Tang Meili Li knew there wasn't something like a chance encounter when it came to Bai Zhang, she was afraid that she might never see him again.
"Mother, you need to calm down, it's because you were too kind and brought a viper into your home, Mother, don't cry anymore... Kind people will always be rewarded..." Bai Ting Lin was mad and infuriated, that hatred was deeply rooted and edged to the bones, she hated Bai Qing with all her passion.
"I will go and rest..." She quietly walked away, she now knew only Bai Qing could convince his son otherwise, if not they may never see him.
Bai Ting Lin clenched her tiny hands into tight fists seeing her mother walking away, she knew that she would never be able to replace Bai Qing but she was tired of being sidelined and always having the entire focus shifting to Bai Qing, she hated her for that. She was tired of living in her shadows.
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