“Thank you,” I said, once the fighting was over. “I greatly appreciate your help. I promise you, my father, the Alpha, will hear of your bravery and reward you accordingly.”
The ginger haired woman handed one of the men her big axe and walked towards me with her right hand stretched out. Her firm grip took me by surprise. For a moment I thought it she was trying to threaten me like most men do when they pretend to be friendly in public, but her smile and calming gaze quickly put an end to all thoughts of malice.
“Don’t worry yourself about it. What kind of people would we be if we didn’t help other people in need?”
People! What is she talking about? And why is her accent different from Monica and the other humans I have met.
I was somewhat relieved to see that Monica looked as confused as I was. Seeing as I was the one who had started conversing with her and whose hand was still in a death grip, I decided to continue playing the role of ambassador.