Troubling times……

Somewhere unknown to the rest of the world, a place devoid of light four dark blue eyes were opened and an ominous aura spread out far and wide. As the large figures stood the whole space around them shook violently.

A hot breath escaped from their mouths as they opened them up to speak.

“Sasseri, are you feeling their presence too” one asked in a deep voice that made the air vibrate

“Of course I can, we all can, and these beings are actually full of surprises” The one named Sasseri replied with a calm and soothing voice one that sounded as though she were singing.

“Indeed, if not do you think Ollon would have held them in such high regards that he entrusted them with the faith of our world” The other quickly added

“You’re right, Klezia but my worry now is what are we going to do? They have trespassed into this world, Ollon told us that this would happen but never told us what to do when it happens, and now they are already here, are we just going to lie in wait?” Sasseri asked, but before Klezia could reply the space shook once again as a sixth eye opened.

“Melissa!” they both said somewhat shocked.

“Why do you both sound so shocked, like you saw a spirit” the one known as Melissa asked her voice so tranquil as though carrying wisdom and knowledge in itself, it differed greatly from the other two as it carried great power.

“Uh it’s nothing is just that we weren’t aware that you were up” Sasseri replied.

“Yes, Ollon didn’t say anything about what we should do but he did mention that we shouldn’t make it easy for he who would become the chosen one. This is meant to be a test and I know just the right way to test these beings, a brutal and gruesome way that will tell the evil in their hearts.

“Rest assured Ollon’s sacrifice will never be in vain” Melissa said ignoring Sasseri’s reply.

They stumped the ground with their large paw a strong gust of wind spread out, the three began chanting in an otherworldly language. A thick blue array soon lightened up showing their gracious figure that would send shiver down the spine of any beholder and soon in front of them a notification popped up.

[Syncing with the world system ….]

[Assigned roles can now be accessed]

[Incoming message] The last notification was unexpected for the three and left them confuse ‘did the humans also mess with the system here? But it’s not possible’ Sasseri thought and surely the others thought same. However their doubt was cleared as a holographic figure appeared.

“Ollon!” the three said in astonishment

A man dressed in a corporate lab coat appeared. “Melissa, Klezia and of course Sasseri good day to you three” he said with a bright smile on his face and a stream of tears rolling from the sides of his cheek.

“Clearly I’m sure that if you’re watching this by now I’ll be one with time, indeed this universe we’re in is a strange one, thankfully with the help of some friends I was able to put this much investment for the hope of a better tomorrow for our world.

“I will use this to relay all the information you need to know concerning my plans and I need you to listen closely on your roles and understand how much each of your decision can affect everything we’re currently doing” He said, now with a stern expression on his face as he began explaining all that he had set in place before his demise.

“Understood!” the three said in unison “Master we shall do as you have said” and shortly the hologram disappeared as though it was never there.

“Hmm, it is time” Melissa said her profound gaze staring deep into the darkness.

A blinding light enshrouded them from the array and in a blink of an eye the three had disappeared going to perform their duties.


Walking down the stairs with his yellow pajamas with a mug of coffee in his hand he yawned not even bordering to cover his mouth, besides he didn’t care less it was his house and his rules, regardless of what anyone thought they wouldn’t tell him up to his face and certainly wouldn’t touch him.

“That was a wonderfully long night” said William, his face bright as ever, his vibrant black hair stood out even with the shades of gray.

He had an almost square shaped face with chiseled sides and a pointed chin even with the wrinkles on his face one wouldn’t deny his handsome look. His aquiline nose had also added to his grand look giving him a look befitting for the position he held.

Although, of course looks didn’t matter it still added as a good remark. By the top right corner of the room Tank walked towards the door holding lots of documents and William wasn’t too happy with this.

“Hey Tank, I think you should take a day out, you over work yourself a bit too much”

“Oh it’s really nothing for you to worry about, I woke up early so I decided to stretch out a bit” He quickly retorted

“Stretch out? With paper works and documents?” William asked, and the other not knowing what to say could only give a wryly smile.

Taking a deep breath he quickly changed the topic as the whole place was becoming awkward “Have you heard from Allison and Nolan?”

“No, I haven’t seen them since yesterday” Tank replied as he placed the folders and documents on the glass table.

“That’s strange, normally Nolan would be up by this time….”He paused pondering for a bit before he continued. “I might be leaving soon, I have a meeting with the senates. The EU have been trying to pull some strings” He said heading upstairs to the rooftop.

“Tell Stephen to get me a hot coffee I’ll be waiting for him at the rooftop” he added.

The rooftop gave the most beautiful scenery of his hilltop mansion. The display from up there was so natural and awe inspiring and it was as well relaxing for William.

By the side a beach chair and an umbrella had already been prepared for him, with a side stool where his tablet was placed.

He sat comfortably on the beach chair as he brought up his tablet to stream his usual news channel.

“Coming right from WWN; Early this morning it was reported that the popularly known VR game, The True Legends that had been launched recently had a system operation failure.

Currently the VR set houses about a billion people who are now unable to leave the virtual world…

Williams interest was piqued by the topic and of course it didn’t take him as much time to realize.

“Isn’t that the VR game Ally told me to purchase for her? A sudden feeling of worry washed over him.


so that's it, for now, they will be a slight pause in my writing scheme have some things to do.

for the update on QSVR follow me up on:

Instagram: Patricklad123

thank you