Chapter 19: Mission to Protect...

Rakesh and Rachel finally arrive at their base that is when Rakesh decided to one of his comrades to be his substitute and find a safer place to live and when he finds it, he will come back here and to help them lead to the safety.

"But who will be your substitute for the meantime you weren't here?" Oliver said.

"That is why Reihta is here to be my substitute" Rakesh said that surprise Reihta in his decision.

"What?! ME!? But brother, I can't do this? I mean, I haven't experiencing something like this to become a leader?" Reihta said hesitation was written to her faces.

"That is why this is your opportunity Reihta. And I know you can handle this. I know, and this is your job." Rakesh said.

"But what if I failed? I mean, I don't know how to handle our kind without you brother" Reihta said.

"Don't worry, because I believe in you" Rakesh said and look at Rachel who is behind the door and looking at them. He smiled and looked at his comrade.