Entry 10: Johann Armstrong (Part 1)

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock beside my bed. My hand searched for the alarm clock and turned it off. I rose from my bed and looked at the time. It was almost 7 in the morning, and I quickly rose on my bed to take a shower and get dressed up.

Luckily, it was a fine Saturday morning, and I was granted a day off. Before this, Lord Lilitus was able to talk to the Chief on my behalf, and I got his approval. Of course, that sadist of an S-rank reluctantly approved my leave request. I shuddered in fear when I remembered the cold glare he stared at me while angrily signing my request for leave form.

Enough about that. Today, I was going to meet with the guy I met at the gala a few weeks ago (before the disaster happened). I wore a simple cream dress with a floral pattern and my brown boots, and I took my red coat jacket from the closet. I went out of my bedroom and headed out towards the kitchen.

I hummed a happy tune while I took a bottle of fresh milk from the refrigerator and placed it on the marble breakfast table, then proceeded to take some eggs, bacon, and butter, then slammed the refrigerator door shut.

"It seems like you're in a good mood today."

I was startled when a voice spoke out that I didn't notice that some of the eggs that I was holding dropped on the floor. I looked at my surroundings and saw an old man, Kouga, sitting on the sofa, drinking some tea. When did he say, "How did you get in here?" I exclaimed.

"Patrick gave me his spare key to your apartment, so I made myself home here." That Patrick! I'm so going to get him when he visits here again! "I think you should focus on how to clean the mess on the floor."

How did he know? I looked below and saw the dropped eggs that were on the floor. "Great," I mumbled to myself while setting down the butter, bacon, and uncracked eggs on the breakfast table. I then took the salt shaker that was placed on the breakfast table and sprinkled it on the cracked eggs. "By the way, why are you here? "I asked him.

"I'm here because I'm going with you. I have no trust in that man," he said in a serious tone. Oh, I told him about my meeting with that man: "I've got a bad feeling about him."

"Wow, Kouga." The egg was now solid thanks to the salt, and I was able to get it with a piece of cloth that I got earlier. "Just because you have a bad feeling about a person doesn't mean that he is a bad person."

"You met that person recently, Anna," he retorted. "I'm just being cautious."

I stood up and put the dirty cloth in the sink. "If you don't have anything to do, please kindly leave my apartment."

"I won't."

"And why was that?" I looked at him.

He puts down the cup of tea on the coffee table. "I can't leave you alone in case there is a vampire attack."

"It's morning."

"Yes, it is morning, but there are some vampires whose vampire arts can change day into night." He turned around to look at me. "You mustn't let your guard down even if you are off duty."

"Sheesh, you sounded like that sadist."

"At least, I cared about your health." He sips another cup.


The morning breeze hit my face, and my body shivered in the cold air. Since winter is now approaching, people are now preparing for the yuletide season. I'm wearing my coat jacket, yet the cold still enters my body.

Before this, the old man and I had some arguments. He insisted on tagging along, but I told him that I was okay and he needed to watch me from afar. This lasted for around a minute until he gave in to my suggestion.

"Sheesh," I complained. "I'm wearing a coat jacket, and yet I'm still shivering in the cold." Then I looked at my companion, who wore a black coat jacket underneath his clothes, and he didn't feel the cold air. "While this old man here doesn't complain about the cold air,"

"The cold doesn't bother me," he said with a straight face. "By the way."


"Don't call me 'old man'. It's embarrassing." Wow, you're embarrassed of your age, old man?

"Then what should I call you then?"

"Just call me any name, not 'old man'."

"Well, I'll call you by your name then." I averted my head and sulked. Here's my fun being ruined.

Kouga stopped in his tracks. "We're here."

I turned my head and looked in awe. Rice Park sure is busy during the holidays. The fences are decorated with red flowers and green leaves, and there is a wooden inverted cone-shaped skeleton in view to create the Christmas tree later. Also, I could see some painters starting to exhibit their paintings to the public.

"Call me when you are done," Kouga said as he stepped back. "I don't want to interrupt your 'date' with that man."

Did I mishear or did he sound angry when he said the word 'date'? "Well, I'll be going now."


I walked towards the center and saw the man minutes later. He was sitting at the edge of the fountain, his glasses foggy thanks to the cold air. He was wearing a brown coat jacket, black pants, and black shoes.

I approached him. "Hey!

He looked in my direction and smiled upon seeing my face. "Oh, you're here."

I stopped near him. "Did you come here early?"

"No, I've recently arrived here," he answered, and then stood up. "Well, shall we go then?"

"Sure." Then I paused for a moment. "Before we proceed, may I know your name first? Since you knew my name, I want to know yours."

He reached out his hand and smiled. "I'm Johann Armstrong. Nice to meet you."


We went to the section where the painting exhibition takes place. There are tents for painters, showing their masterpieces for all the passersby to see. We could see some painters exhibiting their painting skills to passers-by. I could see one painter currently drawing a young couple.

"Fascinating, isn't it? "Mr. Johann noticed the couple smiling at each other while the painter showed them the finished product. Just by the look of it, they are satisfied with the result. "Painters like him will have a bright future ahead of them."

"You sure are a painting enthusiast, Mr. Johann," I said to him.

"Thank you."

