The Next Morning

Lydia stretched the next morning, letting out a relaxing sigh. It had been a long, interesting, and pleasurable night. She should be exhausted for all intents and purposes, and the reasons were lying on either side of her feigning sleep. It was strange to not feel emotions or other regular human things that she had almost taken for granted her whole life. It was still dark out, but even without a clock, Lydia knew Claude couldn't stay. She whispered lightly into his ear, "You know you can't stay here all day, and I know you're not really asleep..."

Claude cracked a little smile and slowly opened his golden eyes, "I suppose I cannot fool you, love."

"Nope," Lydia said.

Sebastian propped himself up on his side. "I'll be seeing you again very soon. I hope that I don't have to keep doing this for very much longer," Claude admitted.

Lydia nodded her head in understanding, "I-I admit that I don't know what's going through your head, but I can promise one thing. I'll let both of you know far in advance before anything happens with Alois and Ceil. I don't want anything to happen to either of them if I can, but I know that's not for me to decide."

Sebastian rubbed her back, "You have such a big, tender heart, love. I'm not sure yet what I'll do with the young master. I have wanted his soul now for so long."

"As for Alois, I don't know that he's fit to live in this world. I see how he treats everyone, human and demon alike. He has no regard for anyone, and I don't believe it would change," Claude stated.

Lydia nodded her head, "I can understand what you are saying about Alois. I certainly felt like that about him myself. As for Ceil... I always felt sorry for him. I felt if he just had the right influences his life would work out, and he could be successful."

Sebastian put his head on Lydia's shoulder, "And what is your suggestion?"

"Don't laugh!" she warned.

"Why would we ever laugh at you, love?" Claude pointed out.

"I had thought that maybe... maybe we could adopt Ceil..." Lydia trailed off.

Sebastian and Claude looked at her with blank faces and neither spoke. Lydia then blurted, her hands waving in the air as she spoke, "I've always wanted kids and well I guess since I'm a demon now I can't have any, but that's fine I'd never change my mind about being with you two, and anyway, what I mean to say is that adopting Ceil won't make us his real parents, but it would give him the stability that he needs-"

"Stop talking, little mate," Sebastian warned, as he began to push her down.

"It seems you're a little misinformed," Claude said as he kissed along her chin.

"What do you mean?" Lydia said with a harsh sigh.

Both Claude and Sebastian smiled. "Well, darling, demons are perfectly capable of having children," Claude explained.

"So if you want children, then we'll surely give them to you," Sebastian finished.

Lydia blushed, "I definitely want children with you both, but there are others things we need to focus on right now."

"Oh," Sebastian said in a bored tone. "And what is that darling?"

"Well... Ceil will get a mission from the queen today," she explained.

"Sounds like business as usual if you ask me, love," Claude said as he brushed a lock of her hair away from her neck.

So Lydia began to explain what would happen during the investigation. She wanted Sebastian and Ceil to be safe. "... So it was the photographer's wife the whole time. She wanted to be happy. I believe that she went mad. She used the magnesium oxide to catch the happy brides on fire. Then she started to just sprinkle it everywhere in the show. Grell was involved."

At the mention of the name, Grell Sebastian sighed in annoyance. Lydia continued, "If Margaret Turner is allowed to do what she intends then many will die. She will try to kill Ceil. She, herself will also die. Margaret may die regardless, I'm not sure. Alois is involved in this case, though I'm not sure how. I only know that because the queen's letter said that the Dog and Spider would be working the case. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Alois is the Spider. The show never showed him involved in the case, though."

Claude stood, "You have given me much to think about, my darling. I shall see what I can do about this case on my end."

Lydia smiled at him, "Just be careful. I know how Alois is."

"You need not worry about me, love. His Highness has no reason to suspect me of anything," Claude assured her, then kissed her and was on his way.

"We must get back to the manor so that we can get ready for the day ahead," Sebastian said. "I'm going to insist that you come along on the investigation. Perhaps if you do we might save this Margaret Turner?"

Lydia looked up at him, "Maybe. I can try."

Sebastian stood and pulled her into his arms, carrying her bridal style, "Come, my dear. I shall carry you back to the manor. Then we shall make breakfast for the young master."

Lydia frowned slightly up at Sebastian, "I can walk you know."

"I know," he grinned down at her. "But where would be the fun in that?"

Then he took off running at top demon speed back to the manor. Lydia held on tightly as they zoomed back to the manor.