Yoonah's P.O.V
There were floating lands, each of them had castles standing on it, and they were freaking huge. "Wha-What are those?" I asked Sunghoon, extremely alerted by the view in front of me.
"Those are the houses of the dukes of Riverfield, there are around 15 of them, including us. Riverfield's big. And there's a big city beneath us, that's where you'll see different creatures," Sunghoon explained, then looked at me. He must be conscious of my reaction.
"So... whatever Mom said was real and you're my brother?" He nodded. I didn't have a brother then, this was weird.
"How do you get transport?" He mumbled something and suddenly we were inside again.
"How did you do that?!" I practically shouted in his ears, which he didn't seem to mind at all, he was smiling ear to ear.
"It's a spell, it's the easiest mode of transportation,"
"Do it again!" I yelled out, which made him laugh but still do it and we were teleported to the balcony again. My mother was sitting on my bed watching everything with a smile.
"That is amazing! Do you think I can learn that?" I asked excitedly.
"Oh, I think you will nail it," He said, which got me smiling too. This might not be as bad as I thought.
"Her body is still very weak, let her rest now," Mom came out. Sunghoon carried me back to my bed and put me down.
"Try to sleep, after that we'll talk more, okay?" I nodded, but I knew damn well I ain't getting any sleep after what I just experienced. Mom kissed me on my forehead and they both went out, turning the lights off.
I plummeted into deep thoughts as they left the room. If I was to reincarnate, I must die in my previous body and that was a problem because I remembered almost all the life I had except the moment I died. I pinched myself as hard as I could and it still hurt, as much as it was hard to believe whatever they just told me, there was a great upside, my mother, the woman I had only seen through pictures, the one I was dying to know what her voice sounded like, the one I always missed every day.
I finally saw her and heard her, and the past me couldn't even imagine what it felt like. If life was going to be this way from now on, I didn't mind being reborn, even though I was not her daughter in this life, but I think I deserved to be selfish for once.
The door to my room cracked open and I quickly closed my eyes, "I know you are not sleeping," Sunghoon said as he stood near my bed.
I gave him a sheepish smile and sat up, "Don't you need to rest too?"
He shook his head and sat down beside me, "I waited 6 months for my baby sister to wake up, how could I rest when she finally do so?" I stared at him as he talked, his eyes were gleaming and I knew he was as excited as his words.
"I have a question," I said and faced him, he raised his eyebrow in gesture and I continued, "If I'm reincarnated to this world, it means that part of me is not your sister anymore, same goes for mom too. Are you okay with that?"
Sunghoon pondered for a bit before answering, "Actually, I thought it might be weird too, but that was until you woke up, same bright eyes and your mannerism are so much alike. That's when I thought we were given a chance to be with my sister again,"
I nodded my head in response, we were quiet for a bit until he spoke again, "How is me, in your previous life doing?" I looked up to meet his eyes.
"I didn't have a brother I was an orphan there," I noticed his eyes getting dull with my answer, but quickly recovered and ruffled my hair.
"Now, you have me and our parents by your side, you will never be alone again," I smiled at his response, I didn't know how it felt to have a family but I did know that the void I had been feeling in my chest for 18 years, was slowing closing up.
"Do you wanna go see the village? Mom is not coming back for 2 hours anyways,"
I bounced on the bed excitedly, "Yes! I was dying to know what's beneath us," He smiled and got up from the bed, open one of the cabinets, and pulled out a sweater.
"But, I still can't walk properly," Sunghoon just smirked and replied, "Then you are lucky as hell you got a strong brother." I see, he's the bragging type, but I didn't mind as long as I got a free ride.
He helped me put on the sweater and sat down in front of me, I scooted near and climbed on his back, "You ready sis?"
"Hell yeah," He chuckled and mumbled something again, I blinked and we were in the middle of a market, and it was no market that I was used to.
There were several wooden stalls stretched out in a line but with no store owner, which was odd considering many of them were selling jewelry, cups, and bowls made of gold and silver. And the people here, more than half of the people here were creatures with very unique appearances, it somehow almost looked like a cosplay.