We proceed to walk further. We stopped by a lot of tents where all the painters displayed their art. Mr. Johann also asked for some information from the painters we came across, such as what technique they used in their art, the blending of colors in each painting, the meaning of each painting they created, and what they were dedicated to. I only watched as the painters answered his questions. I could see his eyes brimming with enthusiasm as he asked a follow-up question to the painter. He looks like a student asking questions to his teacher.

'Don't trust him.' A voice rang in my head. It was the voice of a middle-aged man who spoke. The tone has a hint of warning in it. But I shrugged it off. Mr. Johann is a very nice person. He is harmless and never betrays his trust in anyone.

I never noticed him approaching me. "One of the painters informed me that there is an auction for the paintings created by Jonathan Anderson."

Oh, that painter that we talked about back in the gala.

"The auction starts at noon. How about we go to one of the food stalls to eat? "he asked as he pointed to one section of the park that had food stalls in it.

And good timing since my stomach grumbled. I blushed in embarrassment. "Sure."


We ate at one of the food stalls that were stationed in the park. There are several benches that you could sit on and eat your meal on. I sat at the one near the paintings; the bushes separated the exhibit from the food stalls. My eyes beamed with happiness as I opened the small rectangular Styrofoam that contained my favorite: white, fresh spring rolls wrapped in lettuce covered with a sweet brown sauce. This mouthwatering dish has been my favorite since I was young, and I never expected to sell it here in all places. As I was about to dig in, a hand suddenly appeared on my shoulder. I looked around and saw Kouga with the most irritating face I had ever seen.

"It seems you two are having fun there," he sneered.

I ignored his irritation. "Hey, where are you all this time? "I asked him out of the blue.

He calmed down and sat on the side facing me. "I was looking at the Izanagian paintings, and I was not disappointed. Also," he took out a small paper envelope from his pocket and placed it on the table. "I ran across one of the agents that is on standby. He gave me this envelope." He then leaned closer to my face. I blushed at his sudden approach. "By the way, the content of the envelope is for your eyes only, and I suggest you read it now while your companion is not here." Then he proceeded to back away and return to his seat.

I set down my food and took the envelope, opened it, and took the letter inside. I read the contents carefully and then looked at Kouga. "Is this? "

"Well? "Kouga asked me, arms crossed.

It took me seconds to finish reading the contents before putting the letter back in the envelope. "It's from that sadist. *sigh* Even when I'm off duty, he wants me on standby."

"I think he's taking revenge on you for signing your leave. "Kouga chuckled.


He stopped laughing and then turned around. "Now, where is your companion, by the way? "

"Now that you remind me," it's been minutes, and he hasn't returned yet. "What took him so long? "I never noticed that Kouga stood up. "You're going now? "I asked him.

He nodded in response. "I need to keep my eye on you in case something happens to you." Then he looked in a certain direction. "Also, I could sense your companion would arrive soon."

"Fine, fine." I waved at him carelessly.

He only looked at me for a second before walking away. Five minutes later, Mr. Johann arrived, bringing some drinks. "Sorry, I'm late." He apologized as he set the drinks down. "The line for the drinks was very long, and it took me some time before buying."

"That's fine," I reassured him, then I looked at his hands and saw that he only buys drinks. It's weird that he didn't buy some food for himself. "By the way, are you hungry? "

"I'm full," he answered with a smile.


After we ate our lunch, we headed out to the venue where the auction took place. Many people were sitting while the MC slammed his hammer, saying that the painting that was displayed was already sold. Mr. Johann and I sat in one of the vacant seats at the back as another bid took place.

"For our next item," the two guys carried a large painting beside the MC. The painting is a simple but elegant vase with different shades of color, but what makes the painting unique is the stroking technique used. We listened to the MC talk about the description of the art and who painted it.

"Well? "I asked Mr. Johann about the painting as we could hear the MC start the bidding.

"The painting was created in the late 17th century by Elizabeth. But by the looks of it," Mr. Johann said, as the voices who are bidding can be heard in the background. "The painting presented in this action is a replica."

"Eh?" A replica?

"The original painting was destroyed in a fire fifty years after it was painted," Mr. Johann explained. "The painting that appeared in this auction is a replica based on the original art. The simplicity of the art makes the replication much easier."

We hear the slam of the hammer, indicating that the painting has been sold. We watched as five other paintings were being auctioned as Mr. Johann explained the authenticity of the painting.

I admit that he has a keen eye for art. I guess that he's been into painting ever since he was young, or that his parents have artistic lineage.

When the fifth painting was sold, the MC announced the next item to be auctioned. "Our next item is a very beautiful painting created by Jonathan Anderson," he announced as the two staff members brought out the said painting. The painting is a beautiful winter landscape. Well, the entire painting is a mix of white and gray, but what stands out are the red leaves of a large tree and the vibrant colors of the person representing it. "This painting is called 'Red Maple Tree in Winter', and it was created when the painter was in his college days." Then he paused and raised his hand. "The price starts at $10 million!"

"20 million!"

"45 million!"

"50 million!"

"Wow, they bid the painting high, huh? "I said while turning my head to my companion.

Big mistake. I saw his eyes brimming with anger as he tried to maintain his composure while hearing the voices of the bidders raise the painting's price. His teeth gritted while his hands gripped the fabric of his pants to control his anger.

"That painting is fake," he murmured to himself.