85: The humiliation

Olivier had not regretted anything more in his life than agreeing to be the model for Natasha. The clothes he had been made to wear were still and they caused Olivier a lot of 'technical' difficulty.

"Stand still or the strings will come off. Listen, Olivier, do not move until I tell you to. And that gun is the real thing, not a plastic replica. So, try not to let anyone touch it."

Natasha warned him all the while being distracted. She had a thousand things to do but she did not have enough time on her hand.

"I understand. Now go out and quickly get my number."

Olivier wanted his number to come quickly. He had not realized how impractical some of the gear in echoes could get.

Since Olivier had agreed to help Natasha out, she had been kind enough to choose a basic cosplay for him. He was currently dressed like a basic Echoes' shooter, with gear and everything.