Chapter 4: Decision

She told to her dragon to stay put and hide in the forest. She needs to go back to her home to think of what George told her. It would be safer for the dragon to went to that place but it would a homesick for her to leave her family and hometown. Otherwise, she can't think any right decision if she wasn't in her house.

"I'll be back tomorrow, be careful. Okay?" She said to the dragon. The dragon stared at her then the dragon went inside the forest as if she told her she would be found even if Rachel doesn't know what was the dragon wants to say. Rachel sighed and walked away from her dragon. She hasn't gone far yet but she notices that her dragon was following her. She begins to realize that the dragon wants to be there next to her but the thing is everyone in her family would be shocked if they saw her dragon.

She tried to tell her dragon to stay back in the forest but the dragon seems not to understand what she was saying. It keeps following her she doesn't know how to make the dragon obey her. It keeps following her even though she tried hard to push back the dragon. After a minute the dragon finally understands what Rachel wants to say, so the dragon stepped backward and hide from the forest. Rachel seems to be confused so she walks away not yet too far from the dragon when she realizes that the dragon finally understands what she wants to say. So she continued walking to get home safely.

A moment later she is now home.

"I'm home!" Rachel shouts as soon as her mother appeared from the kitchen.

"Hey honey, how is your day?" Her mother asks. Her mothers name was Sarah she also have black hair, white skin as snow her eyes were blue and her lips was red. Here eyes and lips was her charm.

"It's great mom... Actually, there is one thing I want to ask all of you. I need permission before I made a decision mom" Rachel said.

"Okay...? Let us wait for your dad and your siblings to get home before we discuss it" Her mother said, she nods and quickly went upstairs to lay in her bed and think about what she should do.

After a moment of silence, she still can't figure what she has to do. She got worried because of her family that they wouldn't let her go, or if her dragon has to left her so it could be much safer for both of them. Thinking of her dragon leaving her was hurtful. She knows that she just met the dragon and treat it like her own but the fact that her dragon should be gone, was like a million stings on her heart.

She wants to have a dragon, but it could be more dangerous if anyone saw her dragon. She rolled over her bed, thinking of something what should she have to do. It would be easy if the dragon let them exist in their village.

A minutes later her mom called her because her father arrives in. And a few seconds later her siblings arrive home.

Her mother was currently putting plates in the dining table and Rachel helped her. After her siblings and her father sit in the dining chair they start eating. Until her mother asked her what she was about to say a few minutes ago.

His father named was Jeffrey, he was the most handsome in their village, he's body were well built since he was working as an engineer, his skin were tan because of always going outside from work, day until night. His eyes were black also his hair. His charm was his face,

Her other siblings just like her father. She's the only one who gets all the charm from her parents. Her siblings name was Cecilia and Joe. Cecilia was the youngest and Joe was next after her.


"So honey, what do you want to ask us and needed our permission?" Her mother said causes her father got confuse and her siblings look at her. She breathe deeply before she spoke.

"Mom, there is something I want to tell to all of you. But let's just finish our meal and please don't freak out." She said, but her father freak out.

"What? You're pregnant!?" His father said raising his voice. "Who's the father? I command to know it!" He said. But Rachel slapped the dining table and look at him confused.

"What are you talking about dad? I'm not pregnant, I don't even have a boyfriend!" She said.

"Then if you're not pregnant, what do you want to ask and why you don't want us to freak out?" He said. She sighed and spoke. "Dad, please listen. Let's just finish our food and I will tell to you" She said.

"She's right honey, let's eat before we confront her okay?" Her mother said trying to calm his father he look at her first before he sits and silently eating. She sighed she knew this will happen, maybe they will also freak out once they knew about her dragon.

After eating dinner all of her family stays in the lobby while she cleaning the dishes. When she spotted something near in their house... The trees are moving, means there is something inside that forest. She thinks it might be her dragon. So after finished cleaning the dishes she silently stepped out of their house and try to look if her guess was right and she is right. Her dragon hides in the big trees. But since her dragon was big she can notice him.

A moment later her father shouts at her, making Rachel to look at him.

"Where do you think you're going huh? It's night, stepped inside." He commanded but the dragon don't like her voice it was about to stepped outside when Rachel stops him. The dragon stop moving and Rachel look at her father.

"Dad, please brought here mom, and my other siblings. There is something I want to show all of you" She said. Her father look at him first before he stepped inside and brought her mother and siblings outside.

When all of them were outside she starts to explained it.

"Dad, mom, and my 2 siblings, Cecilia and Joe. I have a pet. But he's not going to fit in our house. He is huge" She said, her father and mother was about to speak when she stop them and let her finished.

"My pet, was not normal. I mean, it wasn't just like the other pets we always seen in the city, or in the town, and village...

Do you remember about the tales and legends about the mythical creatures? They are real mom, dad, Cecilia and Joe." She said.

"What do you mean Rachel?" Her mother ask.

"Okay, I will let you see it, but don't freak out, don't be afraid because my pet was nice and you don't need to run" Rachel said all of them look confuse and thinking what might Rachel wants to show. Until Rachel went to the woods and gestured the dragon to come out. The dragon seems to understand what Rachel wants to say so the dragon carefully stepped outside the woods and walked next to where Rachel standing... Rachel's family shocked and frightened but more on afraid to see what was Rachel brings to their house.

"Rachel honey, stepped back away from that creature..." Her mother said in a trembling voice.

"Mom and Dad, please listen to me first" Rachel pleaded.

"Okay honey, I will listen to you, but please stay away from that creature first and we will talked about it. Okay?" Her dad says the dragon look at them confusing... Until Rachel sighed and stepped back away from her dragon. The dragon notice her so he also stepped next to her not to get her stepped away from him. But Rachel still trying to move away from the dragon but still the dragon also moving and get close to her.

"Stay there and listen to me, Okay?" She said to the dragon so the dragon did not move and stay were it was sitting. All of them amazed of how Rachel controlled and let it follow all her commands to the dragon. They were also thinking that maybe Rachel tamed the dragon.

"Mom, dad, and my siblings. This is what I want to tell to all of you... I tamed a dragon, and I know how dangerous my pet and our world for him. So, I was wondering if you will let me bring my pet into the world where he belongs which is not dangerous for him." Rachel said made her parents eyes open wide in shock.

"What?! No, I can't let you go..." Her dad said.

"Please dad, I need to let my pet get there to safety" Rachel pleaded but her father refused to let her go since he knows that places might be dangerous for her.

"No Rachel, I made a decision and I won't let you go there. It's too dangerous for you to go there" Her dad commanded.

"Dad, please. Just this once. I know it's dangerous but I need to help my pet. Our world is not safe for him. I need to help him" Rachel said but her father shrug his head and walked back to their house. Her mother caress her back and follow her father.

Rachel stays outside together with her siblings...

"Wow, your pet is awesome big sis" Joe said.

"Yeah... Can I ride him?" Cecil said asking Rachel for permission about her dragon. Rachel look up the dragon who is looking at them confused.

Rachel raise her hand and trying to make the dragon understand to lie down his head. The dragon lie down his head and Rachel ride it. She also helped her siblings to ride him.

"Okay, lie down and hold tight the dragon's fur so when the time my dragon flies, you don't get fall." Rachel said so they hold tight to the dragons fur and when Rachel shouts saying "Fly" The dragon starts to flapping his wings and but their parents suddenly run and shouting at them to make them stop. But they were too late the dragon already flew away together with Rachel and her siblings.