
I can't move. I can't move a single muscle. I never expected this outcome. After dinner we decided to move on from games and watch a movie. Though during the movie Jax started cuddling with me.

He's never been so touchy. Not in a while at least. Though now he's asleep. He is breathing on my neck. I can't move. What if I wake him up?

Though I can't let him sleep like this. Even if he's young and will bounce back quickly he should still sleep in a bed. He shouldn't sleep in his day clothes either. Ah, moving him is one thing. Changing his clothes is another.

I can't take his clothes off. I know I've seen him naked before. Though what if he wakes up and gets the wrong idea? What if I can't hold myself back? 

My panicked thoughts were interrupted by Jax's adorable snore. I stared at Jax. He is so perfect. That snore was so adorable. How does he even do that? Snores are supposed to be annoying, not cute. This isn't fair!

I wanna kiss him for doing something so cute. This is just not fair. 

I tried very hard to calm down. Staring at Jax unable to move. Eventually I calm down and decided to at the very least put him in a bed to sleep.

I had paused the movie as soon as I figured out that Jax had fallen asleep. So I very carefully moved to carry Jax. He did stir a bit but didn't wake up. I carried him off like a princess and took him to the guest bedroom. I wanna share a bed with him. Though it'll seem weird.

We haven't slept in the same bed for a couple years now. A fact I find absolutely infuriating. Though I know why.

It's because of his parents. His parent's started to hit him at home. After I found out about it he started being very careful to put distance between him and everyone so that no one found out. Of course it only got worse.

I set him on the bed gently. I then stood there after catching sight of something. The scarf was hiding something horrible. I had thought it was possible though the deep color disturbed me.I gently and slowly as possible undid the scarf. 


I knew that his father had hurt him last night. That piece of shit lost his job again. He had gone and taken it out on his son, again. I thought that maybe was one of the reasons for Jax asking to stay over.

I didn't know that he had done something so evil. Jax's entire neck is black. It made me wonder if that mad man was trying to kill his child. Jax's life could have ended and what could I have done. I didn't even know because I can never get any dahm camera's in that house.

What do I even do now? How can I possibly let Jax go to that hell again. It would be like letting him die. He can't die. I can not let anyone kill this perfect existence.

How do I get that idiot out of the way? Do I just kill him? No, it's too soon. I need Jax in his own place before they go 'missing'. 

I need them to just be out of the way for a couple months. Once Jax turns 18 he plans to move out. If I make sure that nothing goes wrong with that, then I can begin my plan on dealing with those so-called parents.

I'll make them fall into absolute despair. Then they'll go missing. Assumed to be on the run from all of their accumulated debts. That's when my revenge will be taken. I'll take them and guide them into the next world. Only after they know their wrongs and repent of course.

They will die, begging for death. It's only fair after all. Oh I can't even wait.

I gently redid the scarf and put a blanket over Jax. I stare at him for a little bit. Even though I can just look through the camera's to watch him, nothing beats the real deal.

Eventually I left the room to let him sleep in peace.

I went into my office. I have an idea.

The father lost his job so I'll just give him a new one. One with a lot of things hidden in the contract.

I'll have him worked to the bone. Exploit him for whatever worth that piece of shit has. Why should I employ any business morals to a child abuser.

My family has businesses set up all over the world. We have a hand in every pot. Meaning it's just a matter of two phone calls or less to settle this matter. To give that father the last job he will ever have.