
Finally the moment I had been dreading had arrived. The only thing separating me from an imminent mental breakdown being the metal door standing in front of me. I faintly heard the song Egedege by Larry Gaaga playing from the other side which meant there wasn't any teacher in the class.

I had hoped there would be a teacher to at least stop my classmates from saying anything to me. I finally mustered the courage and pushed open the door. The song paused playing as the door opened and most people turned their attention to me.

They all stared at me as if I was an alien that just landed on the planet. I tried my best to avoid eye contact with any of them as I took two reluctant steps forward. I was still looking around when I saw Angela's mouth start moving.

"Class complement!" She said surprising me and I turned around to see the Mathematics teacher staring at me, the classes greeting blurring behind me.