63: The second match - Team fight [pt1]

Xavier looked back at Ella and Delon with a helpless and frustrated look on his face. He wanted to play again to show everyone that he was a good player, but the tournament rules would not allow him to.

Thus, Xavier was reduced to counting on his teammates to help him win.

"Hey, don't count us out just yet. We both might not be professionals or anywhere near your level, but we can hold up our well."

The Druid on the other team suddenly spoke up. He seemed to have taken offense against being underestimated.

Delon's face had a sheepish smile when he looked at the Druid player. He had not meant to insult the other team.

"Now I am itching to beat our opponents. We need to prove that we are not dead weights."

That was the drama that started the heated second round. Both teams took their position in front of the PC. And then it was time to start playing the match.