He's still my boyfriend


I glanced at myself once more at the mirror. My almost flawless skin which I had fought so hard to keep glowed.

I was actually surprised that I managed to turn the terrible hyperpigmented skin I used to have into a polished perfect skin.

I took one more look at my sea green dress hoping it was perfect. As I looked at my self obsessing over how perfect I should look, I wondered if Alya also did that.

I mean she was basically flawless and it didn't seem as if she put even half an effort into it. She was just one of those lucky people who were naturally beautiful without efforts.

And also those who were lucky enough to be liked by people no matter what they did. She immediately rose to popularity when she first arrived in our first year of Senior Secondary even though she hardly gave face to anyone.

And she spoke her mind whenever she felt like it without anyone uttering a word but it was quite different when I did.