I betrayed her

I was staring at the picture. The picture was colorful. In which a man was standing in front of the table. Some files were kept on the table. A boy and a girl were standing on the right and left sides of that man. The phone was kept on the table. I was shocked to see that. Valentina was looking at me with narrow eyes.

"I have not seen it here before," I mumbled in my mouth. Valentina raised her eyebrows. Speak up. Valentina said. I looked at her in astonishment. The photo dropped from my hand. I was just sitting there as I froze. Valentina leaned forward and picked up the picture from the ground.

You are behaving as if you have seen a ghost. What is in this picture? "That has surprised you so much," Valentina said with a smile. She looked at the picture for a second, then looked at me. Hmm, you are a strange man. I did not find anything odd in this picture, which surprised me," Valentina said. I give her a side eye.

"Look closely. You will find something." I spoke.

Umm... I am still looking at the picture. "Can you be more specific?" Valenta asked. I snatched the picture from her hand. Ouch. You do not have to do that. Valentina said while sitting on the ground. I grabbed the picture in my hand. I then pointed at the picture with eye gestures. Afterward, Valentina got close to me and looked at the picture with narrow eyes.

I slapped the back of Valentin’s head. I am talking about the phone on the table. I know it is a dialing phone, but I have never seen a phone here in this town," I explained.

What is a phone?" Valentina asked. I looked at her. You do not know about phones. People used phones to talk to each other. You do not know about the phone?" I again asked her if she did not know about phones.

I heard it from your mouth. What else can you do with this thing?" She asked. After hearing this, I was lost in thought. How is it possible that I remember this item? I whispered. Umm... yes, you are asking the right question. You said that you did not remember anything. So, how do you remember your phone?" Valentina said.

I nodded my head. Yes, that is strange, but it does not mean it did not exist. I showed the picture to Valentina again. The proof is here in this picture. Now we just have to find it." I spoke. Valentina raises her right hand and touches my forehead with the palm of her hand.

Umm. You are burning up. Are you okay?" Valentina asked. I looked up at her, grabbed her hand, and put it down. I am fine. Also, I am not crazy!" I yelled. Valentina raised both her hands.

"Well, I did not mean to offend you. I was just saying,

After this, we sat silently there. I was perplexed—what is going on? I then crawled to the window and started staring out. I also grabbed the gun and hid it in my left pant pocket. Valentina did not notice that.

Umm... Have you known the place where this picture was taken?" She looked at me with a surprised face. Valentina shook her head. Are you deaf? I told you I did not know about the item you told me about an hour earlier, and now you are asking me if you know this place.

Fine, it is a lot. Do you know what is behind the mountain? I asked. Valentina rolls her eyes. I think there is nothing behind it. It is just a mountain."

Whose house is that?" I asked. Valentina crawled up to the window and sat next to me. She looked out of the window. Which house are you asking?" She asked. I turned my face towards her. I pointed at the house with my left-hand index finger.

Oh, that one. It is a haunted house. No one lives there except dead people. I looked at him with an angry face. I am not joking. Tell me whose house this is. I asked her in a deep voice. Valentina looked at me in contempt.

And... I am not kidding. The rumors spread in this town that the house is haunted. I am getting tired. I am lying on the ground and resting my eyes for a minute. Valentina said this while putting a piece of cloth on her face.

I am feeling hungry. You are not feeling hungry. Before doing all this, you should have arranged food," I said. Valentina said nothing. There was no one around the house. Where yesterday people were sitting and laughing. And the children were playing. Now there was silence.

Now I was feeling pain in my right arm and leg. Diamon sweat started appearing on my head. I started having a severe headache. I was staring at Valentina, who was lying next to me.

Hey, so I was saying you should surrender yourself. We will solve the mystery together. At first, she did not move, but a minute later, she tossed the cloth on the ground. She sat up on the ground. She started getting angry.

Are you out of your mind? You do not know how long I had been working on this. For me, it was kind of impossible, but I came that far. I do not want to go back there," Valentina said. I took the gun out of my pocket and threw it out the window.

The windowpanes were broken. As soon as Valentina saw me, I threw the gun out of the window. She started screaming and jumped at me.

No, no, no, what did you do? This is the only chance we have to free ourselves.

She started crying. She was screaming hysterically. She held her head with both hands. She was shaking her head.

Why did you do it? Valentina grabbed my shirt collar. Why did you do it? She was sobbing. Meanwhile, someone calls me from downstairs.

Danny, Danny, Are you okay?"

I grabbed Valentina’s hand with her wrists. I shook her. Listen to me. They will kill you. We will find a way to get out of all this. She was shaking her head.

In the meantime, the door on the ground was open, and Robert came up with two other men. I recognized the one man; he is the infamous town doctor. He has an injection in his hand. As Valentina saw them, she tried to free her hand from mine.

She is fine. Just don't hurt her. I tried to talk to them, but they did not pay attention to me. I was horrified after seeing them behave like that. At that time, I was thinking that maybe Valentina was right. I should not have thrown the gun from the window.

The man rushed to us, grabbed her from behind, and the doctor injected her. She suddenly went to sleep. I was just gazing at them. They dragged Valentina down from the attic. Robert crawled up to me. He wrapped his hand around me and hugged me tightly.

I am sorry. I should have done something. I know I let you down," Robert said while hugging me tightly. I was just sitting there. He then looked at my face and put both hands on my left and right cheeks.

What happened?" he asked. I was just staring at him, and all of a sudden, I felt a pinch in my neck, and I fainted.