Game start !!

Present Time


Nolan opened his hazzy eyes to find himself in a pitch black space when suddenly a notification popped up in front of him,

[Would you like to continue to the game 'TRUE LEGENDS']

[YES]. [NO]

Nolan was feeling a bit dizzy and lost from the severe pain he'd felt when entering into the VR.

"Ouch that really hurt!" He exclaimed rubbing his temples.

'Hmm, since I'm already inside the game their's no need heading back, besides I can easily file a report after I've logged out of the game' he thought to himself before picking the option.


A loud beep was heard followed by a welcoming message.

[Welcome to the game 'True legends']

[Chose start-up location]

Looking through the long list, he choose the one tagged 'paradise field' and just as soon as he did a loud *Bang* was heard and white light filled the entirety of the dark space, so bright that he had to shield his eyes.

Soon the light dimmed down showing a vast grassland.

"First I'd like to test this out" he said to himself as he immediately went through the system settings.

[Activating system Ra]

[Activation 100%]

/Good day, my name is Ra, your personal AI assistant for the game.

After reading a lot of fantasy books of the MC having a cool system he decided to try it out for himself just with a little modifications.

"Ra show me a pictorial view of my character" he ordered, as he wanted to be certain, if the settings he modified with the chip were applied and he really wanted to see how cool he'd look with a black colored hair.

A screen popped up in front of him bearing his character stats with a picture of his character.

"It's as good as I expected" said Nolan, staring at the picture in awe.

He had a curly raven black hair, deep stone gray eyes which made him look far more handsome than any normal guy (although it's practically just a game) and an oval shaped face with a sharply pointed chin which gave him a distinct look.

He had a slender tall body but his defined muscles could also be noticed through the long skin tight black leather coat he wore.

He wore a black leather trouser to match too.

[Character name: Shady]. [HP: 100]

[Lv: 1]

[Strength: 100]

[Stamina: 100]

[Speed: 100]

[Agility: 100]

[Character ability]

[Time skip: A skill that allows the player to see a mini second in time]

[General skills]

[Second space: a skill that allows the player to store weapons, accessories and gadgets]

[Buff: a skil that adds a max of +10 to all players stats]

[ Clothes and wears]

[Black leather coat: passive ability 'heal' that allows the player to heal coat can also amend itself after damage. Note: only activated during critical conditions]

"Well it seems all the customization I made appeared but with a few limitations" he said to himself still looking through the rest of his stats.

[Glitched skill: locked reach level 15 to unlock]

*Second space weapons*

[Light saber]

[Double star barrel]

Seeing the last weapon in his second space a large smile spread across his face, he had made sure to add the gun since he used it in the last VR he played.

'Now to find Allison, it seems I was just thrown off somewhere in the paradise fields and now I still have to find her, what a hassle' he thought, showing reluctance.

"What should I do now,.... Wait!" An idea popped into his mind.

"Ra give me a digital map showing everything living within the area.


A large map showing outlines of the surrounding structures appeared. And five red dots could easily be spotted on it.

"Well I guess I still have some work to do, I'll have to go to all the dotted areas but at least it's better than roaming around aimlessly." He said as he quickly went off to search for Allison.


A figure stood on a curved wooden bridge which had a bright blue glistening lake below it.

By the sides of the lake were two lands adorned with thousands of ornamental plants, shrubs and trees which gave out a soothing and peaceful scenery.

Her long white hair fluttered under the cool wind that blew past, her sea blue eyes sternly fixed on the calm lake below her.

She placed her two slender arms on the rails of the bridge holding unto her head.

A frown could be seen on her beautiful face as she was getting annoyed waiting for whom she'd already expected to be there.

"What's taking him so long?" She asked herself pouting her lips in anger stomping her foot.

Swiping her hands in the air a list of options appeared.

Looking through the list, she scrolled continuously in search of the log-out option.

However, even after her intensive search she found none.

"Why can't I find the log out option?" she asked herself anxiously.

Her mind quickly darted back to the sharp banging pain she felt when she'd logged into the game.

"Did my IMG(in-mind generator) chip have an issue" she thought now frustrated from the whole series of annoying events.

"Now what do I do? she asked herself now feeling more anxious than ever.


Nolan neared the first red dot in the map and in the large grassland he could easily notice the huge crater in the ground. In the crater was a large dome shaped ball, pulsating with power while sending out waves of heat.


A loud sound resounded through the large virtual world even startling Nolan.

And following the sound a notification appeared in the sky.

[Game's mission have been set]

[ Defeat all 1000 bosses of the world]

[Become a true legend by killing ten bosses]

[True legend slots: 10]

Looking at the huge notification that appeared in the sky many were left confused, however, Nolan as well as a few others had an idea of what was happening.

While this was happening another notification popped up in front of Nolan.