"You okay there?" Sunghoon asked as he shook me gently.
"Yeah! Yes, but are you sure we can come here? We don't seem like we should be here,"
And it was true, many of them are looking at us as if we are growing two heads and I swear I just saw something with a real two heads passing by.
"We are one of the duke's children and we are rarely allowed to go down here instead we train and study every day, but since it's your first day, I don't mind breaking some rules," I thanked him, touched by his warm gesture.
"I think I can walk if I hold on to you," He shook his head and said, "I know you feel bad about me carrying you, but I am really fine."
"I don't think you would say that after an hour," I taunted and I did feel bad having me on his back.
"Uhm, there's one thing we have not told you about our family. We are not exactly human, well we have a human body but we are part vampires, and each is gifted with a special ability, mine being enhanced strength," Wow, I was getting a piggyback ride from a vampire. Hell, this body was his sister's and that meant I was one too. Sh*t this was getting crazy.
"My head's about to explode with questions," I exclaimed.
"Ask away, we've got more than an hour anyways," Sunghoon said chuckling, he walked in the opposite direction of the stall and went into something that looked like a restaurant.
"What's this place?" I asked as he stepped in.
"The best inn that serves the best food," He smiled at the goblin who was sitting near the door, collecting money from the customer as they walked out.
Wait. A goblin?!
I tightened my arms around Sunghoon's neck out of fear, not wanting to anger the goblin in any way, I turned my head away only to be met with a large creature with one eye. Squeaking a bit, I buried my face in his shoulder.
"Don't be scared, that's a cyclops and they are extremely patient and kind creatures," Sunghoon explained, I refused to look up until he set me down on a chair, sat across from me, and motioned someone to our table.
I timidly looked around the room and I didn't see anyone or anything like us, when a girl who looked around my age and looked perfectly human, I let out a sigh of relief.
"Hello, what can we serve you guys?" She was really beautiful, she had fiery red hair that was put up in a bun, her skin was a bit on the paler side, and the freckles on her nose compliment her visuals.
I noticed that I was not the only one that found her beautiful, my brother looked stunned as he stared at the waitress who was patiently waiting for us to order. I nudged him with my leg, knocking him out of his trance.
"Uh... yes, uhm," He stuttered around, "Is the roasted pork on the menu today?"
"Yes, will it be the same for Miss here?" She looked at me with a smile, she was really pretty, I didn't blame my brother for gaping at her.
"Yes, thank you~" She smiled and nodded.
Before I could control myself, "Excuse me, Miss?" She turned around and looked at me with questioning eyes. "Can I get your name, please?"
She smiled, "It's Jian."
"See? You have such a cool sister," I smirked seeing him blushing upon realizing that he was caught in the act.
"You have questions right? Shoot," He composed himself and changed the topic.
"Right, if you are and our parents are vampires, I am one too?" He nodded. "Is our family the only one with gifted abilities?"
"All the dukes and their family and of course, the royal family."
"Do I have one too?"
"Of course, our family has a daughter who is one part witch every five generations, the last one was five generations ago-"
"So I'm a witch?" That's new, when I thought of witches, I saw a long nose with gross skin. I consciously touched my nose. "But how?"
Sunghoon shrugged, "All I know is, when a special like you was born, you have to be born a witch with no trace of vampire blood, then you have to be turned when you reached 13."
I remained quiet, taking all the information in, I still have many questions but one step at a time.
"It's a lot to take in, isn't it?" I looked at him and nodded, I could see the pity in his eyes.
"We'll work it out slowly, remember you are not alone," I smiled. "Thank you."
"Sunghoon is that you?" A voice called from the far end of the room. Still loud enough for us to hear. I couldn't see anyone that was calling or even looking at us.
While Sunghoon smiled widely and waved, "I don't see anyone," I told and suddenly six people were standing beside our table. I almost fell from the chair.
"Dude, I didn't see you half the year!" One guy put his arm around Sunghoon.
"Oh my God, Yoonah?" The same guy asked. "You know me?"
"Yoonah, these are my best friends," Sunghoon said.