'Splash' a loud sound was heard in one of the large glass tubes, a figure could be seen struggling inside a large glass tube that was filled with a weird and somewhat sticky liquid, she had an oxygen mask on inside the tube allowing her to breath inside the glass tube easily, 'where am I?" she thought.

"Sir Thomson, one of the brain scanners went off,"

"Go and check it out, I am busy right now" Thomson replied.

"Alright sir" the worker replied as he ran off to check the tubes, he reached the lab room where the glass tubes were kept, he walked up to the glass tube he had seen on the desktop computer, he could see the beautiful figure, a girl with long brown hair, fair skin color, and a well-shaped face, she gave off a mesmerizing aura of beauty which easily allured him but something else was lingering in his mind as he thought 'how is she awake.

Pressing the green button on the tube, it opened up pouring the liquid to the floor and letting her out. looking at her surrounding she suddenly asked "Where am I?"

"This is one of the research facilities where all the players who are currently inside the game are kept for medical attention and for research to find out how to bring you all out of the game" he replied

"I see I'd like to meet my dad now so I'll be leaving," she said as she walked towards the door.

"Wait! the worker shouted holding her back, we still need to ask you about the things going on inside the game"

"I expected this, that only means I am the first to have left the game am I right," she asked

"yes" the worker stuttered a bit confused by her words.

"It's a bit complicated, but I will try my best to explain to your understanding" 'Nolan hope you're alright' she thought.

Thomson was sitting in his office still finding it hard to believe what he had seen in the news report 'Who could have killed him he was always a step ahead in everything he did, who was smart enough to kill him, Solace you were smart but it seems even you couldn't escape death, there is a lot more to this than it meets the eye' he thought looking at the flash drive on his table which Solace had given him not too long ago "Let us see what he found out in his research" he said.


After Thomson had been informed of the player that made it out of the game, it didn't take much time for the news to become a hot topic as it got leaked and soon enough people burst out in excitement expecting the same outcome for all the other players and that's why Allison found herself in her current position.

"Now can you tell us Miss Allison how you made it out of the game?" the reporter asked

"I can't say much, because a lot is still going on inside the game, but one thing I can say is, no one's coming out of the game anytime soon, even, though I won't be out for a long time I am limited to how long I can stay out at most 3 days" she replied blatantly

"And why is this?" the reporter asked

"Well you see it's not something I can clarify, but from what I do know it's how the game has been set, one can only leave if you are a 'True Legend in the game and luckily am one of these 'true legends', you can only become one by killing ten bosses of the world, and if you've done this you can leave the game ten times but as you do your slots will keep reducing, you can also increase your slots by killing more bosses, I know you'll probably be wondering why I or more supposedly we decided to only come out now, well it's because a lot of things are going on in the game and we are trying our best to help ourselves and as well the other players too," she said with her expression sober

"Oh I see can you tell us more about the problems you encounter in the game and maybe your plans to deal with them"

"Well as I said earlier I wouldn't want to elaborate much on the matter, so if you'll excuse me like I said I have limited time, so I would like to use it to attend to more important matters, but before I leave I'd like to say this 'Please bear with us we know most of you have been mourning for the death of your lost one, but I promise we will find a way to bring everyone back rest assured" She made her pronouncement and quietly left the news report office.

Coming out she was soon flooded with groups of news reporters all coming to take their share of the report "Now I have to deal with this," she said annoyed as she walked through the crowd at a fast pace to avoid any questions, but albeit she couldn't stop them from talking and soon enough the questions came "Can you explain more about the true legends"

"How many kills have you made"

"Why are you so confident that the 'true legends' can deal with the problem"

'Why do these people keep asking stupid questions' she thought as she struggled through ignoring all the reporters, abruptly "OUT OF THE WAY!!" a loud voice boomed making the place go quiet immediately, the people around shifted opening a path for the person, looking at the figure Allison couldn't be any happier "Tank, Rick long time, you came just in time, get me out of here"

"Of course young miss, right this way," Tank said gesturing her toward the tainted black limo parked at the side.

"Young miss your dad has been worried sick about you, and that's why he sent us to bring you back home immediately"

"hmph, he is worried sick and he didn't get me out of that stupid facility, my body has been itching since I came out"

"You see It isn't his fault, he had to keep you there just in case you needed any medical attention

"Yeah I know, can't he get me a personal doctor, stop trying to sugarcoat his reasons they are invalid, well it doesn't matter I will just have to meet him myself," she said as they drove to their destination.