The voice in the darkness

I was lying on the bed, wondering why Layton had said this to me. I was perplexed by his behavior. He was acting strange. I was angry too. I have been lying on this bed for two days. I was tired of lying down. There was a window, but that too was now closed. I wanted to go out.

The door opened and my younger brother Ryan entered the room. He came and sat on the chair. He was silent. Well, this was not a new thing. Because I have never seen him laugh and play like Sarah. He was gazing at me.

I am sad. He whispered. What have you said. I did not hear you clearly. can you speak loudly?”

Umm... You know they did this to keep you inside. They are lying. Sarah did not break the window. Ryan said while running out of the room.

I screamed his name. Ryan, Ryan, Ryan

“Listen to me”

Hmm... can you explain to me why you said that?"

Sometimes I would lie down straight. I was not at ease anywhere. I was gazing at the ceiling. It kept bothering me and repeatedly said that I was fine. My wound was healed. But suddenly, how did my wound become so bad?

Then suddenly, I remembered the picture I had found in Valentina’s house. I kept it in my pants pocket. I quickly sat down and leaned on the back of the bed. I started looking into my pants pocket. My pants pockets were empty. There was nothing. I felt strange seeing this. I had kept the picture here. Where is it?

I start screaming after not getting the picture in my pockets. I was kept here. I said Then suddenly I remembered that I was not wearing this pant. There was blood on it. Jordan comes into the room after hearing my screams. What happened? He asked.

Where are my pants? I had put something in it. Jordan looks at me in bewilderment. Mother has probably thrown it away. I looked up at him. Why did she do it? Why did she not ask me?" I yelled. Jordan grabbed it by the hand. Why did she need to ask you this? That pant was spoiled. Your pants had torn badly," he said.

I nodded my head. You know, I found something there. Jordan was staring at me. I can show you. I have proof now. They should not throw it away. I was mumbling. Jordan got upset seeing me. Do not worry; everything will be fine. I called dad and mom. Jordán said this while walking towards the door.

I suddenly grabbed Jordan’s arm from his wrist. No, no, you cannot leave me here. I want you to find my pants. There was a picture there. In the picture, I want to show you something." While we were conversing, Alberta entered the room.

She was not in a pleasant mood. She quickly comes to me and frees Jordan's hand from mine. I looked at her with an angry face. "You did this?" I spoke. Alberta shakes her head. Now what I have done it, not a day has passed peacefully since you came out of your coma," she said.

What is up with you? Danny how are you talking to your mother? said to me from Jordan. Umm, you are asking me what happened," I said while looking at Jordan. Alberta cut me off rudely. Can you just be quiet for a second?"

I looked at Alberta in astonishment. No, I would not stop talking. Where is my pant that I had worn that night when I went out with Emma?" I asked. Jordan looked at Albert with a smile. I do not know what is up with him. Why is he obsessed with his pants?" Jordan tells Alberta.

Alberta said nothing. Alberta started cleaning the room. She was dusting the furniture. Jordan sat on the bed next to me. I also sat quietly on the bed. After a while, I started speaking. You did not tell me where my pants are. Alberta does not respond. She was behaving like this. She cannot hear me, as I am not present there.

I became silent. But after a minute, I asked Alberta about the photo. As she heard it, Alberta turned her face towards Jordan. Suddenly, Alberta got angry. Jordan, go to your room." Jordan saw her angry, and he walked out of the room with his head down. Jordan did not question her.

I was just staring at her. You did not answer me. I had put the photo in my pocket. I yelled. Alberta turned her face towards me. She walked up to my bed and sat next to me on the bed. She extended her hand and held my hand.

Danny, my child, there was nothing in your pant pockets. That was badly torn, and blood stained. It was not fit to wear anymore." I jerked Alberta’s hand. You did not tell me where the picture is. I had put it in my pocket myself?" I asked.

Alberta stands up without saying anything and walks towards the door. Meanwhile, Robert enters the room with Dr. Layton.

He looks towards Alberta. How is Danny's health now? Alberta takes a deep breath. Hmmm... He is talking weird again," Alberta said while walking towards the door. Dr. Layton walked towards my bed. Robert brought a chair for him and stood at the corner.

Dr. Layton looked at me. How are you feeling now?" He asked. I turned my face away from him. Um, it seems like you are still angry at your parents," Dr. Layton said. I did not answer him. I did not look at him.

A minute later, I felt a pinch in my arm, but when I looked at my arm, I saw a syringe on it, and I started feeling dizzy. I do not know when I passed out.

I was having severe pain in my head. I slowly opened my eyes. It was dark everywhere. Nothing was visible. I try to stay awake, but I do not know; it seems impossible to keep myself awake. I do not know when I fell asleep again.

I felt something in my left hand. As if someone had held my hand. I opened my eyes. Still, it was dark in the room. I looked around, but I did not see anyone, but when I closed my eyes, I heard a voice. The voice was shivering. I nodded my head and opened my eyes.

It seemed that the one who was speaking was crying. I was very sleepy. I do not know what medicine Dr. Layton has given me. I am trying to listen to the voice.

I do not want to lose you. Please, can you just not act insane around them? Please, listen to me. Danny, think about us. We needed you. If you do not stop acting like this, then they will replace you. We need you. After that, the person started sobbing. "Promise me you would listen to me and what I said."

The voice stopped, and there was silence in the room. I thought he was gone. But a second later, the person held my hand tightly. Are you listening to me?

Someone is coming; I am leaving this under your nightstand. Remember, it is under your nightstand. I heard someone running towards the door. I am still having pain. Then I fell asleep again.