17) Back to school

I woke up to my alarm. This time I felt fine. Like it never happened. I felt unspeakably embarrassed though.

Here I am trying to get the guy to date me. So I throw up and cry my eyes out in his bathroom. Wow, really couldn't have fucked up more.

I really wish I could blame it on being drunk. It's such a convenient excuse for things. I hate being a minor.

I got dressed and headed downstairs. Ash was cooking breakfast. When he saw me he smiled gently, "Hey feeling better?"

I nodded sleepily. He put his hand on my forehead and looked me over. "You do look a lot better. You can take another day if you don't feel good. I don't mind."

Gotta admit, being taken care of feels hella good. I shook my head. "I feel fine now. Let's just eat and head out."

I took my place at the counter. Ash still looked concerned. He didn't question it though.

So we ate some breakfast and went to school.

When we entered school it was a little weird. I kept getting looks. Looks of pity. Looks like I'm a ghost. Looks of, well I'm not entirely sure what that was. That was just weird.

Ash followed me to my locker, then I followed him to his. We ended up being pretty early so we just waited around.

That beautiful bitch started storming our way. I am not sure what grievance she is coming at me for. I smiled for whatever I did that made her angry. I really did nothing wrong at this point.

As she got closer she started yelling. "You idiotic whore! You lowly bottom feeder! You are just a nobody homeless boy! How dare you do what you did to me!"

Okay when did I become homeless. No matter the situation I have never been homeless. 

She stomped toward me with fire in her eyes. "I have detention! I have disgusting poor guys asking for blowjobs! No one believes I'm a virgin anymore! Ugg why do you have to be such a total waste of space!"

Ash stood in front of me to block her and her rage.

She looked at both of us,"You both really are just a pair of f*** after all. You caused me so much hassle so you could play victim and get it up the ass with your gay rich boyfriend. No wonder he was never interested in me."

I was dumbfounded at her straight up dropping a slur. This is highschool after all. I hear slurs every day. Though she never blew up like this and straight up said a slur before. 

I noticed there was no one around but us. Ah, this is just like the hospital room.

I grabbed Ash's shirt. A small part of me is scared. I didn't let that little part of me get any bigger. I smiled and looked this two faced bitch in the eye. "So you're saying I fucked a guy ricker, hotter, and bigger than anyone you fucked."

She went absolutely red. Trembling in rage. At my smile and my words.

I held Ash's arm like I was already his boyfriend. "You may be a bigger whore, but I sure as hell am the better one."

She had never looked so angry and disgusted in my entire two lives. "Hmph, well at least I'm not going to hell. Like you two gay shits."

She flipped her hair and started walking off. Like she won a damn trophy. I had to have the final say. I yelled after her,"You better not! It would be so boring!"

Her steps stuttered but she didn't look back. I looked up at Ash. He was slightly blushing and looking away from me. I could only tell he was blushing because of his ears.

I smirked in total victory. "You know that means we have to fuck now. Kinda sucks to claim to have sex and not actually do it at least once."

I didn't let go of his arm at this point. I don't want him to mistake this moment for something else. He looked down at me. Red in the face.

I looked up at him,"We can go on a date first. Then go to your place for sex. It doesn't have to be just one time either. I say at least three, the first time, sounds good."

I was trying very hard not to seem sarcastic. I could see the wheels spinning in his head. I'm not entirely sure how much more direct I can be.

I've been giving myself a headache trying to figure this part out. Most guys get thrilled at sex. Though when you really like a person you don't want just sex. No matter if it's a guy or a girl.

I don't want him and I to turn into just sex. I want it to be clear that I wanna offer him the whole thing. Romantic and sexual I believe it's called.

I could be overthinking it though. Maybe I should just have sex with him rather than ask him on a date. That's usually faster. 

I just don't know what he wants. 

He finally spoke. "The first time?"

Good he caught on. "Well, if we're gonna go on a date we might as well date properly. You don't expect me to be a one and done guy do you?"

The wheels kept turning. He smiled and started laughing. Pulling away.

I sighed. Still not ready yet it seems. I let go. For now.

We dropped the topic and went looking for his friends. I kept trying to think of convincing him to have sex with me. I could just kiss him. See where he takes it.

I still can't tell if I'm overthinking it all or not. I mean, could that have been any more verbally direct? I might just have to say fuck it and kiss him.

It'll be my first time kissing a guy. Shouldn't be that much different right? It's just kissing. I know how to do that.

As we were looking for Ash's buds we ran into a total leech named Brian. This guy took pictures of me in a hospital bed to post online. To get out of going to work.

He walked up to me and Ash. I guess at this point he and I were friendly. "Hey Jax. Why didn't you message me back? Everyone thought you died in that fire or something. How are you even alive?"

Oh, I was trying to forget about that. My life has been a bit dramatic since I went back in time. Okay a bit over dramatic.

I looked at Brian. "I didn't feel like texting you. I was just sick. No big deal."

Brian looked at me like I grew a second head. "No big deal? Everyone that worked at that theater died but you. Why are you alive?"

Why am I alive? Not glad you're alive? Never really was a friend then. I gave him a confused look. "I don't work at the theater."

He frowned. I didn't feel the need to explain I quit hours before everything went down. I decided to just walk away. He isn't worth my time.