An End and a Beginning

As the dawn broke, Lydia sighed contently. Sebastian kissed the top of her head, "What has you so happy this morning, my dear?"

"I have lots of things to be happy about," Lydia said as she looked at him.

"That's true," Claude agreed.

"Sebastian," Lydia said.

"Yea, darling," he said in a low voice.

Lydia looked up at him, "Would you like me to tell you how to get Ceil's memory back?"

"Do you know?" he asked.

"I remembered last night, but I don't know how happy you'll be with the information," she frowned a bit.

"Let's hear it and then decide," Claude suggested.

"You're just going to have to tell him the truth about everything. Remind him of what happened before he lost his memory," Lydia explained.

Sebastian placed a hand on his chin, "I don't know about that."

"He even now has his reservations about whether you're being honest with him. You might as well come clean," Lydia said.

"I'll tell the other servants to go off somewhere for the day so that we won't be interrupted," Sebastian said.

"Tanaka too," Lydia asked.

"But, of course," Sebastian answered.

"Do I play a part in any of this?" Claude asked, his chin on Lydia's shoulder.

Lydia nodded, "Once Ceil has his memory back, then I expect Sebastian to bring you in as well as me. You and I will be waiting outside the door. I want Ceil to know I am a demon as well."

"Then that is how it shall be, love," Sebastian kissed her fiercely.

After Sebastian's kiss came Claude's. Lydia smiled happily at the two of them, then she suggested, "Perhaps Ceil can take his breakfast in his bedroom. He will have much unpleasant news to hear. The least that we can do is let him lie in his bed... if he wishes."

"Thinking like a mother already," Claude ran a hand down her back.

Lydia beamed at him, and put hand a nervous hand through her head, "Do you really think so?"

"Certainly," Sebastian agreed. "And it couldn't make me happier."

They laid back cuddling for a bit more before Sebastian rose on one arm and kissed Lydia on the cheek, "I must go and rouse the servants. Let them know to stay away from the manor for the day."

The sun was just barely cresting over the horizon. Lydia said, "Then I'll go and start Ceil's breakfast."

Claude put his hand over Lydia's, "Please allow me to help, love."

Lydia snuck a glance at Sebastian, who gave a quick nod, "Alright then. You can help me out."

They all rose, putting their gloves back on and fixing their clothes. Sebastian all but disappeared and Lydia showed Claude down to the kitchen. The two of them worked quietly together until Sebastian came back almost half an hour later. They finished up Ceil's breakfast, which Sebastian put on a tray. Then the three of them walked up to his room. Sebastian whispered, "You'll know when it is time to come in."

Lydia and Claude stood outside of the office for a long time. Lydia, herself, was trying not to listen in on what was going on. She couldn't tell from Claude's expression if he was or not. He had to have been because he got her attention and said, "We can go in now."

Lydia took in a deep breath before she opened the door. Claude walked in behind her. Ceil seemed stunned to see Claude. He turned back to Sebastian, "And just what is he doing here?"

Claude bowed his head a bit, "I mean no harm to you, my lord."

"Hmph," Ceil sighed while rolling his eyes. He then turned to look at Lydia, "What is your role in all this?"

"Truly, my lord, I needed a job. What Sebastian told you was true. I came from America and was in need of something. I was thankful that he found me," Lydia said, and then her eyes changed to the fuchsia that marked her as a demon.

Ceil took a deep breath, "Y-you're a demon! Why did you never tell me? What do you want?"

Lydia smiled softly, "To be frank, my lord, I was not a demon when I came here. I was human just like you. Then I found love."

"Love?" Ceil scoffed.

Her eyes went back to normal, "Yes, love. The two men you see before you are the ones that I love."

"Sebastian?!" Ceil roared, then looked toward the offending male. "I thought demons didn't have feelings."

Sebastian eyed Ceil carefully, "Generally demons do not feel emotions. Love is an exception, but only when it comes to one's mate... well."

Ceil sat back in his bed, crossing his arms, "What do the three of you want with me? Sebastian has told me he wants to end our contract. Though our contract is at an end I suppose. He should be eating my soul, but he said that there was something that you all wished to speak with me about."

"Yes, my lord," Lydia nodded her head.

"Well, what is it?" Ceil asked in an irritated voice.

Lydia came closer, "May I sit?"

"Be my guest," Ceil said as he moved his head toward the bed.

Lydia sat down on the bed and smiled at him, "What I want- we want, is to adopt you."

"Excuse me!" Ceil seemed very ruffled.

"Please allow me to finish, my lord," Lydia said. Then she took a deep breath and continued in a soft voice, "I know what you have been through Ceil. I know all about what happened with your parents. No one has told me any of this. I saw it myself. How, you might ask? I'm not from this world. I've told Sebastian and Claude about this. In my world, your world isn't exactly real. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense. You will either believe me or not," she placed a hand on his arm. "All I want is for you to live your life in full Ceil. You should be allowed to be a child while you can. I know things are different in this time than in my own, but you still have time. You shouldn't even marry Elizabeth if you don't want to."

Ceil was looking down as she spoke. When she was finished with her statement she looked furtively at Claude and Sebastian. She didn't know what Ceil would have to say to her words. There was a long pause but neither Sebastian, Claude, nor Lydia was uncomfortable with the silence. Then out of the silence, she heard a light sniffle. Lydia looked up and Ceil was trying to quickly wipe his eyes. She leaned forward and enveloped him in a hug. Instead of fighting it as she had seen him do to other forms of affection, he melted into her arms, letting the sobs go. Sebastian and Claude came closer and rubbed her shoulders. They stayed like that for a long while. As Lydia heard Ceil's sobs quiet she asked in a tender tone, "What is your answer?"

Ceil's voice was hushed when it was heard again, "I never thought I'd be able to feel like this again. Safe, secure... like I could be happy one day."

Lydia pulled away so that she could see Ceil's face, "That is what we want to give you Ceil. A chance to be happy. Will you take it?"

His gaze traveled to Sebastian, "I want to say yes, I honestly do. But what would happen to my position as the Queen's Guard Dog? And what of the three of you? What would you do?"

"If you don't mind me saying so, my lord, I do not see why we cannot continue as we are," Claude said.

Lydia smiled, "Excellent idea, Claude. What better way to watch over Ceil than to be by his side? As far as the Queen's position, I know that it is your family's legacy, but let the three of us take care of it for a while."

"Why? Ceil asked.

"So that you may be a child," Lydia smiled.

"So you would willingly stay by my side in the same way as you have?" Ceil asked pointedly to Sebastian.

Sebastian smiled, "If that is your wish."

"As will I." Claude agreed.

Ceil shook his head and ran a hand through his hair, "I don't know that I understand, but you may do as you wish. What about our contract, Sebastian?"

"It is over, my lord," Sebastian said.

"B-But I thought that would mean that you would eat my soul," Ceil seemed confused.

"I would've been, however, Lydia wants you to live, and, well, I will do anything for her," Sebastian said.

Ceil leaned back against the bed frame and seemed to ponder everything, then he said, "Well, I can't say I understand, but I can admit I want what you have said."

"Excellent! Then we can start immediately," Lydia beamed.