Chapter 56; Good morning wifie....

She settled down at the dining table to eat while waiting for her husband to come down so that they could go to the police station together.

_ _ _ _ _

At the police station, the cell door bars opened as the officers got Bai Zhang, it was 8:30, which meant he was the first person to be aligned in court.

"Officers, I need to contact my lawyer, I have that right!" His voice was rough and cold.

"Don't worry, your lawyer is already present and at the court at the moment..." they eyed him as they dragged him to court, it was just nearby a few steps.

They walked into the courtroom and he got detained in the dock, gazing around in the courtroom, he didn't see any familiar face, so who was his lawyer?

" The court proceedings shall commence..." The judges walked in and everyone stood respectfully before settling down in their various seats.