102: A new start [pt1]

Natasha had been disappointed with the outcome of her match. But she soon managed to pick her mood back up.

After all, no one had expected her to win and she was sure that she had managed to put up a decent fight during the first team round. She was sure that she was overthinking things and no one would criticize her. 

Luckily, her personal information had not been released on social media so no one knew who she was. There were hundreds of females with the same name as her on the internet so she would not be found out.

So, to lighten her mind, Natasha opened social media and was bombed instant by thousands of messages slandering her name.

/You bitch. Did you bribe the authorities to rig the random tournament spot? /

/You are not even a decent player but you still tried to compete in the individual matches? Lol, what a fool. /

/If you cannot play properly then die early. Don't waste our time by pretending to know how to play. /