"Jax, get your stuff and head to the front office." The teacher said as the student handed her a note.
The entire class stared at me, watching my circus act. I stood up expecting this. I'm not the clown in this one.
I took my bag with me. I know how much high school kids like to steal. I took the note from the teacher and headed to the office. I'm just curious about what she said.
She's going to be crying. That I know. After spending weeks with her fake crying as I slowly wait to die, I have lost all remorse for her. If I hadn't gone back in time I would just kill her.
Though she technically hasn't killed me yet. I'll give her a chance to change. I doubt she'll take it.
When I got to the front office I was taken into the principal's office. Lexi was sitting with her own personal box of tissues.
A part of me wonders if she ever got her locker open.
"Please sit." The principal said, pointing at the open chair in front of her desk.
I sat. I didn't look at Lexi, she isn't worth it.
"So I've been informed that you two had a bit of a fight. I was told that you, Jax, were throwing students' belongings. There is also a video trending. I want to hear from your perspective what happened." She was very careful in what she said.
I wasn't scared. I did nothing wrong. "Well, I carry her stuff, give her money, and share my locker with her. She pushed it too far. So I took her stuff out of my locker. Might have been a bit rough. She and her friend wouldn't stop crying and screaming at me. I mean it's my locker. I paid for it, not my parents. So I yelled at her."
The principal nodded. She tried to stay straight faced. The video going viral means she is gonna take this seriously. Even if she thinks it's stupid.
She breathed in, straightening her back. "Now Jax. I've heard that you two are a very intimate couple. Is that correct?"
I furrowed my brows. Intimate? Oh Lexi, this is not going to be fun for you. "Okay. Lexi and the Quarterback are together right now. I mean, I did the stuff cause I thought I had a shot. Though she's led me on for three years without a single date. So yeah, maybe a little bit."
On the first day of my senior year, she did in fact make out with the Quarterback. Ash told me later. At this point I did look at the very stunned Lexi.
She looked very ugly. All her fucked up makeup from the fake crying. Now her surprised fish outwater face really sealed the I'm an ugly bitch look.
The principal nodded. "Lexi, is this true?"
Lexi was hiding behind her tissues. "Me and Leo are nothing. Everyone knows I don't do that stuff. I'm waiting."
Waiting my ass. When college came I walked into you guys so many times. You said the same thing. I never believed you. Plus we've done it. I may have waited but you sure didn't. No amount of reading can give you that level of skill.
Ah does that mean I'm still a virgin or no. I mean I am a minor again. Shit I can't drink anymore. Ah I'm gonna miss beer.
The principal leaned back in her chair. She's probably already sick of this he said she said business. "Well either way. I'm going to be moving Jax's locker downstairs. Have your stuff moved by the end of the day. Now the two of you must refrain from fighting on school grounds. I'll let this one go since it was the first time."
I nodded. Lexi was in shock. I don't know what she expected. Though she isn't dealing with the same man. This one doesn't give a shit about her Crocodile Tears.
The principal wrote down the new locker number and passes for both of us. Then we both headed out.
Outside the office Lexi tried to grab onto me. "Jax, is that why you're mad? I don't know why that rumor is going around."
I dodged her. Laughing at her. I waited till a student was close enough to hear. "Oh, you mean about the beauty mark on your butt?"
She went pale. All acting out the window. The student gasped realizing what I said. Lexi slowly turned around. While I went back to class.