'Oh yeah? And what's that?' said Logan.

'I'll tag along personally. Make sure you do the deed.'

There was a rumble of discontent among the prisoners sitting around the table. One, a heavy-set black man with elaborate swirls shaved into the stubble at the side of his head, said, 'What good will that do? Soon as you leave this room, they'll shoot you dead.'

Kevin shook his head, his eyes never leaving Purna's. 'No,' he said quietly, 'I really don't think they will. This one is the most dangerous, but she's not dishonest. In fact, she's a woman of honour.'

'How do you know that?' said the black man.

Kevin flashed a smile that was almost charming. 'I'm an excellent judge of character.'

'What about the crazies?' said another of the prisoners, a raddled, balding man in his fifties with a prominent Adam's apple.

'What do you think these are?' Logan said, brandishing his gun. 'Designer accessories?'

'There're too many of those things out there,' said a rat-like man with spiky yellow hair. 'They bite you, they even drool on you, you're fucked, dude.'

'Not us,' said Sam. 'We're immune.' He rolled up the leg of his jeans, peeled back the bandage on his calf, and showed them his bite. 'Check it out.'

There were murmurs both of wonder and disquietude. 'You all immune?' said the big black guy.

'All except for Jin,' said Purna. 'Speaking of which …'

'Oh, of course. Sorry,' said Kevin. He raised a hand and flicked a finger. 'Unhand the young lady please, Rafa.'

Rafa did so, albeit reluctantly, and Jin gasped and dashed forward, all but collapsing into Xian Mei's arms.

'I don't think this is a good idea,' Rafa muttered.

'Yes, well, thinking's never been your strong suit, has it, Rafa?' Kevin said, eliciting a few titters from the other men.

He stood up slowly, then clapped his hands together and smiled, like a vicar contemplating a church outing.

'Right then,' he said. 'Shall we go?'