158: Lunch break

Aqua successfully took the phone out of Olivier's hand and noticed the match on the screen. It was their opponents playing against each other and that made Aqua sweat bullets. 

He could not help but look around in a paranoid manner. Somehow, he was sure that authority would jump them up and disqualify them from this match.

"Can down, leader. This is a live broadcast from the organizers of this competition. This is a legal way to scout our opponent without getting into trouble."

Corrin took the phone out of Aqua's hand and handed it back to Olivier. He knew that the kid was a little…possessive over his personal belongings at times. So, by doing this, Corrin saved Aqua's demise from an untimely death.

"B-But we were told to not do this, right?"

Corrin asked and then looked around once more. His paranoia did not allow him to relax and it kept on forcing him to look around.