of all days, why now?"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I curiously asked.

Kouga looked at me with his usual stoic expression. "The number of vampires reproducing at a rapid pace, as well as the ESEH agents being overwhelmed by them, means there's only one person who could do this." He tsked in anger. "If I caught you in time..."

"Wait a minute, calm down, Kouga!"

He sighed, listening to my suggestion. "You knew about the vampires that rebelled against our king?"

"Yes." I knew about them, old man.

"One of them, or rather one of the vampires they created, is here," Kouga explained while trying to keep his composure. "Since we are still in the elevator, I will give you a little history lesson."

Wow, I never expected him to give me some history lessons. "The rebels, as we called them, are composed of five vampires who have strength equal to the deceased heir of the vampire world. These rebels are dissatisfied with the current rule in the vampire world, and they believe that vampires could rule over humans. In my opinion, I don't care about their nonsense; for someone who has lived for centuries, humans are also capable of fighting back and living the lives they want, free of tyranny."

"And one of them is here in the gala?"

"It's only my speculation." We hear the 'ding' from the elevator, signaling to us that we have arrived at our destination. The door opened, and a hoard of vampires appeared in front of us.

"Chief, give us some raise after this." I groaned while I sliced the vampire who was trying to attack me in half.



The dining area is in chaos. As the guests and staff were trying to run to save their lives, my fellow agents and I were able to handle the vampires who were trying to attack the remaining staff. But their number proliferates, and the continuous onslaught now wears out some of my companions.

"Sir, the west wing is also under attack as well! "One of my companions told me the status. "It's no use. We can't send reinforcement from the HQ."

"And the SECTA agents?"

"Are you insane?" Another companion exclaimed. "We can't rely on those traitors to help us! I swear, they prioritized that VIP vampire of theirs! I swear that they escaped this place unharmed!"

I don't believe in that. Anna herself can't do those things. From what I know of her, she didn't abandon the mission that was given to her. I also noticed that several minutes before this fiasco happened, she and her companion, along with the vampire that accompanied them, left the area hurriedly, leaving their other companion behind to guard the high-ranking vampire.

I hate to admit it: judging from the aura of the vampire accompanying them, he may also be a high-ranking vampire as well, but why did he decide to go with them?

Just as I think of it further, a scream abruptly cut my thoughts, followed by a loud thud as we looked at one of my companions lying in his pool of blood, his head separating from the rest of his body. A second later, another agent screamed as her entire body was sliced into small pieces until nothing remained on her body.

"Retreat!" I ordered my remaining companion, but he only stepped back, eyes wide in horror and body quivering in fear.

"Hah.. Hah..." was the only noise coming from his mouth.

"Well, well. It seems like you two only remain in this area." A blond woman wearing a voluptuous red gown spoke in front of us. She's on top of the corpses of the dead guests. "You are not a SECTA agent," she said to us. "Begone"

She snapped her finger, and I heard a pop behind my back. I turned my head only to see my remaining companion's head explode. Blood sprayed all over my face as the body fell with a loud thud. I aimed the arrow at her while looking at her in a seething rage. "Who the hell are you?!"

"A vampire," she answered in a bored tone. "No matter. You will die in a few seconds before knowing my name."

I snapped as I shot several arrows at her, but she swatted them with her bare hands as if they were only insects. "Impossible.. how?" They are enchanted with light magic, and they're effective against vampires. But how did she deflect it like it was nothing?

"Tsk. Low-level light spell. Can harm low-rank vampires, but for a high rank like me." She smiled, pearls of sharp fangs gleaming in the moonlight thanks to the huge hole in the wall. "Useless."

As I was about to create another arrow and attempt to shoot her again, several pink petals flew past me at a fast speed, aiming at the vampire. She tried to block it with her bare arm, but the petals got her, and it caused an explosion on her end as I could hear footsteps behind me.

"She's a high-ranking vampire. You can't beat her, even if you are an S-rank vampire hunter." I turned my head and saw the vampire that I met several weeks ago. Anna is behind him. He looked at the mess and turned his head in disgust. "The smell of blood overwhelms in this area."

"Can you fight in that condition?" Anna asked him, then she looked at me and said, "Sheesh, Yuri. It seems like you're the only ESEH agent left. What should you do in this scenario?"

"Anna, will you stop mocking me and help me out?!"

"He's right. I think that explosion didn't kill her directly." We looked at the vampire in front of us as she was clutching her injured arm, screaming in pain. "AHHHHH!! I won't forgive you!" She looked at the vampire in front of her, her eyes red and full of anger. "I'll kill you for this, Vampire General Kouga Igarashi!"

"She's ready to counterattack," he said calmly, but in an angry tone; his katana suddenly appearing out of nowhere. "Anna, I don't know who you are on your guard. Let's finish her here."