
RIC didn’t go back to the office. He was in no mood to face Kathryn or anyone else. Having retrieved the Ferrari from the basement car park, he drove home to his Woolloomooloo apartment where no one would bother him.

The view of Sydney Harbour from the picture windows in his living room reminded him of Lara’s view from the Vaucluse mansion. He’d barged into her life that morning—uninvited—and demanded that there be truth between them. Nothing hidden.

Was that why she couldn’t live with him now?

Easier to hide?

Ric still couldn’t get his mind around it. He told himself it was a futile exercise even trying to work it out. She’d stated categorically—no future together. There was no choice but to let her go. And that final insult, wanting to pay him…pointless to struggle for understanding when she clearly had no understanding of him.

The bond he’d felt had to be fantasy.

Time to close the door on it.

Get out of Sydney, too, right away from Lara.