Cruising: Angie

We walk until we reach the car, and then we cruise with the windows down. The cool air feels nice on my skin, relentlessly whipping my hair into my face. I'm shotgun next to Dan who's driving his red Camaro. Rose is in the backseat sitting as far away from Ben as possible. She looks out of place. I'm convinced that she's made it her life's mission to make me feel guilty. Why can't she just enjoy herself for once?

She's wearing an old throw on tee and worn out chucks. She doesn't care. For Dan to call her Pocahontas is sort of fitting. Not that their faces are alike, but she has this calm about her that you notice immediately. Though, she could be something stunning if she tried for once.

Killer full lips and almond eyes that waste away if you ask me. She never lets me put makeup on her. Why she doesn't she want to be seen? I try to pull that out of her, let her know that it's okay to shine. I doubt she hears me.

Our eyes meet briefly and I smile to make her feel comfortable. I'm given a sly smile back that rounds her freckled cheeks. Good.

Dan's fingers draw small circles in the palm of my hand. He rubs away the guilt until it's replaced with those tingly flutters in my stomach that I can't get enough of.

She needs this, I tell myself when he looks at me. Summer is finally here, and we both could use a good time.