149: Bunking School for a good cause [pt2]

"Let's take different lobbies and try out different people. If you find anyone who has the potential, try, and call us all."

Olivier's quick order put things in motion. With this, everyone went out and opened different lobbies. There were a lot of people who were online right now.

Olivier was interested in a tank and a berserker himself. But they were both not interested in participating in a tournament. His experience of failure was shared by others in his team.

They scouted for a whole day but were unable to find anyone to join their team.

"I guess it's time to give up now. We tried as hard as we could but we were not successful. Thankfully we still have a team of five before starting the competition."

Edward sighed as he regrouped with the team after about five hours of looking around. He seemed to have the worst luck, finding bots and liars everywhere. He was tired of looking around and being social with people.