[Congratulations you've become the first player to encounter a boss!!!]

[Survive the encounter with the boss to earn rewards!!!]

[World system reward: ????]

Suddenly a crack was heard and looking at the dome shaped ball, vein like cracks could be seen spreading all over it.

"Oh shit!" Nolan's eyes widened.

Nolan stood with his mouth agape.

'why am I so unlucky?' he questioned his unlucky guts for leading him to this much trouble.

Of course after playing as a beta tester for the game he very much knew how powerful these bosses were, and who knew if they were still modified after that.

A large pulse of power exploded outward sending out a powerful blast of energy.

The large gust of wind made Nolans long black hair flutter intensely and even created a large cloud of dust.

From a distance a certain white haired girl picked up the sound of the explosion.

'whats going on there?' she thought to herself now looking at the direction where the sound came from.

The cloud of dust had settled and Nolan could now clearly see the 'humanoid' creature that sent shivers down his spine.

/System Ra has detected hostility towards host skill 'appraisal' has been activated/ a notification appeared in his peripheral vision.

[50th Boss of the world The Evolved Flame Salamander]

[Lv: 50]

[Appraisal skill is too weak to view remaining stats upgrade to Lv 3]

Nolans eyes almost popped out upon seeing the notification.

"That's a whooping 49 levels above me, I mean why me and my glitch skills can't be used till I reach level 30" he thought anxiously not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Thinking quickly he brought out a weapon from his [Second Space]

A dim white light shone, enshrouding the entirety of his hands. When the white light dissipated a shot-gun that had a huge square tip appeared.

[Double star barrel activated]

[Chose NP input]

"Use 50 NP!" Replied Nolan quickly not wanting to waste any more time.

A large amount of air was being sucked in through the square shaped tip and following it the square shaped tip rotated inward and a double star shaped tip protruded outward.


A large energy shot out, the bullet moved quickly leaving a death trail behind it, but shockingly hit nothing but thin air as the aimed figure had suddenly disappeared from sight.

And soon he could see this frightening figure right in front of him that made him go stiff In shock.

'How did it get close to me so fast' he questioned the unimaginable speed, with beads of sweat trickling down his face as he felt the temperature rise quickly as he stood close to the beast.

Now having a closer look at the monster he knew he wouldn't leave unscathed. The beast had a deep black coloured scale all over it's body and a crystal blue eye which made it look innocent despite it's fearsome appearance.

It had its tongue sticking out from time to time as if testing the air and on the forehead was a red crystal that had gold interconnected linings forming spirals around its forehead like a crown.

The beast neared Nolan as the two now stood with their faces quite close to the other, Nolan gulped down a mouthful of spit closing his eye In anticipation for a punch which never came.

However after waiting for a while he decided to open his eyes, to see the beast still staring intently at him as If waiting for something. He was about to give a deep sigh of relief, when he saw a large mocking smile spreading across it's face showing off its sharp-pointed canine.

He felt a sharp pain sear through his body as warm blood filled his mouth, the pain felt so real that he began doubting if he was really in a virtual game.

"Yep that settles it they certainly made some updates to the game" he thought gnashing his teeth to endure the pain from punch.

[HP: 10] his HP had instantly dropped to 10 from just that one punch. It packed so much force that it carried him kilometers away.

He hit his back hard against a tree stoping his flight, he grunted in pain and following suit he slowly lost consciousness.

[Players health condition critical]

[Passive ability 'heal' has been activated]

[20NP used]

After seeing the last few notifications Nolans eyelids gave in as he soon fell unconscious.

[System Ra has been fully integrated]

[Activation has reached 100% congrats!!!!]

Allison curiously went towards the area where she'd heard the crashing sound.

'I guess I can only find out what happened by going there myself, at least this can keep me busy till Nolan decides to get here' she thought as she took a deep breath now leaving through the bridge to the location where she heard the noise.


In the vast grassland a young looking boy could be seen he had a bowl, bob cut dark green hair(at least his character in the game did) he was wearing a pair of glasses which brought out the color of his grey iris better, his oval shaped as well brought out his handsome features all the more giving a clear view of his pointed nose.

He was wearing a black long sleeve top with a white scarf tied around his neck and a plane black trousers.

His eyes were sternly fixed on the digital map in front of him as he pondered to himself;

'why was there suddenly a new location in the game system and why those everyone around seem to be converging at one point' he thought looking at the red dots which seemed to be coming together.

"Well thankfully my ability isn't a useless one this time around and killing those elemental beast really gave me an early boost..... I'd better go check what's going on there" he said stroking

his beardless chin.

[Quick- soundless steps activated]

[50 NP used]

"Hope there's more fun for me there" he thought dashing off with an amazing speed that even a blur couldn't be seen.