The Sunny Day

When I open my eyes, I find myself on my bed. How did I get here? I was watching TV. In the meantime, I saw in front of me. The sun is up in the sky. The wind was blowing so fast, but the weather was warm. It is comforting to the eyes. I come out of the room. I slowly walked downstairs, and Jace was waiting for me at the end of the stairs. Jace gives his hand to me.

I look at Jace. "I am fine. I can walk myself" to Jace," I said. Jace nodded his head. Fine, suit yourself. I just want to help you, "Jace said.

I refused any help and opened the door. I stood at the door for a minute and looked around. I look up and close my eyes for a second. Jace was gazing at me. Jace was not in a pleasant mood. If you enjoy the scene, can we move forward from here? Jace said.

In the meantime, a little girl, Sara, approaches me and holds my hand. I look down at her. She looks back at me. They told me you do not remember, so I will tell you how this house works and how we make life possible in this small town. Sara said She drags me outside the house.

Just be careful. He is not fully recovered. "Your brother needs rest, so don’t irritate him," Alberta said to them. I saw that the water in front of the house was not a pond. It is the ocean. The house is on a small hill. It is a little higher off the ground. There is a small animal farm on the right side where I saw Robert working. Sara was constantly talking, but I was not paying attention to her. I was just looking around. The right side of the house has mountains and hills. The left side of the house has ocean views.

Meanwhile, I stumbled and fell to the ground, scraping my knees because of the rocky path. Jace just stood there. He was watching me, and he did not go ahead and help me. Jordan was standing at the animal farm doorway, watching us, and he suddenly came forward and assisted me in getting to my feet.

Are you okay, Danial?" Jordan asked. I dusted my clothes and looked at him. "I am fine. Thank you. What is your name?" I asked. He walked to the front without saying anything. You did not answer my question. Jordan looks at me.

We have already met yesterday. I am surprised that you are asking me this again. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Jordan. I am three years younger than you. "I am glad you are okay," Jordan says. Let me take you inside the animal farm. Do you want to meet Lilly and Issy?"

Are they working here?" I asked while walking on the animal farm. As I entered, I saw two cows at the door. They just walked up to me, which scared me. No, we work for them. These are Issy and Lilly. Jordan introduced the cows to me. Jordan burst into laughter.

I was looking at him with a surprised face. I was just surprised by his answer. I lift my eyebrows and just stare at him. Sorry if you did not like the joke. Jordan said after he stops smiling. Is there anything else here that made me laugh? Except animals? "I asked."

When I walked outside the farm, I saw some people standing with Robert. They were standing on the hill. I did not hear them. They are talking to each other by looking at me. As they were acting, I was thinking that they were talking about me.

Jordan takes me home. Alberta was in the kitchen. We walked into the room next to the kitchen and sat there. A few minutes later, Alberta comes into the room with the juice on a tray. So how are you feeling? " Alberta asked.

I looked at her with a smile. I am fine. "A little accident occurred outside, but I survived," I said while grabbing the glass from the tray. I take a sip of juice and sit quietly. Alberta gave the glass to each but did not give it to Jace. Jace was staring at Alberta.

I want juice. Where is my glass?" Jace asked.

Your glass is in the kitchen, and I want you to get it because there is no room in the tray, "Alberta said. You did not bring my glass of juice on purpose, I know it” Jace abruptly said. “I do not want you to talk back to me," Alberta said while grabbing Jace’s right arm. Everyone in the room was quiet. They were all listening to their intense argument. Alberta was looking a bit mad. Her tone is different. I picked up the glass of juice and walked up to Jordan, who was standing at the entrance of the room.

Take mine. You are my younger brother. I must sacrifice for you. This is called elder brother, "I said with a smile. " Jace takes the glass from my hand. Jace smiled at me. I took him into the room and made him sit on the chair. I walk back to the stairs.

Alberta stands up. "Where are you going?" Alberta asked. I felt bitter in Alberta's mood. I turned my face toward Alberta. I am going to my room. I am feeling tired. I think you did not mind that I was heading to my room, "I said. I paused for a minute and asked. Are you mad at me?"

No, I am not mad at you, but you are acting weird. "First you want to go out of this house so badly, and now we are letting you out, and now you are going back to your room early," Alberta says, "while walking up to me."

You said to yourself that I needed rest, so you are right. I should listen to you," I said while proceeding upstairs.

I walked upstairs to my room. I noticed the locks were facing outward while walking because the door locks from the outside rather than the inside. It was a bit strange. My brain is playing games with me because they had not been like that before. I walk inside the bathroom and through the bedroom. I closed the door and poured water on my face. I begin to suspect that something is wrong. I was feeling tired. I walk up to the bed and lie on the bed. I fall asleep in no time.

In the middle of the night, I wake up. I heard noises outside. I walk outside, but no one is there. It is strange. They did not wake me up for lunch or dinner. There is no watch in the house. "What time is it?" I spoke.

I am imagining it. I returned to my room. The voices are in my head." In the next room, the light was on. I stand behind the wall and start listening to them.

Why didn’t you help him? I told you he was not feeling well. He needed more time to get back to normal. He is your big brother. We are a family." Angry Alberta yelled. Jace was sitting on the bed, scared. He told me that he did not need my help, so I did not come forward. I am sorry. It will not happen again. "Please forgive me, Mother," Jace said. After that, Alberta stomps out of the room. Jordan gets up and closes the door. You should go to sleep. Everything will be fine tomorrow. Obey her, "Jordan says while lying on the bed.